Flamencourt pondered for a long time, but did not say a word. At last, he sighed, "we are old, and now we are in the way. Many young people in the back think that we are blocked in the road, which hinders their progress!"

But cruise immediately said, "flamencourto, how old are we? We're not old enough to retire. These kids, who created the environment here?"

With that, cruise said excitedly, "look at the world now, there are still several countries that can sell white powder as blatantly as we do, and also bind these with the government's son of a bitch, which is closely related to their interest. Who created all these marketing models? It's all you, flamencourt. Now you're in the way? They think too much! "

Cruise said to flamencourt immediately, "flamencourt, leave this matter to me, give me a week No, in three days, I'll clean up these guys Cough Cough... "

At this point, cruise's mood is very excited, covering his chest coughing up.

Seeing this, flamenco quickly advised cruise to sit down and not be so excited. "What are you excited about? Your wound is not healed yet

After coughing for a long time, cruise said to flamenco, "I'm so angry, these little kids Cough Cough Cough... "

Flamencourt could not help staring at cruise for a moment. He understood what cruise meant at this time. He was anxious to atone for what he had done for himself.

Thinking of this, flamencourt said to cruise, "you'd better take good care of yourself. Now look at you, and then look at me. They are all half useless people. What can you do to be strong?"

Cruise looked at flamencourt and said, "is that all?"

After hearing this, flamencourt pondered for a while. This is the problem he is facing. Although he did not initiate this incident, it is closely related to him now.

Many things are beyond his control now. It's just like war. No matter which party initiates the war, it's easy to start the war. It's not easy to stop the war completely.

After pondering for a long time, flamencourt looks at Ye Feng and Ma anda who have not spoken.

He first asked mahanda, "with your contact with them, what is their purpose? You want my life? "

Ma anda shrugged and said, "not only that, but all the assets, resources and contacts in your hands!"

Flamencourt frowned slightly, but cruise said excitedly, "it's just a dream Cough Cough... "

Ma anda shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's very clear that this matter is the result of your death. Either you are destroyed by them and the new forces will replace you and become the new order in Mexico, or you will destroy them and maintain the old order you have maintained in Mexico."

After listening to Ma anda's words, flamenco looked at Ye Feng who didn't speak. "Satan, what's your opinion?"

Ye Feng shrugged at this time and said, "I said, I don't ask about your group's affairs. I just need to finish my own business!"

Then he frowned and said to cruise, "when will your son deliver the things? I don't have so much time to waste with you here!"

When cruise heard this, he thought that his son, andali, had almost changed. Why hasn't he come yet?

Thinking of cruise, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "I'll call and ask. I don't know what's going on!"

At this time, Ye Feng sneered, "your son won't know that you are in danger here, so he left first?"

Cruise a listen to this words, the complexion is also immediately move, Zheng Zheng ground saw a leaf maple.

In fact, cruise was not sure whether it was possible. After all, in this world, for his own benefit, what could not happen?

I betrayed flamencourt, and now mahanda is playing these plays.

Thinking of this, cruise immediately dialed the number of andali.

But flamencourto said to Yefeng, "I know that the contradiction between you and dromus is also because you have the heart of seclusion, so it can escalate!"

At this point, flamencourt took a deep breath and then said, "in fact, you and I are still in the same situation. You should understand my current mood. That's why I want to hear your opinion!"

Ye Feng looked at flamenco and said, "my thoughts may not be close to yours. I have decided to retire. No resistance can stop me. But what about you? I don't think so. There are too many things you can't put down! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, flamenco immediately sighed and nodded, "you're right. I really have a lot of things to put down!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "that's it. I'm ready to retire. I can't change my mind when anything happens, but you are still hesitating. Our situation is different, so I have no opinion!"Listening to Ye Feng's words, flamencourt pondered again. Looking at Ye Feng in a daze, he didn't say anything again for a long time.

At this time, Ye Feng looked at flamenco and said, "you can't spend all the money you should earn in your life, can you? I've enjoyed what I should enjoy. What else can't I put down? "

After hearing this, flamenco looked at Ye Feng and said, "that's right. In my life, I don't lack anything. Money, status, women, power, money and color have all reached the peak. I used to live like a local emperor. What else can I do?"

Ye Feng smell speech but a shrug way, "this question, can only ask yourself, no one can help you answer!"

Of course, flamencourt understood this truth, but he just couldn't figure out what he could not let go of when he had reached the peak of his life?

Cruise then suddenly put down the phone, toward Ye Feng Road, "andali does not answer the phone!"

Ye Feng smell speech complexion immediately move, immediately fierce voice way, "isn't your father and son in play what trick?"? My patience is limited

Cruise immediately explained to Ye Feng, "at that time, you also listened to the phone call, and it was you who played. What I can do is not that andali deliberately didn't come, but that he was caught by the people over there?"

Then cruise said to Ye Feng, "if so, what you want may also fall into their hands!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately angry a foot will side stool kick open, take out a pistol to point to cruise way, "you are still playing tricks!"

Cruise's face suddenly changed, and he immediately raised his hands and said, "really not!"

At this time, cruise's phone rang again. He raised his hands and looked down. He immediately said to Ye Feng, "it's andali's number!"

Ye Feng pointed to the mobile phone with a gun, motioned to cruise to answer the phone, and told cruise to turn on the handsfree with his eyes.

Cruise answered the phone immediately, and then turned on the hands-free. As soon as the phone was connected, a man's voice came from the phone, "cruise, your son is in our hands now!"

Cruise smell speech face suddenly move, immediately toward the phone way, "who are you? How is andali now? "

The other side sneered and said, "he's very safe for the moment, but when we first contacted him, he didn't feel our kindness, so there were some misunderstandings. Under our help, the misunderstanding was temporarily relieved..."

As soon as crass heard this, his heart moved again, which meant that andali had been beaten by them. Thinking of him, he immediately said, "I want to hear the voice of andali!"

But the other side said with a smile, "yes, but should you calm down and listen to our requirements first? If I accidentally ask too much, and you can't do it, then there's no need to listen to your son's voice, do you think? "

Cruise smell speech immediately say, "what do you want?"

But the other side said, "it's very simple. We want flamencourt's life. That is to say, from now on, we will give you two hours to kill flamencourt. Two hours later, flamencourt will die and your son will live. Two hours later, flamencourt will live and your son will die. That's one life for one. Is that fair?"

Upon hearing this, cruise looked at flamencourt in silence, and flamencourt frowned slightly.

Don't want to call the man immediately said, "now listen to your son's voice, you think about it..."

As soon as the voice fell, I heard the voice of andali on the phone and said, "Dad, help me..."

Before andali finished, the man's voice came again, "don't waste your time. You still have one hour and fifty-seven minutes. You've wasted three minutes. I'll wait for your good news!"

With these words, the phone immediately hung up, and it came from the mobile phone. Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep.

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