The woman went to the head of the bed, took off her shoes and went to bed. She stood at the head of the bed and took down a picture at the head of the bed. A dark safety box suddenly appeared behind.

Ye Feng at this time looked at the safe, see that woman just stand in front of the safe, but did not take the key to open the safe meaning.

Ye Feng immediately reminded the woman, "you don't want to die in your husband's bed, do you?"

The woman then came back to herself, took out the key in confusion, inserted it into the key hole of the safe, and then pressed the password again, which opened the safe.

After opening the safe, the woman looked at the things in the safe and was in a daze.

Ye Feng also stood on the bed and took a look at the things in the safe. There were more than a dozen gold bars, some US dollars, and the rest was wrapped in a plastic bag, all of which were passports and so on.

Seeing this, Ye Feng said to the woman, "what does he want you to take? Don't you do it yet? "

After a while of pondering, the woman took a deep breath, took out the bag of plastic things and said, "that's what he wants!"

Ye Feng immediately reached for the plastic bag in the woman's hand, then pulled it open and poured all the things inside on the bed.

It's John Jordan's passport, a couple of documents, and a bunch of keys.

Ye Feng then picked up his passport and looked at the documents. They were some of the documents that John Jordan had bought a house in Michoacan.

Finally, Ye Feng took a look at the key, then asked the woman, "mainly want you to take this key?"

The woman shook her head and said, "I don't know. He just told me to bring him the plastic bag! I didn't say to open the plastic bag and give him the key! "

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded, then said, "that is to say, he is still waiting for you to bring things to him?"

The woman nodded and said, "yes, he's with one of my sisters. Give me half an hour. If I don't go there for half an hour, he will be suspicious!"

Ye Feng pondered for a while. It seems that the crafty John Jordan still thinks more than himself.

I guess he will not go to his little wife. He did not, but he went to his little wife's best friend.

At this time, Ye Feng pondered for a long time and did not speak. At this time, qianse bee said to Ye Feng, "that's just right. We'll go there with her..."

When the woman heard this, she said, "no, if he knows I'll take you there, he'll kill me!"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said to the woman, "then don't go. Stay here for the time being. I'll go alone. When I get there, I'll let you go! And

Ye Feng then went to bed and took out the gold bars and dollars in the safe. He threw them on the bed and said, "these things are yours! You can take these and fly to other countries to live the life you want

As soon as the woman heard this, her face suddenly moved. She looked at the soft women on the bed and hesitated.

Curly hair see, two eyes shine tunnel, "I also helped you a lot of help, also give me a little?"

Hearing the speech, Ye Feng could not help but look at curly hair. Then he picked up two gold bars and two stacks of US dollars and threw them to curly hair and said, "you can go!"

Curly hair was overjoyed with gold bars and U.S. dollars, nodding to Ye Feng, "thank you, thank you, boss!"

Ye Feng said to curly hair, "don't stay in Michoacan, or you will die in an accident. Don't blame me for not reminding you!"

Curly hair is a smart man, immediately said, "I'm going to take my woman out of here now! Never come back... "

With these words, curly hair immediately turned and left. When passing by qianse bee, he nodded gratefully to qianse bee.

Ye Feng then said to qianse bee, "you stay here with her. I'll meet John Jordan for a while. If I see John Jordan, you will give her everything and let him leave!"

The woman didn't wait for the thousand color bee to talk, and said, "no, I dare not. How dare I take his money and fly away? If he knows, I will die!"

But Ye Feng coldly said to the woman, "if you don't lie, it's his life, not you!"

As soon as the woman heard this, her face suddenly moved. She looked at Ye Feng and said, "you You You mean You mean, you're going to kill him? "

Ye Feng at this time brow slightly a wrinkly way, "how? After all, a couple can't bear to give up for a hundred days? "

On hearing this, the woman moved her face and said, "no, it doesn't mean that. It's just Do you know who he is? How dare you kill her? "

At this time, qianse bee said to the woman, "I can see from your words and expression that you and he are not reluctant. Now we are going to solve him. Isn't it a relief for you?"

Ye Feng said to the woman, "don't worry. If I say to kill him, I will kill him, unless he is not in the place you said, you will die at that time!"The woman smell speech facial expression suddenly big change way, "I didn't lie, he is in my sister there, I didn't lie!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "these things on the bed are your honest rewards. Of course, everything in the world has always been two-sided. Since there are rewards, there must be punishment. The punishment is in my friend's hands. Don't look at her as a woman. She doesn't frown when she comes to killing people!"

The woman immediately nodded and said, "I dare not..."

Ye Feng nodded at this time, let the woman tell her detailed address, this just toward thousand color bee way, "here to you!"

Thousand color bee then toward leaf maple way, "you really sure don't want me to help you together?"

Ye Feng took a look at the thousand color bee and said, "if you can be sure, I will come back to you after I get the things!"

Thousand color bee hears speech one is stunned, immediately toward leaf maple a smile way, "I am sure!"

Leaf maple after nodding toward thousand color bee, went out immediately.

The thousand color bee looked at the woman and said, "it's OK anyway. How do you know John Jordan?"

The woman was shocked and said, "I was watching a street show with my friend on the road. When he saw me, I came up to chat up..."

At this time, Ye Feng had already gone downstairs. He drove according to the woman's address and soon arrived downstairs. After parking the car downstairs, he immediately went upstairs.

To the woman said the address of the door, Ye Feng stood on the side of the door, knocked on the door.

After a while, a woman's voice came from the room and said, "who?"

Ye Feng did not speak, but heard a mumbling voice outside the door, but after a while there was no movement.

Ye Feng immediately knocked on the door, still hiding in the side of the door, or did not show up.

When menneton came, the voice of the woman came again, "who on earth?"

At this time, Ye Feng hears the sound of opening the door with a click. Ye Feng immediately pushes the door open. At the same time, a hand blade hits the back of the woman who opens the door.

The woman immediately fell to the ground and heard a man's voice in the room, "is Monica back?"

Asked a did not hear echo, the man in the room immediately also did not have a voice.

Ye Feng then holding a gun, toward the door of the room went past.

Just to the door, the door suddenly opened, a figure immediately rushed out from the inside, at the same time in the hand of a gun toward Ye Feng shot.

Ye Feng see immediately side body to avoid, at the same time a bent side body, raise a leg side kick, directly kick the gun in that person's hand to kick fly.

Without waiting for the man to react, Ye Feng's mouth had already reached the man's chin. At this time, Ye Feng sneered and said, "curly hair No, you should be John Jordan, right

The man was John Jordan with a beard on his face. He saw Ye Feng's face and heard Ye Feng's voice clearly. His face suddenly changed.

Ye Feng saw that he was wearing a pair of underpants and a bandage on his shoulder. It was obvious that he had wrapped up his shoulder and was shot by himself.

John Jordan immediately said, "you've got the wrong person. I'm really wrong..."

Before John Jordan finished, Ye Feng immediately put the muzzle of his gun against his other shoulder and pulled the trigger instantly.

John Jordan frowned and looked at Ye Feng with pain.

Ye Feng then put the muzzle of the gun against John Jordan's head and said coldly, "now, who are you?"

John Jordan immediately repeated, "I'm John Jordan, I'm John Jordan, not curly hair, don't shoot..."

Ye Feng immediately hit John Jordan's head with the butt of his gun, and immediately knocked him down. "Now you should know who I'm fighting for?"

John Jordan said in pain, "I know, I don't do as much as you do!"

Ye Feng at this time the muzzle of the gun aimed at John Jordan Road, "now can talk about, things are you hiding where?"

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