Ye Feng is still sitting in the villa of flamencourt at this time, and the time goes by.

Cruise's heart almost jumped to his throat. He was nervous and uncomfortable. He was uncomfortable sitting and standing. He was restless.

Just now, andali didn't respond to the text message he sent to his son. He even felt whether his son had read it.

And cruise doubted whether andali had been arrested by flamencourt.

But think about it carefully. If andali is arrested by flamencourt's people, it will be a good thing. At least he can hold on to his life.

At this time, flamencourt's mobile phone rang. Cruise immediately looked at flamencourt as soon as he heard the sound.

Flamenco was also moved, and then connected the phone. After listening for a while, he said that he knew, and then hung up.

Cruise immediately asked flamenco, "what's up? Flamencourt! Is there any news of andali? "

Flamencourt shook his head and said, "my men have searched the whole city, but so far there is no sign of andali!"

At this point, flamencourto immediately said, "if there is no whereabouts of andali at all the entrances, then there is only one problem. He is hiding in the city now!"

Ye Feng said faintly at this time, "if so, andali has not contacted his Laozi, which means that he is determined!"

Cruise smell speech even busy way, "I continue to call him, I will be able to persuade him!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "forget it, you sent him a message, did he return? He's so obvious now, you can't count on him! "

Although Cruise's heart has been cold, but still not give up, continue to call andali, and the other party's phone has been through, but no one answered.

Flamencourto also took a deep breath at this time, and then he said to cruise, "cruise, get ready!"

Upon hearing this, Cruz's mobile phone fell to the ground. He naturally understood what flamencordo meant by that, which meant flamencordo was going to upgrade his action.

And flamencourto's intention to upgrade the operation is obvious. It is difficult to ensure the safety of andali's life.

At this time, the mobile phone dropped on the ground was connected, and the voice of andali came from it. It was only very weak. You could only hear someone talking, but you didn't know what to say.

Cruise's mind has been confused, completely did not hear, or Diana heard to remind cruise, "the phone is connected..."

As soon as cruise heard this, he immediately bent down to pick up the phone. At this time, he felt his legs softened and fell to the ground.

But cruise grabbed the phone, put it in his ear, and said angrily, "andali, you come here now, this is your last chance Otherwise, you and my father and son's feelings... "

Before cruise finished, andali on the phone said calmly, "I'm on my way. I'll be here in half an hour at most!"

After saying this, andali immediately hung up the phone, but Cruise's eyes were dazed, and he didn't recover for a moment.

The thousand color bee then asked cruise, "what did andali say?"

Cruise then stood up excitedly and said, "it's OK, it's ok Andali said he was on his way

Flamencourt frowned. "Do you think he's telling the truth? Or are you deliberately procrastinating? "

Cruise could not help but move when he heard the speech, and said, "it should be true. He should know what the situation is like. He knows that he can't run away. What can he do if he doesn't come here at this time? If he doesn't want to come, just keep not answering the phone! "

Flamencourt could not help pondering at the words. Then he took a deep breath and said, "I hope so. If so, everyone will be happy."

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "it's not that I like to pour cold water on it. I don't think it's that simple!"

Cruise smell speech facial expression move, quickly toward Ye Feng way, "don't worry, he will come, I have confidence in him!"

Ye Feng slightly shrugged his shoulders and said nothing more. After all, the love between father and son is beyond the understanding of him who has not been married and has been an orphan since childhood.

Nearly half an hour later, cruise, who had been completely relieved, began to get nervous again.

After all, it's getting closer and closer to the half-hour time limit promised by andali. If andali doesn't come in the end, he really doesn't know what to say. He even has the heart to die.

Thousand color bee also reminds leaf maple way at this time, "still short three minutes half an hour!"

Ye Feng nodded at cruise and said, "it seems that you are destined to die without children..."

As soon as the voice fell, Cruz's mobile phone rang. He was in high spirits immediately. Without looking at the caller ID, he connected the phone and said, "Hello, are you there?"But listening to the phone is not his son andali, this just took a look at the mobile phone, suddenly lost.

But when he heard the voice on the phone, he immediately laughed again. After he hung up the phone, he took a long breath and said, "andali is here. Now he's at the door. He'll come up soon!"

Upon hearing this, Francesco was completely relieved. Then he said to Ye Feng, "Satan, if this boy can give you something, I hope you can sell me face. This matter will be over..."

Ye Feng said with a smile, "if so, of course it's best, but according to my observation of andali, he's not so simple. Wait until he comes!"

Cruise had already gone to the window and looked downstairs. When he saw his son andali walking into the compound, he was completely relieved that andali had really come.

Cruise then went to open the door, stood at the door waiting for andali to come, mouth also toward Ye Feng way, "he will give you things, this is OK?"

Ye Feng didn't speak with a smile, but he looked at the corridor outside the door. After a while, he saw that andali really appeared in the corridor and was coming this way.

This is the second time that Ye Feng has seen andali. However, when he saw andali this time, he felt that this guy was in a lot of spirit, which is totally different from what he saw when he was tied up in the abandoned factory by John Jordan last time.

When andali got to the door, cruise immediately went up, took his arm and punched him in the chest, "are you crazy? Don't want to live? "

But there was no expression on his face. As soon as he reached out, he pushed cruise to one side. Then he walked into the room and stared at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng feels that the look of andali is a little strange. He smokes a cigarette and looks at andali.

Flamencourt then snorted to andali, "you stinky boy, you are too brave. How can you do that to your father?"

Andali gave flamenco a cold look and said, "shut up, old man

As soon as he heard this, Franco was stunned. He did not seem to expect that andali would dare to talk to himself like this.

But Diana immediately yelled at andali, "how can you talk? If my father hadn't begged Satan to save you, you would have died there!"

Andali did not pay attention to Diana, but looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you Satan?"

Then andali took the initiative to extend his hand and said, "it's better to meet than to be famous!"

Ye Feng is still sitting there with a cigarette in his mouth. He doesn't want to reach out at all. He just frowns at him and doesn't speak.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, andali immediately withdrew his hand and said, "it seems that you misunderstood me a little bit!"

Ye Feng sneered at this time, "misunderstanding? It seems that you didn't come here to hand in things, but to look for trouble? "

Andali then shrugged with a smile, and then the smile on his face disappeared. Looking at Ye Feng, he said coldly, "looking for something? If I said yes, what would you do? "

Leaf maple listen to andali so a say, eyebrow can't help wrinkling more tight, this guy how suddenly so hard gas up.

And from the moment when andali entered the door, Ye Feng looked at him and saw that the corners of his clothes were flat. It seemed that he didn't bring black metal at all.

Ye Feng can't help sneering, "it seems that you are really tired of living!"

Cruise came in from the door and said angrily to andali, "are you crazy?"

Andali sneered, "am I crazy? Are you crazy? Don't you want to kill flamenco? Yes? Now I'm going back to work as a subordinate again? "

Cruise was completely speechless when he was gambled by andali. He could only stand on one side and look at andali.

At this time, Ye Feng finished his last puff of cigarette, threw the butt on the ground and stamped it out. Then he stood up and said to cruise, "I want to say sorry to you first, and then you will have no son!"

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