Ye Feng put away the pistol and said, "it's interesting to talk like this. At least it can reduce the pain of skin and flesh, don't you think?"

Whiskers at this time did not stop the location of the first way, "yes, yes, it is my problem, as long as you do not kill me, I can take you to find our boss!"

Ye Feng nodded at this time, head a crooked way, "that still wait for what?"? Would it take another shot to know what to do next? "

As soon as Beard heard this, his face suddenly moved. He immediately walked downstairs and said, "I'll take you now. Follow me!"

At this time, Ye Feng and qianse bee follow behind his beard, and follow him downstairs. When he arrives downstairs, Ye Feng takes a look at the place where andali should be.

He then said to the thousand color bee, "andali, did you let him run?"

Thousand color bee nodded and said, "yes, I told him to run first. Anyway, the thing is not on him, so I let him go first and come to help you!"

Ye Feng nodded, did not say anything more, continue to follow the beard toward the door.

When he got to the outermost room, Ye Feng noticed that he hesitated when he walked.

Ye Feng immediately fired a shot at the foot of the beard. The beard was startled. He immediately stopped and raised his hands.

Ye Feng sneered at his beard and said, "if you play any tricks at this time, I have only one word to give you, that is, you must be tired of living, and you will think so!"

Whiskers smell speech quickly denied, "I didn't, how dare I play any tricks!"

Although he said that, he was muttering in his heart. He was really looking around at the environment just now to see if he could escape while Ye Feng was talking to qianse bee.

But originally, he thought Ye Feng and qianse bee were following them. He didn't know his eyes were looking around.

But beard never dreamed, even so, Ye Feng can see his mind in general.

Originally some careful thinking, at this time the screw beard no longer dare to have a little bit, suddenly a lot of honest.

From Ye Feng's cold-blooded killing his gang of people who have already raised their hands to surrender, he knows that when Ye Feng wants to kill himself, he will never have the slightest idea of tenderness.

At this time, whiskers had already walked outside the factory. Originally, he planned to step out first and then take the opportunity to run to the car on one side.

As long as you run into the car and start the car, you can run away. But now, I don't know if ye Feng has a gun at his back. As long as he wants to run again, he will shoot immediately.

So at this time, bearded can only walk in front honestly, and dare not move at all. Once he moves, he knows he will be shot.

Soon after getting on the bus, Ye Feng and qianse Feng also got on the back seat and sat behind their beards.

At this time, Ye Feng said to his beard, "take us directly to your boss. If you play a trick, you know the consequences. If you talk too much, you think I'm bluffing!"

He started the car and drove it out of the workshop and onto the main road.

On the road, the bearded even dare not look at Ye Feng and qianse bee from the rear mirror, for fear that Ye Feng will see him and look at them, thinking that he is moving something wrong.

At this time, Ye Feng said to his beard, "what's your boss's name?"

The beard said immediately, "John, John Jordan!"

Ye Feng smell speech brow a wrinkly way, "listen to this name don't want to be Mexican native!"

Whiskers immediately said, "no, he's American!"

Ye Feng hears the speech and ponders for a while. He hasn't spoken for a long time, but in his heart, he is in a secret way. It turns out that the boss behind them is an old beauty.

The thousand color bee then said to his beard, "what's your name?"

"I don't have a name. I'm an orphan. They call me curly!" he said

Ye Feng asked his beard, "is this John Jordan your biggest boss?"

Beard even busy way, "is not also!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help a wrinkly way again, "you play what pattern, what isn't also?"

He said, "there are several bosses. My boss is one of them. I can't see who is the big boss and who is the small boss. It seems that they all use their words!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "partner system?"

Whiskers immediately said, "yes, it's the partnership system. They are all in one group, all Americans But the people who help them are all Mexican natives! "

Ye Feng thought it was just a coincidence that John Jordan was an American, but he didn't expect that several bosses were all American. It seems that he has something to do with Lao Mei.

Although he thought so, Ye Feng didn't say much.Soon the car drove into the city, and Ye Feng asked again, "how far is it?"

Beard immediately said, "it's in Nancheng district. It's coming soon. Don't worry!"

Finish saying this, beard immediately asked Ye Feng way, "I will send you to, will you let me go?"

Ye Feng then toward the beard way, "you don't feel casually drag us to a place, and then tell us your boss is upstairs, and then expect me to let you go?"

Once beard heard this, his face suddenly moved and said, "do you want me to take you up? I can't do this. If my boss sees me, I can't expect to live. What's the difference between killing me and that?"

Ye Feng hasn't spoken yet, thousand color bee then toward beard way, "but you don't follow us up, how dare we believe you, your eldest brother is up?"

Whiskers immediately said, "I absolutely did not lie, take you to the place where my boss is, where I dare to cheat you, not afraid to die?"

Ye Feng said with a sneer, "you see your boss is afraid of death, so are you! Now it's a dilemma. Do you die in our hands or in the hands of your boss? "

Beard almost cried, with crying cavity toward Ye Feng said, "I promise not to lie, but I really don't know how to let you believe me!"

At this time, the thousand color bee also said to his beard, "it seems that you have no choice. We don't even know your boss. Go downstairs and ask us to go up. Who can we go to?"

When he heard this, he was shocked and thought that if he didn't take them to see his boss, they didn't even know who his boss was.

Thinking of this, I felt embarrassed for a while. I didn't know what to do for a moment. It seemed that I was a little absent-minded when driving, and the car was in a serpentine shape.

Ye Feng also saw at this time, the beard is really worried, not in the fraud.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to his beard, "in this way, when we get downstairs, we won't go upstairs either. You call your boss and inform him that something has happened in the factory. After someone comes down from upstairs, you can point out who is your boss! "

As soon as he heard this, he couldn't help thinking about it. He immediately nodded and said, "that's good! That's it

Ye Feng didn't speak any more, and soon his beard seemed to untie his heart knot, and his driving became normal gradually.

Bearded quickly parked the car in a downstairs, then toward Ye Feng Road, "across the road there is a broken neon sign, see not, then go up the corridor below, the second floor door facing west, that is the boss's mistress home!"

At this time, Ye Feng nodded to his beard and said, "call your boss!"

Beard immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. After thinking about it for a long time, no one got through.

Beard can't help looking back toward Ye Feng, "no one answers!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning, "no one answers?"

The thousand color bee then asked the beard, "this is your eldest brother's mistress's house. Does your eldest brother have no place to live?"

Whisker said, "his family is in the United States, and he lives here in Michoacan. The girl above doesn't know what kind of ecstasy she gave our boss. He looks like that. Our boss is so fascinated by her that he has to come here every day. I used to drive him here, but later I got promoted and did other things, so he found a driver again It's also my acquaintance. I heard him say it's the same. Almost the boss comes here every day! "

After listening to this, Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "wait here, I don't believe he won't go downstairs!"

Beard then looked at Ye Feng in the rearview mirror. Then he asked tentatively, "who are you? Is it the boy's man? "

Ye Feng is toward the beard way, "is not talking to you more, give you a good face, so you began to play ghost idea, began to explore the wind?"

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