Ye Feng at this time heart next move, although early realized this point, but from curly mouth personally hear, still can't help a burst of regret.

It turned out that the bearded man was John Jordan, and the one he called "John Jordan" was the one he pretended to recognize.

At that time, in order to avoid being seen by John Jordan, I specially looked at John Jordan's Micro expression and found that he really shouldn't be lying.

Now it seems that this John Jordan is a very good actor.

Curly hair then cried, "friend, you let me go, I don't know anything at all!"

Ye Feng didn't pay attention to the curly hair, but looked in the direction of the car. At this time, there was no one in the driver's seat, but he couldn't see the back seat from this angle. I didn't know if the thousand color bee was still in the car.

He pushed curly hair all the way to the side of the car, and then he saw qianse bee lying in the back seat.

Ye Feng immediately opened the door and took a look at the thousand color bee. He saw that there was no surface scar on the thousand color bee's body, but there was a hit mark on his forehead, which was swollen.

This shows that the thousand color bee was stunned by John Jordan, that is to say, John Jordan had already run at this time.

Ye Feng looked around a circle, and then picked up a rope to tie curly hair to the co pilot's seat. Then he went to the people who had strangled the thousand color bee.

After a while, qianse bee woke up. When she saw Ye Feng, her face suddenly moved, and then she said, "curly guy, I've been looking for a chance to run..."

Ye Feng then said to qianse Feng, "he is not curly hair. Curly hair is sitting in the co pilot. We are all cheated by him. The real John Jordan is the beard!"

As soon as qianse bee heard this, her face changed. She looked at the guy in the co pilot's seat in consternation and was stunned.

But I thought that just now I was in the car, and my beard deliberately led me to see Ye Feng. Suddenly I picked up something and hit my head.

At this time, qianse bee also believed that the man in front of him had curly hair. This is curly hair. But before, curly hair didn't curl at all. How could it be called curly hair.

Think of here, thousand color bee can't help a wry smile way, "it seems that we are both played by a 'curly hair'!"

But Ye Feng shrugged, "it doesn't matter, at least he helped us find the real curly hair!"

But the thousand color bee looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what's the use of finding curly hair?"

Ye Feng then went to the driver's seat and sat down, then the muzzle of the gun against the curly chin, "don't ask me, you should know what I want to ask, right?"

Curly immediately raised his hand and said, "I don't know anything!"

Ye Feng sneered, "your boss, John Jordan, deliberately brought us to you and said that you are John Jordan. The purpose is to let you be his ghost. You are loyal. At this time, you are still helping your boss!"

Curly hair didn't react for a moment, at this time listen to Ye Feng so a say, suddenly a Leng, immediately will be meaning.

Yes, Ye Feng is right. The reason why Ye Feng wants to kill himself is that his boss betrayed himself and let him be his ghost.

Thinking of this, curly hair took a deep breath and immediately asked Ye Feng, "what do you want to know? I'll tell you what I know!"

Ye Feng this just put away gun way, "you can think so right!" But Ye Feng didn't immediately ask questions. Instead, he started the car and drove away from here.

After waiting for the car to drive on the road, Ye Feng said, "since your boss can bring us here to find you, I believe you should know where to find your boss?"

As soon as curly hair heard this, he immediately said, "yes, I know his home, and I know where he often goes."

Ye Feng satisfaction point head way, "you this attitude, I really can't bear to hurt you, a moment as long as find your boss, you can go!"

Curly hair a listen to this words, immediately grateful toward leaf maple way, "thank you!"

At this time, Ye Feng changed his voice, and his voice became extremely cold. "You can see my means. It's best for you to take us to find your boss, but if I find that you lied to me or played a trick, then..."

As soon as curly hair hears this, he says to Ye Feng, "understand, understand, I absolutely dare not play any tricks! Don't worry! "

Ye Feng listen to curly hair so a say, this just satisfied place nod a way, "so best!"

