Ye Feng nodded with a smile and didn't say much. After all, qianse bee was an excellent agent, at least an excellent Russian agent.

It's just that qianse bee's ambition is not in this field, so she has only been wandering on the edge of the secret service industry for so many years, but she has never really set foot in it.

However, even so, the thousand color bee also has the characteristics of many excellent agents. Its biggest advantage is that it is easy to learn, and it can learn as soon as it learns.

Thousand color bee see Ye Feng staring at himself, also don't know what Ye Feng is looking at, at this time face a red, quickly avoided Ye Feng's eyes.

Curly hair at this time sitting there also lit a cigarette, see Ye Feng and thousand color bee didn't speak, just looking at each other, and thousand color bee face also some turn red.

See mattress times situation, curly hair can't help but frown toward Ye Feng and thousand color bee way, "you two are lovers, and it's just the beginning of lovers!"

Ye Feng and thousand color bee can't help but be surprised when they hear the words. Ye Feng immediately says to curly hair, "do you know how to see people?"

Curly hair hears speech to shrug a shoulder way, "also is not, see you see each other of all blush, even if not lovers also have mutual favor, I am not in this a little bit in the way?"

The thousand color bee angrily rebuked to curly hair, "you talk nonsense, are you too polite, dare to say anything!"

Curly hair then shrugged, but did not speak, then listen to the door of the security door sounded a little strange noise.

The leaf maple complexion moves, immediately toward thousand color bee made a wink, thousand color bee understanding, immediately past a cover curly mouth.

And leaf maple at this time a brisk step has arrived at the door, and also try not to let his feet make too much noise.

Ye Feng hiding behind the door, hand slowly will pistol escape, listen to the door to upload click click small sound, as if there is a key on the door friction.

But according to the general time of holding the key to open the door, even if it is difficult to open the door, this time is almost right, but this is not the case.

At this time, Ye Feng slowly moved his body towards cat's eye and looked out the door. At this time, he saw that there was no one outside.

He can't help but heart next move, and at this time listen to the friction sound on the door has disappeared, leaf maple heart is more curious.

The thousand color bee and curly hair sitting in the living room are also looking at the door. Originally, curly hair was suddenly covered by the thousand color bee. I don't know what happened.

But when he saw that Ye Feng was going towards the door, and he took out his pistol, he suddenly became nervous. He knew that there must be something moving outside the door. At this time, he immediately held his breath.

Thousand color bee and curly hair see Ye Feng from the cat's eye to look out after a face of surprise, they can't help but both eyebrows a wrinkle, don't know what Ye Feng saw in the end.

Ye Feng then looked through the cat's eye, there was no one outside, but there was friction on the door.

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved. He immediately opened the door, and the muzzle of the gun pointed to the door. At this moment, he heard a sound of "meow" at his feet, and Garfield immediately ran in.

Thousand color bee see is actually a cat, can't help but loosen the curly mouth, toward Ye Feng slightly a sigh.

Ye Feng didn't expect that a cat was scratching the door outside. At this time, he sighed a little. Then he put away the pistol and closed the door.

Thousand color bee just said, "this cat knows the door, should be John Jordan's cat?"

Curly immediately said, "yes, this is his cat. When I came here, I saw the boss holding this cat in his hand!"

Ye Feng came to the living room with a deep thought, followed by Chang Shu, "men don't have cats, women don't have dogs, don't know!"

The thousand color bee and curly hair can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise. The thousand color bee asks, "why don't men keep cats and women keep dogs?"

Curly hair also can't help nodding, "yes, it's the first time I've heard such words. What do you mean?"

Ye Feng said to qianse bee and curly hair, "these are two Chinese allusions. I will tell you later..."

Just then, Ye Feng heard a strange noise at the door. He immediately looked at curly hair and asked him, how many cats does John Jordan have?

Curly hair doesn't understand Ye Feng's meaning at all, looking at Ye Feng in surprise, a burst of curiosity.

