After the call, Ye Feng nodded to flamenco and told him that everything had been arranged.

Flamencourto breathed a sigh of relief, but after all, andali was held by the other party on the way here, so flamencourto could not be completely relieved, and was somewhat worried.

Ye Feng also saw the worry of flamencourt. At this time, he said to flamencourt, "don't worry, Levis and Charlie will escort Diana back. There should be no problem!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng continued to say to flamencourto, "and there are hundreds of troops outside now. If necessary, I can let this team start at once!"

When people heard this, their faces suddenly moved. Especially cruise, he knew that when Ye Feng came here, he had already made all preparations, and he even pulled the army.

The dead can't help but have some fear. If he really wants to do something before, even if ye Feng doesn't clear his hands, he is estimated to have been baated many times by Ye Feng.

Think of here, cruise silently swallowed a mouthful of saliva, also dare not let heavy duty see his look.

After listening to Ye Feng's words, flamenco is more stable in public. After all, he knows that Ye Feng is not a threat to him at present. It's a team of hundreds of people outside, even more. It's not used to deal with him.

And after listening to Ye Feng, he believed that Diana would be able to come back here safely. After a long sigh of relief, he nodded to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng then said to flamenco, "it's safe here, so I don't have to stay. I'll leave when Maria and Diana come back!"

Flamencourto nodded again and then said to the other humanists, "it's all right now. You all leave. Don't stand here!"

At this time, cruise also showed his humanity to the public, "yes, flamenco has just recovered from a serious illness. What he needs now is rest. It's useless to keep so many people here. Why don't we all go back and see if we have anything to deal with?"

Some people don't prohibit sarcastic tone toward cruise way, "can have what matter, just go back to see if the field is occupied by you!"

Cruz is eager to talk and wants to argue, but he knows how wrong he is now. After all, who told him that he did something wrong before? "

However, it is estimated that those people are also looking at flamencourt's face, but after a few words of complaint, they leave one after another, saying nothing more.

As soon as these people left, qianse bee came with Maria. Seeing Ye Feng, Maria immediately quickened her pace.

Maria quickly walked in, immediately looked around, saw Ma anda, immediately ran over and hugged Ma anda, "Dad, are you ok?"

Ma anda didn't expect to see her daughter Maria again here. She immediately hugged Maria excitedly, patted her on the back and said, "don't worry, Maria, I'm ok!"

Maria cried with joy. After holding her father for a long time, she explained to flamencourt for Ma anda, "flamencourt, my father, he didn't want to kill you, he just hurt you by mistake..."

Flamencourto interrupted Maria and said, "I know exactly what your father has done, so you don't have to explain for him!"

After that, flamencourt looked at Ma anda for a long time. Then he said, "Ma anda, you have a daughter who is dedicated to saving you. You should cherish your next days."

After listening to what flamencourt said and staring at flamencourt for a long time, Ma anda finally bent his knees, knelt down and confessed to flamencourt, "flamencourt, I'm really wrong! Thank you for your forgiveness

After staring at mahanda for a long time, flamencourt said, "you don't have to thank me. Satan and your daughter saved your life. If you still care about your daughter and hope that your daughter will live a happy life in the future, you will know what you should do in the next days!"

Ma anda immediately nodded and said, "I know, I will take Maria out of Mexico, go to a place where no one knows us and start over. I have no face to stay in Michoacan any more!"

Flamencourt nodded and said, "I mean the same thing. Even if I let you go, the people behind you know you didn't finish your task and betrayed them. It's really dangerous for you to stay here!"

He took a deep breath and said to cruise, "cruise, you can help them leave Mexico!"

After pondering for a moment, Cruz nodded and said, "don't worry, flamencourt. It's up to me!"

Flamencourto then asked mahanda, "what else do you know?"

Ma anda shook his head and said, "others really don't know. I'm not their core, and they won't let me know too much!"

After pondering for a while, flamenco nodded and said, "take your daughter downstairs first. Don't leave here for the time being. We'll see you off when cruise has arranged for you."Ma anda was grateful to flamenco for a while, and finally gave flamenco a few kowtows. Then he got up and took Maria to the door.

When Maria came to Ye Feng's side, she nodded to Ye Feng and said gratefully, "thank you!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said to Maria, "take care all the way!"

Maria just nodded and said nothing more. Then she turned around and followed Ma anda out of here.

After Maria and mahanda left, cruise asked flamencourto, "flamencourto, do you mean to let me take them away, or do you mean to take them away?"

Flamingo frowned and said, "cruise, why do you have so many thoughts? Do you think I forgive you? Do you really forgive you, or do you say one thing at a time?"

When cruise heard this, his face suddenly moved, and then he said, "I see! I know how to do it! "

Flamencordo said to Cruz solemnly, "to prevent you from getting me wrong again, I'll tell you formally that you helped mahanda and his daughter leave Mexico, not to kill them! Do you understand? "

"I understand," said cruise! I won't be confused. This time, I really know! "

Just as she was saying that, there was a sound of footwork outside the door. Ye Feng looked sideways and saw Diana running towards this side, followed by Levis and Charlie.

Diana saw that Ye Feng was standing near the door. Seeing that he looked at him, she immediately nodded to him with a smile. Then she went into the room and saw that flamencourt was sitting on the bed intact. She immediately rushed over and hugged flamencourt, "Dad!"

Flamencourt also laughed, just like an ordinary father, hugged Diana and patted her on the back. "It's OK!" he said

At this time, Levis and Charlie also came in. When they saw flamencourt, they all nodded and cried, "flamencourt!"

Flamenco took one more look at them and said to them, "hard work!"

Charlie immediately said to flamenco with a smile, "it's not hard. In fact, we haven't done anything yet."

Levis nodded and said to flamenco, "yes, this time it's all thanks to miss and Satan. Without them, we can't do anything!"

After flamencourt nodded, Diana also released flamencourt. At this time, she said with a smile to Ye Feng, "thank you!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders again, just as he had just said to Maria that it was nothing. Then he said to flamenco, "now Diana is safe, I can go!"

As soon as Diana heard this, she looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "so soon? Where are you going? "

Flemingo didn't wait for Ye Feng to speak. He immediately said to Diana, "he has something important to do!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "yes, I have other things to do!"

Diana looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you going to come back?"

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I don't know, maybe I won't come back, maybe I will come back!"

Diana is looking at Ye Feng with a lost face. She wants to keep Ye Feng, but she doesn't know what to say.

In the end, Diana just nodded and said, "then be safe!"

Ye Feng just nodded and said, "thank you!"

Cruise but toward Ye Feng way, "you don't know where they are, how do you find them?"

Ye Feng pointed to his head and said, "sometimes you need to use it more. Since your son's mobile phone is on their side, it's not difficult to find them!"

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