John Jordan immediately said to Ye Feng, "I don't know what you're talking about? What is it? "

Without saying a word, Ye Feng immediately fired a shot at John Jordan's arm. Suddenly, John Jordan covered his arm in pain and fell to the ground with a twist.

Ye Feng said to John Jordan, "I hope I don't need to ask again!"

John Jordan said immediately, "it's still hidden in the original factory building!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly way, "is the place that we meet for the first time?"

John Jordan said immediately, "yes, there it is! I just confiscated andali's mobile phone, but I found out the black metal from his pocket. I don't know what it is, but seeing andali's appearance seemed very nervous, I thought it should be something valuable, so I took it together and put it in the drawer of the office on the second floor! "

Ye Feng immediately dragged John Jordan up from the ground and said, "go, now come with me to get it. If it's still there, maybe you can get your life back, but if it's not there, hum, you should be able to guess the end!"

John Jordan said hastily, "it must be. It must be. I put it in the drawer and never took it out."

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "life is your own. I hope you didn't lie! Go

With that, Ye Feng immediately took John Joe downstairs and escorted him to the car. He immediately started the car and drove in the direction of the previous factory.

John Jordan immediately asked Ye Feng, "what is that thing? When I was upstairs, I played with it. It looked like an ordinary piece of iron. It was nothing special. Why are you so nervous? "

Ye Feng did not speak, just continue to drive, John Jordan immediately asked, "wait to get that thing, you will let me go?"

Ye Feng still didn't speak. John Jordan immediately said, "I don't know you at all. You're just looking for something. You don't have to kill me, do you?"

At this time, Ye Feng took out his gun and immediately fired in front of John Jordan. The glass of the car suddenly broke.

And Ye Feng this time toward John Jordan way, "you again so much nonsense, next time is aimed at your mouth!"

When John Jordan heard this, he quickly shut up and stopped talking.

Ye Feng quickly drove the car to the original factory building, just stopped and signaled John Jordan to get off.

After waiting for John Jordan to get out of the car, Ye Feng raised his gun and said, "lead the way!"

John Jordan endured the pain, walking in front, and soon arrived in the former factory building. The bodies of several men who had been killed by Ye Feng were still there.

When John Jordan saw these corpses, his heart was shocked. In his mind, Ye Feng was a murderer. He already felt that he was going to die in his hands today.

Thinking of this, John Jordan's pace began to slow down. He felt that he was taking Ye Feng to get things. He was just going to the execution ground.

Ye Feng has clearly seen from behind that John Jordan is procrastinating. He immediately takes a gun and shoots at John Jordan's feet.

John Jordan was so worried that he speeded up and went up the corridor. "It's fast. Don't shoot..."

Ye Feng doesn't talk nonsense with John Jordan either. He follows him upstairs to John Jordan's office.

John Jordan immediately went to his desk and said to Ye Feng, "it's in this drawer..."

Ye Feng holds a gun to John Jordan, and then the muzzle of the gun is pressed down a few times to signal John Jordan to take things quickly.

He pointed his gun at John Jordan. Even if John Jordan had a gun in his drawer, he could shoot himself as soon as he raised it.

John Jordan also fully realized Ye Feng's intention. After taking a deep breath, he opened the drawer, but as soon as it opened, his face changed.

Ye Feng saw the change of John Jordan's face. He frowned and said, "don't tell me if I haven't..."

John Jordan said immediately, "really not!"

Ye Feng's heart also moved at this time. He expected that in this case, the probability of John Jordan daring to lie was not big.

At this time, he walked slowly and looked into the drawer. There was really nothing in it.

Ye Feng immediately put the muzzle of his gun against John Jordan's head and hummed coldly, "are you playing with my father?"

No, no, how dare I make fun of my own life? I did put it in this drawer at that time, and I never left the office until you came. It's impossible for anyone to come in and take it away. I won't know! "

When Ye Feng saw that John Jordan didn't look like a liar, he couldn't help thinking that if John Jordan didn't lie, then things should have disappeared after they left.

John Jordan saw Ye Feng frown, and immediately said to Ye Feng, "I really don't need to cheat you..."

Ye Feng looked at John Jordan at this time, and then said with a cold smile, "do you mean that this thing has run with long legs?"John Jordan said immediately, "no, no I mean, after we left here, someone came here He's the one who took it! "

Ye Feng thought the same thing just now, but after all, John Jordan had cheated himself once, although he felt that what John Jordan said seemed very credible.

But Ye Feng, who had been a pawn once, still had a suspicious attitude towards John Jordan. He looked at John Jordan coldly and said, "there's no way. If so, you can find the thief to revenge after you die."

Ye Feng immediately pressed John Jordan's head, let him lie on the desk, and then put the muzzle of the gun on John Jordan's temple.

John Jordan felt as if his time was coming. He begged Ye Feng, "don't shoot. I'm not lying! This is where it was originally put... "

Ye Feng said coldly at this time, "there's no way. I can only blame you. When I first asked you, you lied. If you had handed over something at that time, maybe I would have let you go, but now I can't. I've been cheated by you once, and I won't believe you any more, even if you're telling the truth..."

John Jordan struggled for a while and wanted to get up. He kept begging Ye Feng to let him go. But at this moment, John Jordan said in a loud voice, "I know who stole it..."

Ye Feng smell speech but sneer a way, "your this brain is still really a work of God, almost dead, still so fast fly turn, this time want to plant to who?"

John Jordan said immediately, "it's not a plant. Look at the floor at the door..."

Ye Feng smell speech can't help looking at the door, but see the ground seems to have a watch, can't help but toward John Jordan way, "you say that watch?"

John Jordan said immediately, "that's right. The watch is from andali..."

Ye Feng sneered and said, "you've ransacked the things on andali's body. Isn't it normal that the watch appears here?"

John Jordan said immediately, "but I didn't take away the watch of andali at that time. He had it in his hand all the time, and I kept him on the first floor all the time. Why did the watch appear at the door?"

Ye Feng sneered, "first of all, it's a watch, but you can't prove that it belongs to andali. Second, even if it's his, you can't prove that it wasn't brought upstairs by you..."

John Jordan said, "I didn't take his watch. He must have come back after you saved him. He took the things and his mobile phone too!"

At this point, John Jordan immediately said, "it's just an ordinary apple mobile phone. No one will come back to steal a mobile phone, right? Today's mobile phones are encrypted, and it's useless for others to take them. There's only one possibility, that is, after you saved andali, he didn't leave, but hid in some place. After you took me away, he came back again, came to my office to look for it, and finally took away the black metal and his mobile phone! "

Ye Feng listen to John Jordan said so, in the heart also think, John Jordan said is not impossible.

But I think that if andali really comes back and takes it, then this andali is really scheming. The thousand color bee let him go and let him run for his life. Where is the goods hiding? When these people die and leave, they dare to come back and take things?

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time and said, "in other words, black metal is not on your side? Then you have no meaning to live Alas, although I don't want to do this, I have to do it again. I'm sorry, I'll see you next life... "

"Don't shoot, don't shoot I've told you what I have to tell you. It really has nothing to do with me... "

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