Ye Feng sighed helplessly, and immediately walked to the back of the door. At this time, Ye Feng heard clearly, not the sound of Cat Claws scratching the door, but the sound of a key inserted into the keyhole.

Ye Feng immediately made a wink at the thousand color bee and curly hair. The thousand color bee immediately turned over and hid behind the sofa. Curly hair lay on the ground and hid behind the coffee table.

These two people just hide, the door opened, at this time a person walked in at the same time, Ye Feng's muzzle directly against the back of the head of that person, deep voice way, "don't move, raise your hand!"

However, at almost the same time, Ye Feng found himself in front of a woman, who also exuded a faint aroma.

After hearing the words, the woman's delicate body trembled slightly. She immediately raised her hand and said, "who are you? What do you want to do? "Ye Feng then walked to the door, half retreated out of the door, quickly left and right looked, did not find other people, this just came in and closed the door, toward the woman in front of the way, "don't look back, continue to walk toward the living room sofa there!"

The woman did as soon as she heard the words, and the curly hair behind the sofa and beside the tea table heard the woman's voice, so it couldn't be John Jordan. He put out his head one after another to have a look.

The woman saw that there were two people in the living room. She was startled. She instinctively stopped and looked at the thousand color bee and curly hair in surprise.

Seeing the woman's appearance, curly hair immediately whispered to the thousand color bee, "she's John Jordan's little wife!"

Ye Feng smell speech at this time slowly walked to the woman in front of, looked at the woman in front of, but see this woman is long is good, and is authentic Mexican woman.

But the woman's face was full of panic. She looked at Ye Feng and the thousand color bee and curly hair in the living room, and said, "do you want money? I can give you... "

Ye Feng then said to the woman, "Why are you here?"

The woman immediately said, "this is my husband's house. I have the key here..."

But Ye Feng sneered, "your husband's home? If it's your husband, shouldn't you two be one family? Yes? Are you and your husband still living separately? "

The woman's face changed several times, and she couldn't say a word. At this time, the thousand color bee reminded Ye Feng, "curly hair said that she was John Jordan's little wife!"

Ye Feng smell speech at this time eyebrow a wrinkly, that woman facial expression also tiny move, immediately say, "I am his wife, what call the second wife!"

Ye Feng said to the woman, "I don't care if you are his decent wife or the little wife outside. I ask you, what are you doing here?"

After pondering for a moment, the woman said, "I'll help him clean up his room. I'll help him clean up every week!"

Ye Feng sneered and immediately loaded the pistol and said, "I want to hear the truth, not nonsense!"

The woman hears the voice of Ye Feng loading, the facial expression suddenly a change, connect busy way, "what I say is the truth!"

But Ye Feng sneered, "you don't think I can't kill a woman, do you?"

The woman quickly explained, "I'm telling the truth..."

Before the woman finished, Ye Feng immediately put the muzzle of the gun on the woman's skull, and said, "ten Nine Eight... "

The woman's face changed several times. When Ye Feng counted to three, she immediately said in a loud voice, "I said, I said, don't shoot, don't shoot..."

Ye Feng hummed coldly at this time, "I hope you are telling the truth this time. After listening to the answer, if I think it is false, I will not count down any more. I will shoot directly So, you'd better think clearly before you answer... "

The woman looked at Ye Feng nervously and said, "it's John Jordan who asked me to come..."

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, but on the face don't make a sound color way, "he let you come?"? When? "

The woman immediately said, "half an hour ago, he went to my place and asked me to come here. I don't have the key here. He gave me the key too..."

Ye Feng immediately asked, "well, what did he ask you to do?"

The woman said immediately, "he asked me to come here and get something from his safe for him!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly hind immediately a footpath, "go to safe now!"

The woman was stunned, but then she came back to her senses and immediately walked towards the room, saying, "his safe is at the head of his bed in his room..."

Ye Feng didn't say a word and followed the woman into the room. The thousand color bee and curly hair immediately followed him. They stood at the door and looked at him. They were thinking about what was in John Jordan's safe, and they wanted the woman to come back at this time?

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