Listening to John Jordan, Ye Feng knows that he has little chance of lying. Under the pressure that he may kill him at any time, if he still dares to lie, it can only show that his psychological quality is too high.

Thinking that Ye Feng let go of John Jordan, he took out his cell phone and made a call to Diana. After the phone rang a few times, Diana got through.

Ye Feng immediately asked Diana, "hasn't andali contacted you yet?"

Diana smell speech immediately said, "andali and cruise have taken the initiative to contact, cruise has sent someone to pick him up."

Ye Feng then asked, "is it andali who actively contacted cruise?" He said in a low voice immediately, "you ask cruise, what number did andali use to contact him?"

Diana was shocked, but she didn't ask much. Then she turned to cruise and said, "what number did andali contact you with just now?"

Cruise looked at Diana in surprise and said, "of course it's his own cell phone number! What's the matter? "

Diana immediately said to Ye Feng, "it's his own mobile phone number..."

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, immediately said a know, directly hang up the phone.

John Jordan looked at Ye Feng and said, "am I right? It must have been the boy andali who came back... "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "you're right, he did come back, and took his cell phone and contacted his Laozi!"

John Jordan was completely relieved at this time, and then said to Ye Feng, "so, what you want must be taken away by him. It has nothing to do with me..."

Ye Feng looked at John Jordan, lit a cigarette, nodded at him and said, "indeed, from now on, this matter has nothing to do with you..."

John Jordan was overjoyed. "Can I go then?"

Ye Feng raised his gun and said to John Jordan, "sorry..." After that, before John Jordan could speak, he immediately shot him in the skull.

When John Jordan was dying, he never dreamed that Ye Feng would say that he would do it, and he would fall to the ground and die.

Ye Feng then left the scene, driving back to the main road, he called Diana and said, "give me the number of andali!"

"What's the matter?" Diana whispered

Ye Feng said to Diana, "I hope nothing's wrong. It's just a misunderstanding. I have a few questions to ask him. Send me his number!"

After Diana took a deep breath, she said the number again. When she wanted to say something else, Ye Feng had already hung up.

Diana looked at her cell phone in surprise. Flamencourt saw that Diana's face was wrong and asked, "Diana, whose phone is it? You don't look right!"

Cruise can't help but look at Diana, and then asked Diana, "just now you asked me, what number did andali use to call me, what do you mean?"

Diana then said to flamencourto and cruise, "the phone is from Satan. Satan asked me to ask that question just now. He and I asked for the number of andali just now. They said there were several things to ask andali, and they also said that it was a misunderstanding!"

Cruise smell speech complexion immediately move, murmur tunnel, "hope is misunderstanding?"? Isn't andali saved by Satan? What misunderstanding can there be between them? "

Flamencourto said to cruise immediately, "now that Satan has said that, something must have happened. Please ask andali if he has offended Satan unintentionally. He doesn't know yet!"

As soon as cruise heard this, he immediately called andali, but the line was busy, obviously in the middle of the conversation.

Thinking of Diana's saying that Ye Feng and she asked for andali's number just now, cruise immediately thought that andali might be on the phone with Ye Feng.

Cruise has been dialing andali. He is worried that andali really has some misunderstanding with Ye Feng. Besides, this guy should not know the importance of his words. He didn't offend Satan, but he did.

Flamingo saw that cruise was worried. He couldn't help but said to him, "fight until this boy takes over!"

Cruise heard a stunned speech, or keep dialing the number of andali, but this time is finally through.

As soon as the phone got through, cruise immediately asked, "what did you do? Why does Satan look for you everywhere? "

Andali said in surprise on the phone, "is Satan looking for me? What can I do for you? "

Cruise said immediately, "what did you do? Don't pretend to be stupid Do you know what will happen if you offend him? "

Andali hesitated and said, "I don't know what you're talking about. That's right. A man and a woman saved me. Is that man Satan?"

Cruise took a deep breath and said, "is that the man like Domingo?"

Andali said, "I've met Domingo. That man is not like Domingo, OK?"Cruise can't help but be stunned when he hears the words. What's the matter with the secret way? But he still asks andali, "just now you can't get through. Is Satan contacting you?"

Andali said, "I'm making peace with my girl. No one calls me except you."

Cruise had a headache and said, "where are you now? Come to see me at the villa of flamencourt immediately, and I say immediately!! "

Andali was stunned when he heard the words. He just wanted to say something. At this time, he heard a busy sound of "dudududu" on the phone. He could not help but frown, "what do you mean?"

Just thinking about it, the ring of the mobile phone rang again. Andali impatiently connected the mobile phone and said, "I'll be there now. Can we meet again?"

But at this time, Ye Feng's voice came from the phone and said, "andali?"

When andali heard that his father was not cruise, he frowned and said, "who are you?"

Ye Feng sneered at this time and said, "I can't hear my voice?"

Andali was stunned and immediately said, "Satan?"

Ye Feng sneered at this time and said, "I rescued you with good intentions. How do you thank me? Before I left, I took things away? "

"What is it?" he said? I don't know what you're talking about! "

Ye Feng said, "when you were kidnapped by John Jordan, your mobile phone and things were confiscated. Now the number I dialed is your mobile phone. Don't tell me, you just went back to get your mobile phone, didn't you take anything else?"

Andali was stunned and didn't know how to answer for a moment. He pondered for a long time and didn't speak.

Ye Feng said at this time, "I'll take it as if you're going back to get your own things. Where are you now? I used to get my things!"

But andali said, "what? Your things, my things have been confiscated by that guy. Shouldn't I take them back? All the things on me are mine, of course. Where can I get your things? "

But Ye Feng sneered, "you forget what you were going to take to save your Laozi?"

Andali's heart suddenly moved when he heard the speech. Then he picked up the black metal from one side and looked at it carefully.

Andali couldn't help but wonder what this stone like black metal was and why his own Laozi regarded him as a treasure, and this Satan seemed to try his best to get it.

Ye Feng saw that andali didn't speak at this time, and immediately said, "if you don't speak, it's nothing?"

Then, after taking a deep breath, he said, "I'll tell you the truth, I didn't take that thing with me. How could John Jordan take it?"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly, coldly say, "you didn't take that thing?"

Andali immediately said, "at that time, my father asked me to go to the safe to get it. I opened the safe and didn't see it at all!"

Ye Feng sneer a way, "you didn't see this thing, at that time you don't say in the phone?"

Andali immediately explained, "at that time, I was worried that you would hurt my father. Of course, I didn't dare to say it. I had to say I got it on the phone..."

Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "andali, I saved your life, and I have the right to take it back! I'll ask you for the last time, where is it... "

Andali also took a deep breath and took a look at the black metal in his hand. Finally, he said to Ye Feng, "I haven't seen it! I really haven't seen... "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "OK, if you dare to say that, you have to have the courage to bear the consequences How can John Jordan describe it if you don't bring it out? Is he so imaginative? Or do you have rich imagination, I am an idiot in your imagination who can be fooled by a few words? "

When andali heard this, his face suddenly moved, and the black metal on his hand immediately fell to the ground.

He then said with remorse, yes, John Jordan took his things. Of course he had seen ferrous metal. If he had not, how could he know what they looked like?

This shows that black metal was confiscated by John Jordan in the past, and John Jordan has seen it before. Now his own lies are broken.

At this time, Ye Feng said coldly, "John Jordan said that he is very lonely below. He wants you to go down and accompany him."

Andali's face suddenly sank when he heard the words. Listening to Ye Feng's words, does it mean that John Jordan has been killed by him?

He just wanted to say what, but listen to Ye Feng has hung up the phone, he wants to explain, also have no chance.

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