Thousand color bee listen to Ye Feng so a say, immediately a consternation, immediately nodded a way, "is also, you grow up under his hand from childhood, to he must be very understanding!"

Ye Feng didn't say anything more. Even when he was talking to qianse bee, he couldn't keep his eyes away from the opposite road. At this time, he just saw someone coming down the stairs. He immediately asked his beard, "is it your boss?"

Whiskers have been staring at it, he is now eager to his boss John Jordan down quickly, help Ye Feng recognize the person after he quickly leave, stay here he always feel unsafe.

Listen to Ye Feng so ask oneself, the beard immediately stares at the person who comes down to see one eye, immediately shook to shake head a way, "is not!"

Ye Feng has a somewhat impatient look, immediately toward the beard way, "an hour, you don't come down, you follow me up, I have no patience in this slowly waste time!"

After all, he went up. If his boss knew that he had betrayed him, there would be no place to die.

Ye Feng doesn't insist that whisker must answer himself. As long as he makes up his mind to do it, he is not discussing with him, but notifying whisker.

After about a quarter of an hour, less than 20 minutes or so, a few people came down the aisle across the road. This time, without waiting for Ye Feng to ask, they stared there.

The first few people to walk down to the intersection did not immediately leave, but stood on the side of the road smoking cigarettes.

Beard immediately said to Ye Feng, "I know those people. They are all under the boss's hands..."

Ye Feng a listen to this, complexion suddenly move, immediately stare at the opposite side of the road to see.

But they were smoking by the side of the road, looking around intentionally or unconsciously, as if they had come down specially to help John Jordan explore the wind.

Ye Feng holds the handle of the door in one hand and takes out the pistol in the other hand. As soon as John Jordan appears, he will go out immediately, but now he can't act rashly.

About another quarter of an hour later, a white man came down with a Mexican woman in his arms. The white man was wearing a flowered shirt with a cigar in his mouth and a huge gem ring on his finger.

When he got downstairs, the white man took his cigar and hugged the Mexican woman by the side of the road. After a kiss, he patted her on the butt and waved goodbye.

That woman's appearance is really ordinary, but the amorous feelings are infinite. After throwing a wink at the white man, she immediately twisted her buttocks and went upstairs.

Whisker said at once, "that's him!"

Ye Feng had already expected that, but he still needed to have a beard. As soon as he heard this, he immediately put the pistol in his pocket and opened the door.

On the other side of the road, someone began to pay attention to Ye Feng, but saw Ye Feng get off the car and close the door, then reached out for a cigarette.

But just when Ye Feng took out his cigarette, someone on the opposite side began to hold a gun. It was a weapon to prevent Ye Feng from taking out his cigarette.

But when he saw that Ye Feng took out his cigarette box, he was relieved, but he still stared at Ye Feng for a while.

Ye Feng then took out the lighter to want to light a cigarette, but the lighter has been playing for many times, he can't help but gas will immediately throw the lighter on the ground.

Ye Feng took the cigarette in his mouth, looked around, and then walked toward the opposite side.

Those people who were looking at Ye Feng on the opposite side saw that Ye Feng was walking towards him. Suddenly, his heart moved again.

After walking over, Ye Feng held the cigarette in his mouth and said to a minion on the side of the road, "friend, borrow a fire! The lighter is broken! "

The man stared at Ye Feng for a moment, and saw that Ye Feng was looking at himself with a pair of harmless eyes. Then he took out the lighter and lit a cigarette for Ye Feng.

At this time, in the opposite car, the beard said to the thousand color bee, "now I have pointed out my boss, can I go?"

The thousand color bee says toward the beard, "you go out now, don't you find your boss to recognize you?"

Beard a listen to this, the heart next think is also, can only sit in the car looking at the opposite, see Ye Feng actually past borrow fire, can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "this guy what?"

At this time, qianse bee is also paying attention to Ye Feng's movement. At this time, it also notices that Ye Feng is standing on the opposite side, lighting a cigarette by fire, and his heart is also moving.

