Thousand color bee smell speech can't help a dismay, immediately ask Ye Feng way, "if Dixi Si doesn't come, how to do?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "let's go to find the important person of zhuomus in person."

Just then, Ye Feng's mobile phone rang, Ye Feng picked up the phone to have a look, it was a strange number.

After Ye Feng got through, she heard a woman's voice on the phone, "where are you now?"

Ye Feng a listen to is actually the voice of Dixi Si, immediately relaxed an air way, "this mobile phone is who?"

Dixie said, "I lost my cell phone. This is a new one!"

Ye Feng said, "I'll send you the location. You can press the location. I'll wait for you here."

After hanging up the phone, qianse bee immediately said to Dixie, "is it Dixie?"

Ye Feng nodded to the thousand color bee. After all, the idea came from the thousand color bee. Dixie could come out smoothly thanks to the thousand color bee.

So when Ye Feng looked at the thousand color bee, his face was a little grateful.

Flamencourto then said to Yefeng, "there are still eight hours left, or I'll ask someone to arrange a room for you to have a rest and let you know when there is any news from andali."

Ye Feng said to flamenco, "no, I'll just sit here and wait. I don't care. You've heard that my weakness in dromus is gone now. The person I want to save is coming soon. So even if I can't get the ferrous metal, it's nothing to me. But if dromus knows that the thing was taken away by andali, what do you think What will dedromus do to andali, to you? "

Upon hearing this, Franco's face suddenly moved, and cruise also looked at Ye Feng.

Flamencourt said at once, "don't worry. Even if I have to die in the end, I won't hesitate. I won't let things drag on until twelve o'clock in the morning."

Cruise listened to flamencourt's words. Although he said it to Ye Feng on the surface, he said it to himself.

The meaning of flamencourt can't be clearer. Once it's really a last resort, flamencourt will definitely kill andali.

If it was in the past, cruise would try to intercede with flamencourt, but this time, cruise knew that, as flamencourt said, no one could help andali, and now he only hoped that he could come back in time.

Cruise thought to immediately secretly take out the mobile phone, want to send a text message to andali, let him quickly turn himself in.

But was Ye Feng see in the eye, toward cruise way, "you won't be in give son tip off?"

Upon hearing this, Cruz was shocked and immediately said, "I'm sending him a message, but I'm persuading him to turn himself in as soon as possible."

Flamencourt nodded and said, "you send it to him, you tell him that he can let bygones be bygones when he comes back now, but if he is caught back, it's another matter. Then don't blame us for not remembering the old love!"

Cruise smell speech also hurriedly according to flamencourto said sent a text message in the past, and is driving andali heard the phone ring, immediately picked up the phone to have a look, but found that it was his father sent the text message.

Andali could not help muttering, "what the hell, this old man is doing more and more things like that!"

Although he said so, he picked up his mobile phone and took a look at it. When he saw the message, his face suddenly moved. Then he put down his mobile phone and drove the car to the side of the road.

After parking the car, andali immediately picked up his mobile phone and looked at it carefully again, for fear that he had read it wrong just now.

After carefully reading the information this time, andali could not help cursing, "this flamencourt is really meddling. He even mobilized the whole group to arrest me!"

Thinking of andali lighting a cigarette, he immediately picked up the black metal on one side and looked at it for a long time. Then he murmured, "what do you think you are? Why are so many people chasing you so hard?"

Naturally, the black metal can't answer this question of andali, and andali feels that the black metal is suddenly cool in his palm.

Andali took a closer look at the black metal, but saw a cold light on the surface of the metal, and it was fleeting. If andali didn't see it, he wouldn't even believe it.

Seeing the black metal like this, andali's heart suddenly moved. He immediately held the black metal in both hands and looked at the metal for a long time. His mouth murmured, "what are you?"

As soon as the voice of andali fell, the black metal immediately flashed again. Suddenly, the whole car was shining with a cold light. In a moment, andali's face moved.

Just when andali didn't know what happened, the frequency of the cold light was getting higher and higher, just like the neon light, shining all over the car.

When andaliton felt that there was a blank in front of him, and the whole world seemed to have disappeared, he suddenly felt a daze in front of his eyes. After his brain was lost, he suddenly fainted and lay on the steering wheel.I don't know how long after that, andali moved slowly. After opening his eyes, andali rubbed his eyes. His first reaction was to look at the situation outside the window first.

When he found that he was still on the side of the road, andali was relieved. He also realized that he had fainted just now, and before he fainted, he saw nothing in front of him.

Then andali immediately looked aside to look for the ferrous metal. He thought it was lost or not, but finally found it under his feet. He was relieved.

But when andali looked at the black metal in his hand for a long time, he didn't find that the black metal was shining as cold as before he fainted.

Andali couldn't help but wonder. Just now, he was dazzled. It's impossible. When the black metal was shining, it was so real. He couldn't have read it wrong.

After watching for a long time, andali still didn't find any difference in ferrous metals, so he gave up completely, put ferrous metals on one side, and then began to consider his current situation.

If flamencourt wanted to block the whole state of Michoacan, then all the access to the outside must have been blocked.

In other words, it's impossible for him to leave Michoacan. If he doesn't want to be found by flamencourt's people, the only thing he can do now is to find a place to hide in Michoacan.

no matter how many people flamencourt has and how powerful he is, he can't turn over Michoacan and shake himself out?

But in this way, he will live a life of escape and hiding, and his father will definitely be forced by the influence of flamencourt and dare not help himself.

Besides, his father Ye Feng, like flamencourt and Ye Feng, wanted to hand over the ferrous metal himself.

Thinking of this, andali looked at the black metal and sighed. Although he couldn't see the black thing and didn't know what the difference was, he always felt that it seemed to have a kind of magic, which deeply attracted him.

Although andali also knows that if he wants to leave the ferrous metal, he may have to pay a heavy price, but he still instinctively doesn't want to let go, as if the ferrous metal is secretly communicating with himself, so that he must not abandon it.

Andali then lit a cigarette, sat in the car smoking, pondering for a long time, thinking about the countermeasures, how to not hand over the ferrous metal at the same time, but also ask flamencourto to cancel the wanted order.

After thinking about it, I also feel that flamencourt can't eat his words for himself. Since he wants to hand over the ferrous metal himself, he is bound to achieve his goal.

Andali thought of taking a deep breath, when a voice sounded in his head and said, "it's OK for you to take me back. I have the ability to protect myself!"

As soon as andali heard the sound, his cigarettes fell down on his trousers. He looked around in a hurry, "who? Who's talking

But after watching for a long time, andali didn't see anyone else beside the car, and didn't hear any sound again.

Andali even doubted whether he was hearing voices, otherwise, how could he hear voices that should not exist?

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