Cruise a listen to this, complexion suddenly a change, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng, temporarily speechless.

Now even cruise can see that there is something wrong with his son andali, but he is curious why his son dares to come back when he knows Ye Feng is waiting for him.

Now that I'm back, I'll give it to you honestly, but it seems that I didn't think about it at all.

Cruise's own familiar son is not like this. He can't figure out why andali did it. There is a sense in his mind that his son is crazy.

In addition to his son's madness, cruise could not figure out why his son was like this. He also realized that this was beyond his control.

Cruise then took a look at flamencourt and found that flamencourt and himself had the same look. It was estimated that in flamencourt's eyes, andali was also a madman.

Flamencourt then took a deep breath, and after a moment's convergence, he said to cruise faintly, "Satan is right. You should think you don't have this son. Let them solve it by themselves."

Cruz's heart suddenly a Lin, but helpless, a pair of eyes full of tears looking at andali, said, "andali, are you really crazy?"

Andali then said coldly, "you're willing to be like this. I'm not willing to serve flamencourt all my life. What do you get in the end? You start to be so tough, I thought my dad finally survived, but what happened? It's the same What a disappointment

When andali said this, he took a look at Ye Feng, and then sneered, "Satan? Name a demon king, and you can scare people everywhere? What can you do? Just lying around with one name? You can bluff flamencourt, bluff my father, but you can't bluff me

Ye Feng's brow is also slightly wrinkled at this time. He didn't expect that andali would say these things. He has seen andali before. He can see at first glance whether he is a practitioner or not.

And if andali had any ability, he would not be kidnapped so easily by John Jordan. All these show that andali is just an ordinary man.

But the andali in front of him is totally different from the one he met and knew. The confident look in his eyes alone is enough to show that he is absolutely not a mortal.

Thousand color bee can't help but say to andali, "it's useless for you to ask for that thing. Give it to me quickly. I'll take it to save my mother!"

Andali then took a look at the thousand color bee, and then said coldly, "I'm afraid you saved me. I can let you go."

But the thousand color bee frowned, "what do you say? You let me go? Who can you let go of? You'd better ask Satan to let you go! "

Andali smell speech but a face disdain of smile, immediately look to Ye Feng way, "I want you to let me go? What a joke

Ye Feng took a deep breath and said to andali, "I'm looking at your father's face. I've been enduring you..."

Andali smell speech didn't wait for Ye Feng to finish, immediately said, "you have been enduring me? Are you wrong? I've been tolerating you, right

With that, andali immediately clenched his fist, suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed Ye Feng's collar, and then pulled Ye Feng in front of him.

Cruise and flamencourto are all moving. In their eyes, Ye Feng is still trying not to do it,

but Ye Feng is shocked. He doesn't mean to let andali. Just now, the speed of andali's hand is too fast, and he didn't expect it, so he didn't react at all.

And the power that anda used to pull in front of him is definitely not the power that Angela can have.

Ye Feng thinks that over the years, no matter in terms of speed or strength, he has seldom convinced anyone, especially in this world, there is no such person at all.

the operation of andali suddenly makes Ye Feng feel ominous. The feeling of andali makes Ye Feng feel like he is not in this world, but in the world To the fantasy and science fiction world.

But at this time, andali looked at Ye Feng with a sneer and said, "what devil is Satan? But that's it

With these words, andali suddenly smashed Ye Feng's abdomen with one punch, but saw that Ye Feng was smashed with one punch and flew out directly, hit the wall heavily, and finally fell to the ground. There was no movement for a long time.

All the people at the scene are hoodwinked, especially the thousand color bee. Ye Feng's ability is unknown to everyone here. It's unique in the world that Ye Feng can be beaten like this with one punch.

Cruise and flamencourto are also stunned. Although they don't know the upper limit of Ye Feng's ability, they all know the upper limit of andali.

It is impossible for andali to have the ability to knock down Ye Feng with such a punch, but the reality in front of them has to make them believe that andali has indeed done it.

Cruz couldn't believe his eyes. He looked at andali, and even felt that this guy had nothing to do with his son.Flamencourt then asked cruise, "is andali always hiding his ability secretly?"

Cruise didn't speak, but he was saying how could it be? If my son has this ability, it's too late to show off his character everywhere. How can he hide his ability?

But it's an indisputable fact that andali has such ability. This blow is enough to prove how powerful and outrageous andali's skill is.

Seeing this, Diana ran to Ye Feng and squatted down to hold him. "Are you ok?"

Ye Feng is also really blinded by the punch of andali, so far he has not recovered, even the corners of his mouth are bleeding.

Diana saw that the corner of Ye Feng's mouth was bleeding, and she screamed, "are you hurt?"

Andali sneered and said, "I thought Satan, who bluffed so many people, could be so great. It seems that Satan is nothing more than that. It's just a name in vain."

Ye Feng wants to stand up at this time, and suddenly feels a sharp pain in his abdomen. It should be that the ribs on his abdomen are interrupted by andali.

Despite the loss, Ye Feng still thinks that the real andali should not have such ability, although Ye Feng does not know much about the real andali.

But even if andali is a real practitioner, there will be no more than ten people with such power.

Ye Feng stands up in pain and stares at andali. Then his brain starts to think of it.

It was also because of the black metal that he had escaped from death and stooped over a college student with the same name.

Maybe the change of andali in front of us is also related to the black metal?

Has the black metal changed in andali? That's why dromus had to find the black metal, right?

Andali saw Ye Feng's eyes looking at him coldly. He couldn't help but feel funny. At this time, in his eyes, this kind of incompetence is meaningless to him.

At this time, andali clenched his fist. He had never felt the feeling that he had such ability. Now he suddenly had such ability, which can be described in one word. It's cool.

At this time, flamencourt said to andali, "andali, why on earth do you have such ability?"

Thinking of this, andali then looked back at flamenco on the bed and said, "don't worry. After I've solved Satan, you'll be next!"

Flamenco's eyes when he saw andali looking at him were the same as when a cheetah saw his prey, as if he had become his prey and his target.

Flamencourt took a deep breath and said coldly, "you look crazy."

No matter what changes have taken place in andali, flamencourt is also a hero after all. How can he be frightened by a few words from andali.

But cruise said to andali, "andali, what's the matter with you? Why do you... "

Andali, holding his fists, coldly said to cruise, "what you can't do, I'll do it for you. I want everything in flamencourt. I'll be the king of Michoacan, no, Mexico, the whole South America, even the whole world!"

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