At this time, Ye Feng lit a cigarette, then nodded to the man in front of him, "thank you!"

That person then toward leaf Feng way, "borrow fire to hurry to walk......"

Ye Feng nodded and smoked a mouthful of cigarettes, but he sprayed a mouthful of cigarettes on the man's face.

The man's face suddenly changed, but saw Ye Feng took out a gun from his pocket, facing his head.

"Bang" after the gunshot, suddenly the minions over there were all stunned, and then all of a sudden they reacted. They all opened to Ye Feng's side and began to take out their guns.

Ye Feng mouth holding a cigarette, a hand holding a gun, a hand holding his hand with a gun, to those guns, a shot fell.When the others on the road heard the gunshot, they screamed and fled.

John Jordan, who had already been hoodwinked, immediately took out his gun and ran to the side of the road.

John Jordan also saw that Ye Feng's shooting technique was a professional killer. He was obviously aiming at himself. Can he still run?

However, when John Jordan ran to the end of the road to make a turn, Ye Feng had already knocked down all his prime ministers. At this time, he raised his gun to John Jordan's butt in front of him.

After the "bang" shot, John Jordan fell to the ground with a scream.

At this time, Ye Feng just finished shooting a bullet clip. He immediately took out a bullet clip and went to John Jordan while changing the bullet clip.

John Jordan saw that Ye Feng was coming towards him. His face moved. He immediately raised his gun to shoot Ye Feng.

But Ye Feng raised his hand with a shot, and instantly shot the gun in John Jordan's hand, but he didn't hurt John Jordan's hand.

Looking at Ye Feng's shooting style, John Jordan was stunned. At this time, he looked at Ye Feng again. He walked towards him with an awe inspiring posture. He immediately raised his hands and said, "don't kill me!"

Ye Feng quickly went to John Jordan's front, pulled each other's hair, then the muzzle of the gun against her head, "what's the matter?"

John Jordan's face moved and he said, "what is it? I don't understand. We don't know each other at all. Do you recognize the wrong person? "

Ye Feng sneered at this time and said, "you caught andali and used it to coerce cruise. Didn't you take anything from him?"

John Jordan suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you from cruise?"

Ye Feng sneered and said, "don't diverge from me. I'll give you ten seconds to say where the thing is Ten Nine... "

On hearing this, John Jordan said, "it's not on my side!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "not on your side? Whose side is that? "

John Jordan immediately said, "I don't know what you're talking about, but even if I don't know, I can tell you that it's not on my side, because I didn't take anything from andali. Our boss took all his things!"

Ye Feng smell speech facial expression can't help but a deep way, "your eldest brother?"? Aren't you the boss? Do you have a boss? "

John Jordan said in amazement, "I'm the boss? Don't laugh Yes, I have dozens of people under my command. I'm a horse under the boss. How can I be the boss? "

Ye Feng frowned at John Jordan and said, "aren't you John Jordan?"

John Jordan's face moved. "Me? John Jordan? What do you mean, laugh? How can I be our boss? "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately scold a way, "that who are you?"

John Jordan continued, "my name is curly..."

Ye Feng smell speech facial expression immediately move, immediately toward the car there to see, but see there's already no one in the driver's seat.

Ye Feng realized that he might have been cheated. In front of him, this "John Jordan" is curly hair.

Before the beard said he called curly, he actually subconsciously looked at the guy's hair, not curly at all.

But Ye Feng didn't think much about it at that time, and the "John Jordan" in front of him was really curly. His hair was withered and yellow, and curly.

Ye Feng immediately pulled curly hair to stand up and pulled him to the car across the road. At the same time, he kept curly hair in front of himself to prevent the beard in the car from threatening himself with thousand color bees.

Ye Feng pushed curly hair forward and asked him, "is your eldest John Jordan full of whiskers?"

As soon as curly hair heard this, he immediately said, "yes, my boss is a beard!"

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