Cruise was staring at the phone with a look of loss and worry on his face. He couldn't disguise himself. At first sight, he was really worried about his son.

Flamencourto then said to cruise, "cruise, andali should be OK for the time being. Don't worry about it first!"

Cruise looked at flamencourt melancholy for a while. He was puzzled. If the other party had to kill flamencourt, what should he do then?

Flamencourto looked at cruise's present look and seemed to realize what cruise was thinking. He immediately said to cruise, "cruise, you are not really thinking about how to kill me, are you?"

As soon as cruise heard this, he felt as if he had been said to be thinking. His face suddenly changed. He shook his head and said, "no, no, how can I think so?"

At this time, flamencourt said, "when it comes to the safety of your children, even if you think so, it's normal, and you don't have to hide anything!"

When Cruz heard what flamencourt said, he suddenly sighed, "flamencourt, I really can't help it. Now we don't even know who the other party is, let alone save people!"

Flamencourto also took a deep breath, then looked at Ma anda and said, "are you familiar with the voice on the phone just now?"

Mahanda shook his head and said, "never heard of it!"

Flamencourt then took a deep breath and said to Yefeng, "it seems that you are the only one to do it!"

But Ye Feng did not speak for a while. He was also thinking that the caller just mentioned the matter of andali, not the matter of ferrous metal.

This shows that the other party may not have found ferrous metal for the time being, which shows that ferrous metal is safe for the time being.

What's more, flamencourt asked for his help, which was also expected by Ye Feng. In this situation, flamencourt and cruise have no other way. At present, they can only ask for their help.

Klose then said to Ye Feng, "yes, now only you can do it, and what you want is still on the other side of andali. You saved him, and you can take what you want. Don't you kill two birds with one stone?"

At this point, cruise immediately changed his tone of voice with a hint of entreaty, and continued, "Satan, I know I'm not qualified to ask you to do anything, now even if I ask you to help, OK?"

Ye Feng at this time heart secretly scold, before he also want to kill andali, now actually want to evolve into his own to save him? What's all this about?

Flamencordo also said to Ye Feng, "I know that money can't move you, but still that sentence, as long as you help us now, cruise and I will remember your kindness for the rest of our lives. Cruise and I can't remember your kindness. I will let Diana and cruise will let andali, and they will continue to repay your kindness!"

Cruise immediately nodded to Ye Feng and said, "flamencordo is right. As long as you save andali, you can do anything you want me to do. Even if you want my life now, I will give it to you. As long as you promise to save andali, I will tell andali that I will repay you for the rest of my life. If he can't repay you enough, his children, his children's children..."

At this time, Ye Feng waved his hand and said to cruise and flamencourt, "don't talk about these later words. What do I want your descendants to repay me? Am I raising slaves? "

Cruise was shocked when he heard the words, but flamencourto said to Ye Feng with a moving face, "then you can offer your terms. As long as we can do it, we will do it immediately!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time, and then said, "I haven't thought of what to do for the time being. Let's keep it for a while, and think about it later!"

As soon as he heard this, flamencourto's face moved and he immediately asked, "so, do you agree?"

Cruise a listen to this words, the facial expression is also a move, looking at leaf Feng way with expectation's eyes, "you agreed?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "do I have any choice? Now what I want is still on the other side of andali. I will be saved if I save it or not! "

Cruise smell speech immediately gratified spot nod a way, "thank you! Thank you very much

Flamencourto said to Yefeng, "whatever help you need, just say that we can offer you all the help!"

Ye Feng looked at flamencourto and cruise, and before he spoke, he heard a loud noise outside.

Ye Feng frowned and went to open the door. However, he saw that many people were coming here, and the guards of cruise were blocking in front. The two forces were fighting each other. It seemed that they were about to start.

Seeing this, Ye Feng said to the guards, "stop, let them come here..."

After listening to cruise, the guard had to step aside one after another to listen to Ye Feng's order and let the people walk towards flamencourt's room.

A moment later, the group of people immediately entered the room and saw that flamencourt was sitting on the bed, and cruise was also sitting on one side. They were all stunned.Originally, they wanted to come and see if they could save flamencourt before they could leave here. By the way, they would sue cruise again. They didn't know if flamencourt knew he was under Cruise's house arrest.

But no one thought that cruise was sitting next to flamencourt.

Flamenco saw many people who were under his command. "Why are you all here?"

But Cruise's face moved slightly, and immediately said to flamencourt, "flamencourt, they came to visit you when you were injured, and I took the opportunity to put them under house arrest together!"

When he heard this, he was shocked.

And immediately someone in the crowd said to flamencourt, "flamencourt, cruise, this guy has betrayed you! You know what? "

For a moment, the crowd surged, and all of them began to complain to flamencourt. They were so excited that some of them even wanted to rush up to fight cruise.

Flamencourto reached out his hand and said, "I know what you're talking about. Shut up. It's over. I've decided to let cruise go!"

Someone immediately said, "how can we let bygones be bygones? If we make a start here in cruise, then everyone may rise up and betray us in the future. Do we all let bygones be bygones?"

Other people also began to follow suit and said, "yes, flamencourt, we can't let bygones be bygones. We must punish cruise severely and give you an account, and also give you an account. Otherwise, what rules are there?"

As soon as you finished, I said that for a moment, the whole room was just like the vegetable market. There were all kinds of voices. Some people even advocated killing cruise immediately.

Seeing this, flamenco immediately put his hand down the crowd and said in a loud voice, "listen to me! All quiet

Then they all shut up and looked at flamencourt.

But flamencourto said at this time, "this is not the time to discuss the issue of cruise. Now that we are facing a great enemy, it should be the time to meet the enemy together, not the time for internal struggle!"

Hearing this, they were all stunned. They didn't know what was going on. In their opinion, isn't Klose a great enemy now? How can there be a great enemy now?

Flamencourto then said to mahanda, "tell us about the situation!"

Ma anda was stunned, but he still talked about the situation he had just mentioned with flamencourt.

It suddenly dawned on everyone that crass and mahanda were just small characters. Behind them, there were big fish in charge of the whole situation, and the purpose was to completely solve these old guys.

After hearing this, they all began to get excited again. However, before they began to have different opinions, flamencourt immediately said, "cruise and mahanda were deceived for a while, and then they did some stupid things. They are old people who have been with me for a long time. Like you, there will be a feast for them, but not now. Now our first task is How to deal with foreign enemies! "

On hearing this, everyone could not help nodding. Indeed, from the current situation, it is much more practical to deal with the foreign enemies that are about to be killed than to deal with cruise and maanda now.

But the only good thing is that now the villa is full of flamencourt people. There should be no danger here for the time being.

Flamencourt then looked at Yefeng and said, "Satan, it's safe here now. You can let Diana and them come here!"

Ye Feng also nodded, and then called qianse bee to ask her to bring Maria first, and then called Diana to tell her that her father, flamencourt, is out of danger now, and asked Levis and Charlie to escort her.

At the same time, Ye Feng also tells Li Weisi about the general situation here, and tells him that cruise's son andali has been arrested, so it is necessary to protect Diana's safety.

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