The car continued to drive all the way to the front, and Ye Feng asked curly hair, "where should I go now?"

Curly asked Ye Feng, "are you familiar with the streets of Michoacan?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "not familiar!"

At this time, curly hair took out his mobile phone and called out the navigation channel, "I'm not too familiar with it, but I remember the place names, thanks to the navigation!"

Ye Feng listen to curly hair so a say, can't help looking at him one eye, in the heart secretly ask oneself, this guy is reliable or not, he actually don't know the way?

At this time, qianse bee asked Mao, "aren't you from Michoacan?"Curly shrugged and said, "no, I'm an American. I've only been to Mexico for five years, and I've only been to Michoacan for less than two years..."

The thousand color bee can't help but say, "two years? That time is not short. Why don't you know the way? "

However, curly hair said, "what we do is all shady business. We don't want to wander around. We only know the roads around us. If we go further, we won't be familiar with them."

Ye Feng listen to curly hair this explanation is reasonable, so did not ask more, according to curly hair to the navigation, continue to open toward the front.

Curly hair explains to Ye Feng, "this is the boss's residence! If not, we'll go to his wife. If not, it's in one of his factories. If not, I really don't know! "

Ye Feng did not threaten curly hair, no matter curly hair is true, in addition to these three places, do not know other places, or deliberately lying, also wait to go to these three places.

Soon the car arrived at the place marked on the navigation. After stopping, Ye Feng looked at the curly hair and said, "you won't be the same as your boss, don't you dare to go up?"

Curly hair shrugged and said, "what do I dare not do? If he dares to ask me to be a ghost for death, I will betray him, and I will betray him openly, that is, to let him know! "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help but also be a dismay, didn't expect this curly hair so just?

After Ye Feng opened the car door, he untied the rope on curly hair, and then asked qianse bee, "are you waiting here or going up together?"

The thousand color bee has already opened the car door and got out of the car. He touched his smashed head and said coldly, "I can't swallow this breath if I don't return it now!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding to the thousand color bee, and then let curly hair lead the way in front, while he put one hand in his pocket, holding a gun to curly hair in front.

As long as curly hair is a little bit wrong, he will be shot immediately, and the same problem will not be repeated.

But curly hair did look as if he was betrayed by his boss, John Jordan, and wanted to find him for revenge.

But even so, Ye Feng does not take it lightly, the gun in his hand has never left his hand, no matter what, as long as there is a little doubt, immediately shoot, never soft.

Soon into the elevator, curly hair pressed the button on the 17th floor, mouth toward Ye Feng said, "his home out of the elevator after the third left door is, his door has monitoring!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, heart next move, secret road normal family who will be in their own door by monitoring?

However, John Jordan is also a drug dealer. Although he may not be as powerful as flamenco, he is also engaged in illegal activities. He is worried that he will be arrested at any time. It is reasonable to install a monitoring system at his home!

But understanding doesn't mean anything else. If there is surveillance at his door, that is, the moment they come out of the elevator, John Jordan will probably know.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately pressed the button on the 16th floor, and then pressed the button on the 17th floor twice to cancel.

Curly hair was surprised and said, "his house is on the 17th floor. I can't remember it wrong!"

Ye Feng then toward curly hair way, "I know, but we from 16 layers, walk the stairs of safe passage up!"

Curly hair seems to understand the meaning of Ye Feng, immediately nodded, "yes, his home monitoring is facing the elevator door, the safety channel there is a dead corner, monitoring may not see!"

Thousand color bee this time toward Ye Feng said, "I expect the other party should not be at all, although he ran away, but also certainly know that we will find him, home is not stupid?"

Ye Feng also can't help nodding, said agree with the thousand color bee, but people have come, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

And judging from John Jordan's bravery, he was kidnapped by them, and he was not in danger of committing suicide. It can be seen that this guy was more adventurous. Maybe he just decided that he would not come, but he came back and thought that the most dangerous place was the safest?

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