When cruise heard this, his face suddenly changed. He knew in his heart that his son was really crazy.

To tell you the truth, when andali said that he would help himself to kill flamencourt, there was still a little hesitation in his heart.

But when he heard that andali was going to be the king of Mexico, the king of South America and the king of the world, he knew that his son was completely crazy.

Flamencourto then said to cruise, "you see, your son is not your son any more!"

Cruise can't help sighing, "I know, in my eyes, andali is dead!"

On hearing this, andali spat, "what nonsense are you talking about? Do you want your son to be a wimp all his life? Even if you want to propose to others for your son, they will not look up to you?"

Cruise did not speak, his heart is now completely dead, completely unable to see the kind of death of hope.

At this time, Ye Feng has come to andali. Diana still holds Ye Feng and asks with concern, "do you really have any problems?"

Ye Feng then slowly pushed away Diana, and then said, "I'm ok, you go away first, this is the matter between me and him!"

Andali then sneered and said, "you deserve it, too?"

Speaking of this, andali took a cold look at Ye Feng and said, "I really can't bear to kill you like this! But I still want to end your myth completely

When andali said this, he clenched his fist, took a look at Ye Feng, then released his hand and waved to Ye Feng, with a completely provocative look.

Obviously, andali didn't want to start first this time. He wanted Ye Feng to start first, and his face was completely confident.

Ye Feng sees in the eye, at this time slightly moved a body, the rib on abdomen suddenly a burst of pain spreads, can't help eyebrow slightly a wrinkly.

Thousand color bee see in the eye, she knows that Ye Feng has been injured, this time immediately rushed past, block in front of Ye Feng way, "you hurt?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no big problem!"

The thousand color bee says to Ye Feng, "no, you've been hurt..." Then he looked at Ye Feng with an apologetic look and said, "it's all me. I insist on saving him. If I don't save him, it won't be like this!"

Ye Feng smell speech at this time patted thousand color bee's shoulder way, "you have no mistake, is who can do so!"

After staring at the thousand color bee for a while, cruise's face suddenly changed, "are you You... "

Thousand color bee did not pay attention to cruise, but continued to block in front of Ye Feng, then turned to andali and said, "if you want to move him, move me first!"

But andali frowned and said, "do you think I'll have pity if you save me? Get out of the way

However, qianse bee resolutely stood still and looked at andali, then hummed coldly, "if I knew that I saved you, I would rather I didn't save you than let you die in the hands of John Jordan!"

Andali took a deep breath, and immediately drew towards the thousand color bee with one mouth.

However, as soon as his hand was in the air, he was stopped by Ye Feng. Ye Feng tightly grasped andali's hand and said, "don't attack a woman at any time, let alone she is still you..."

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, immediately interrupt leaf maple way, "don't say!"

Andali then coldly looked at Ye Feng, then sneered and said, "a loser who finally depends on the protection of a woman has the face to tell me not to hit a woman?"

With these words, andali immediately shakes his hand, and instantly shakes off Ye Feng.

Seeing this, qianse bee immediately went to block Ye Feng's body and said to andali, "if you want to kill him, kill me first!"

Andali sneered, "don't think I really dare not kill you!"

But cruise immediately exclaimed, "you can't kill her..."

Then cruise immediately said to the thousand color bee, "is your mother Keiko Yasuda?"

Thousand color bee smell speech to see a cruise, but did not speak, noncommittal.

But cruise saw the answer from the thousand color bee's eyes, and immediately said to andali, "she's your half sister!"

On hearing this, andali's face suddenly moved, and qianse bee's face also moved slightly.

Both flamencourt and Diana could not help thinking that there was such a relationship between qianse bee and andali.

Before thousand color bee said that she insisted on saving andali, cruise and flamencordo still feel strange, why thousand color bee insisted on saving andali?

Now it seems that everything is in order. It turns out that qianse bee is andali's half sister.

Andali sneered and said, "what kind of relationship is it? Do you want to be close to me at this time? Do you want me to kneel down in front of her in tears and confess to her... "

But the thousand color bee immediately said, "it's not for you to repent. It's my mother, and it's also your mother. Now she's on the side of dromus. She needs to exchange the black metal with dromus If you still have some conscience, hand it in now and let me save people! "As soon as cruise heard this, he immediately said to andali, "yes, her mother is your mother. You quickly take it out to save your mother..."

Andali sneered, "what mother? I grew up not knowing what a mother is? I always just know that I am a child without a mother, now you tell me, there is a mother? Are you kidding? "

Cruise immediately said to andali, "we didn't cheat you. Your mother and I met in Brazil at that time..."

Andali did not listen to the meaning, "enough, do not say, I do not want to hear!"

Then he yelled at the thousand color bee, "I'll give you another chance. You get out of the way now, and I'll take it as if nothing happened!"

Thousand color bee but slightly closed eyes, mouth or said, "you want to kill me, I will not get out of the way!"

Andali frowned and rushed to the thousand color bee.

Cruise immediately rushed to andali, and suddenly stood in front of qianse bee.

Andali slapped him in the face of the thousand color bee. He slapped him in the air and fell heavily on the ground.

Seeing this, flamenco immediately yelled at andali, "beast, that's your father You can't deny your mother, but it's your father, can you? "

Diana quickly went to help cruise. Cruise had been slapped by andali, and his face was swollen. At this time, his head was also covered.

Seeing this, qianse bee stood up and glared at andali and said, "you crazy man, you are a beast..."

When andali saw that cruise was like this, his heart still moved, but he soon recovered calm, just sneered, "don't talk about family relationship with me at this time. Anyone who stops me today is my enemy, and dad is no exception!"

Diana immediately yelled at andali, "you have the guts to kill all of us here today! How many can you kill? "

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