So Ye Feng finally decided, no matter what the facts, or go upstairs to have a look again, anyway, not to have come.

On the other hand, Ye Feng is also waiting for news from zhuomus. If zhuomus has no news all the time, it's good news, indicating that zhuomus has compromised.

After all, Ye Feng and zhuomus have known each other for more than 20 years. They fully understand his personality.

As soon as dromus doesn't respond, he basically acquiesces. If he doesn't agree, he will make things clear. What he won't do is to be vague.

Therefore, as far as dromus hasn't called, Ye Feng knows that even if dromus doesn't make a final decision, his inner balance has begun to move closer to the side of putting Dixie.

From the safe passage quickly to the upstairs, curly hair stood at the door of the safe passage, the glass window looked outside, then toward Ye Feng Road, "see, there is a camera at the door of that is!"

Ye Feng smell speech also walked past, along the window toward the outside, really saw a camera at the top of a door, and a flashing red light in the light, that the camera in operation.

But Ye Feng also saw that although the camera is wide-angle, the entrance of the safety passage is absolutely his blind spot.

After all, Ye Feng is also an agent. Although he is not proficient in many things, he also took professional courses in TSL. After all, when he was a child, he could not see what they were proficient in when they grew up, so he had to take all kinds of courses.

It was not until I was in my teens that I gradually developed my personal interest and saw everyone's strong points. It was only then that I gradually began to subdivide them into various majors..

Even so, we need to know a few aspects of this knowledge. After all, when they are on a mission, they need to be clear about these scientific and technological products.

So as soon as Ye Feng looks at the direction of the camera, he can immediately make a judgment that the video can't see his side.

See here, Ye Feng also did not say anything more, directly opened the door and went out.

However, Ye Feng still walked close to the wall and motioned to curly hair and thousand color bee to follow him. If he walked in the middle of the corridor, the camera could still capture him.

The thousand color bee and curly hair knew each other. They immediately learned the appearance of Ye Feng and approached the door of John Jordan's house near the wall. They always followed Ye Feng, especially curly hair. They didn't dare to breathe.

When Ye Feng got to the door, he took a look at John Jordan's door. It was a burglar proof door, and there was a sign in the corner with the words "Pan Pan" and "made in China" on it.

Seeing this, Ye Feng took a deep breath. The quality of things made in China is getting higher and higher now. Judging from the old and new degree of this apartment building, it should have been built in recent years.

If so, it shows that the quality of this door is absolutely OK, and it's impossible to break through hard.

The thousand color bee saw Ye Feng's hesitation behind, then walked over to lean against Ye Feng and said in a low voice, "do you want me to have a try?"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but see a thousand color bee, immediately heart next move, these door into the room of things, should be difficult not down thousand color bee.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately stepped back and made room for qianse bee. Then he said, "it's up to you!"

The thousand color bee didn't have many flowers either, just nodded to Ye Feng, then squatted on the ground, took out a few steel needles from his pocket, and began to work against the keyhole.

Curly hair sees in the eye, can't help asking, "how many needles can unlock?"? Isn't that ridiculous? "

Ye Feng made a silent movement towards curly hair, but this time his face was not too severe.

In fact, Ye Feng has done several rounds of tests for curly hair on the way here, giving him several obvious opportunities to escape, but curly hair did not run.

What does that mean? It shows that curly hair really wants to help them, and he also really wants to make John Jordan.

At this time, he heard a click. Just as Ye Feng and curly hair moved, he saw that qianse bee had put away the needle and stood up to open the door.

Curly hair can't help looking at the thousand color bee in surprise. In his understanding, two needles can open the security door, which is incredible.

Ye Feng has already seen no wonder, immediately took out a pistol to open the door and rushed in.

But Ye Feng glanced in the living room, but did not find John Jordan's trace.

At this time, thousand color bee and curly hair have followed in. Curly hair sees the luxury in the house. All the furniture is brand, and all the home appliances are up-to-date.

