When Ye Feng said that, his face changed and he quickly shook his head and said, "I just asked casually. There is absolutely no other question. I don't talk now!"

Ye Feng took a look at his beard, but he didn't say anything more. He took a look at the time and thought to himself that if John Jordan would come out soon, fortunately, if he didn't come out today, he would have to wait here for a day.

Thinking of Ye Feng or first take out the phone to Diana made a phone call, inform her this side has rescued andali, but andali has not gone back, Ye Feng they don't know.

Ye Feng also just said that the scene was a bit chaotic and he didn't care about it, so he asked cruise to send someone to look for it. Don't be found by the other party's people after rescue. Then he didn't have the leisure to save people again.

Diana immediately passed the news to cruise, and cruise immediately sent his men to find andali all over the street. It's necessary to find him.

After hanging up Diana's phone, Ye Feng lit a cigarette and looked across the road. He was still thinking that he would wait for an hour at most. If John Jordan didn't come out in an hour, he would have to come to the door in person.

Even if he refused to go upstairs at that time, he would have to do something sorry to him to force him to go upstairs. At that time, no matter whether this guy was willing or not.

Beard, as he said, has never said a word since he said nothing. He just stares at the other side of the road, as if he also hopes to see John Jordan on the other side.

The thousand color bee also has not spoken all the time, just looked at Ye Feng from time to time, and then looked at the beard, a thoughtful look.

Ye Feng inadvertently looked back at the thousand color bee, just to see the thousand color bee thoughtfully, can't help but ask, "what do you think?"

Thousand color bee this time just returned to God, immediately toward Ye Feng said, "since we are at a loss now, why don't we think of other ways to solve this matter?"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and look at the thousand color bee, "other methods? What other method do you mean? "

Thousand color bee immediately toward Ye Feng said, "this matter is zhuomus meaning, task is also he assigned, things are also he wants, since we have a problem here, can we ask zhuomus for help?"

Ye Feng smell speech but a burst of ponder ground looking at thousand color bee, immediately say, "do you think I can't handle this matter?"? Or do you think that dromus can get involved at this time? "

Thousand color bee smell speech facial expression is to move ground to look at Ye Feng way, "you still have suspicion to me up to now, I don't mean to want Zhuo Mu Si to intervene in, I mean, why don't take advantage of this opportunity, even if you can, also say no?"

Ye Feng listens to the thousand color bee so a say, can't help but Zheng Zheng ground looking at thousand color bee way, "OK also say no?"? What do you mean

The thousand color bee sighed a little, and then asked Ye Feng, "if you are not with me now, but with Dixie, will you have to find the black metal to give up?"

Ye Feng listen to thousand color bee so say, immediately say, "also not necessarily, if can get, that had better get hand, even if at that time Zhuo Mu Si back what of, also can take thing to coerce him, but can't get also don't demand!"

The thousand color bee immediately nodded and said, "yes, but now that Dixie is not with you, you have no choice, at least the choice is very small. You must get this thing to save Dixie!"

Ye Feng nodded, looked at the thousand color bee way, "you directly say what you mean!"

The thousand color bee immediately said to Ye Feng, "but if Dixie is here now, you have a lot of choices. You can go to John Jordan, or you can't, so why don't you take this opportunity to have a VIP with zhuomus? You say that no one can help you except Dixie!"

When Ye Feng heard this, his heart suddenly moved. He couldn't help staring at the thousand color bee for a long time. Then he suddenly said, "you're right. If I can't do it here, zhuomus will definitely want that thing, so I can talk about the terms with him. The terms are to ask Dixie to come and help me!"

The thousand color bee can't help nodding and said, "that's right. Otherwise, what chance do you have for Dixie to leave there and come here? Even if you exchange the black metal for Dixie, it's hard to see that baudromus doesn't play any tricks! "

Ye Feng can't help nodding and said, "what you said is right, and don't say whether zhuomus will really let Dixie come, even if he really let Dixie come, then I really don't have to take the black metal. If I can't get the metal, what will your mother do?"

Thousand color bee listen to Ye Feng say so, immediately but a smile way, "I help you think of such a good idea, I believe you will never let me in this helpless, but you don't care!"

Yefeng listen to thousand color bee so say, can't help but heart is also a move, thousand color bee is right, even if she didn't help yourself think of now this can and zhuomus important idea, in fact, Yefeng heart also didn't want to give up to take back the black metal.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng nodded to qianse Feng and said, "you know me very well. I really won't make you embarrassed. No matter whether Dixie can come to help or not, I have to get this thing. If Dixie doesn't come, I'll take it with you to save your mother and Dixie. If Dixie comes, I'll also accompany you to save your mother. After all, zhuomus is not a good man I can completely believe that even if you really hand things over to him, when he sees that you are so nervous, your mother may not let anyone go at all, and he also takes this opportunity to coerce you into joining TSL, and then he will concentrate on working for him! "Speaking of this, after a pause, Ye Feng continued to say, "but there's one thing about dromus that's not bad. As long as you promise to work for TSL, your mother will be 100% safe, but if you have any different intentions, it's hard to say!"

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, immediately toward leaf maple way, "I just won't join TSL, if before you are in, and also intend to do, I may consider, you are not in now, I more impossible to join!"

Ye Feng nodded, then took a deep breath, carefully thought about what the thousand color bee said, immediately picked up the mobile phone, dialed the number of zhuomus that had not been dialed for a long time.

After thinking for a while, zhuomus got through. Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, zhuomus' voice said, "today is the deadline! Is the task done? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "how can it be so smooth? Now I have a problem. I need a helper!"

Zhuomus frowned and said, "I've always been a lone ranger who likes to be alone in any task. It's not easy to ask for a helper."

Ye Feng immediately said, "to make a long story short, I need Dixie's help, or I can't finish the task today!"

But dromus said, "Dixie? You need Dixie's help. You should call her, not me? "

But Ye Feng said to Dixie, "zhuomus, we are not fools. Some words are meaningless. Dixie is on your side. Do you think you don't know? I'll give you an hour now. I have to see Dixie in an hour! "

Zhuomus pondered for less than ten seconds and then said to Ye Feng, "what if we can't see Dixie in an hour?"

Ye Feng sneered and said, "zhuomus, don't think that you can coerce me if you catch Dixie. If you want to play with me, you should know my character. I can give up the task here and go to you directly. At that time, even if you lose your life, I will die with you!"

Speaking of this, without waiting for zhuomus to speak, Ye Feng immediately said, "don't take Dixie to coerce me, you should also know her character. Once she knows that I'm in a dilemma because of her, her character will choose to die, and it won't make me have any burden, so if Dixie dies, do you think I will let you go? All my life, you are my mission goal, the only mission goal! "

Ye Feng said and immediately took a deep breath, "one hour, you look at it yourself! I'm not talking to you! "

Finish saying this, Ye Feng also didn't wait for zhuomus to speak, immediately hung up the phone, didn't give him the opportunity to explain at all.

Thousand color bee at this time but surprised looking at Ye Feng way, "Dixie Si is still in his hand, you actually use this tone to talk with him, you are not afraid that he will be adverse to Dixie Si?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "you don't know zhuomus. He is a bully sometimes. The more you feel constrained by him, the less likely he is to give in. Only when you let him clearly realize that he has kicked the steel plate, he will realize the problem!"

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