Curly hair a tight for a while surprised way, "this inside so luxurious?"

Ye Feng looked back at curly hair and said, "have you never come in?"

Curly shook his head and said, "I've been here, but I've only glanced at it outside the door. I haven't come in!"

At this time, qianse bee also holds the gun and turns around. Then she goes back to the living room and shakes her head to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved. So John Jordan didn't come back?Curly hair at this time also a face disappointed way, "that we go to his wife's house?"

But Ye Feng said to curly hair, "does he go to his little wife's house frequently?"

Curly hair shook his head and said, "it's not high. It's about twice a month at most. There's no fixed time. It's all temporary!"

After a while of pondering, Ye Feng said, "then there's no need to go!"

Curly hair can't help but wonder, "why? It's just because there are few people going there and there are few people who know about it. Isn't it safe? "

Ye Feng said to curly hair, "John Jordan is not a fool. On the contrary, he is very smart. After he knows that he has cheated us by using your identity, we will use you to find him! And we'll get information about him from you, so we'll know that he seldom goes to his little wife, so we'll go there, because the less places he goes, the more dangerous it is. The more often he comes, the safer it is! "

Curly hair listen to Ye Feng say so, can't help looking at Ye Feng in consternation way, "you mean..."

This time, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, the thousand color bee immediately said to curly hair, "what he means is, we won't go, just wait here! Waiting for John Jordan to come back! "

Then the thousand color bee looked at Ye Feng and said, "am I right?"

Ye Feng nodded, then went to the sofa and sat down. After lighting a cigarette, he said to curly hair, "you can also sit down and have a rest. The gunshot wound on your butt is not good, so don't jump around!"

Curly hair listen to Ye Feng so a say, this just thought of his buttock also in a gun thing, didn't think of good, think of to come to feel buttock hot pain, immediately go to the sofa there to sit down.

However, at this time, the curly hair only dares to sit on the sofa with its side, and dares not directly lean the injured buttocks on the sofa.

Listen to curly hair hem haw up, Ye Feng is toward curly hair way, "the skin tissue on the buttock is thick, is the skin trauma, there is no need to be like this!"

Curly hair stuffy hum a, emotion this gun didn't hit on your ass, you said sarcastic words of course.

Although I thought so in my heart, I didn't dare to say so on curly mouth. I just said no more.

The thousand color bee then sat opposite to Ye Feng and looked at Ye Feng and said, "but even so, we're waiting here. There's still some element of gambling. If the gambling is wrong and John Jordan runs away with something, it's hard for us to find him again!"

But Ye Feng shrugged, "he won't run!"

The thousand color bee can't help but frown and ask, "Why are you so sure he won't run?"

Ye Feng said to qianse Feng, "don't forget that John Jordan is an ambitious man. He wants to kill the man who dominates the whole Mexican white powder market. How can such a man leave his main battlefield so easily?"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng added, "even if he wants to run, will cruise and flamencourt let him leave easily? What's more, all his basic dishes are in michoken. Here, no matter the underworld or the white, he still has some influence. What is he after leaving michoken? "

Thousand color bee listen to Ye Feng so a say, can't help nodding, then said, "andali there is no news?"? I don't know if cruise found him? "

Ye Feng is not very interested in the safety of andali, but he also knows the special relationship between qianse bee and andali. At this time, he takes out his mobile phone and says, "shall I ask for you?"

Thousand color bee looked at Ye Feng, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's still true. No news may be good news. Besides, with Diana's trust in you and your relationship, if andali really encounters an accident, she will contact you for the first time. Since she doesn't contact you, it means there should be no problem for the time being!"

Ye Feng listened to the thousand color bee so a say, can't help but admire to see a thousand color bee way, "it seems that you can also analyze the situation!"

Thousand color bee then toward leaf maple a shrug way, "follow you for a long time, won't also see will learn!"

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