Andali snorted and sneered at Diana. "Don't think I'm afraid to do this? Who else can stop me now? Even Satan, the devil, who you have high hopes for, how are you now? Is lying on the ground, relying on the protection of women, I want to kill you is not easy? Now I'll kill whoever comes out to stop me! "

With that, andali immediately yelled at the thousand color bee in front of Ye Feng, "get out of my way, don't force me to kill!"

Thousand color bee is still not moved in front of Ye Feng, not only that, at this time Diana also walked in the past, and thousand color bee squat together, in front of Ye Feng.

Diana said to andali, "OK, you're going to kill, you're going to get over our bodies!"

When andali saw this, the corner of his eye trembled. This Diana was her goddess in those days. That's why he had a crush on Diana, so he pestered his father, cruise, and asked him to talk to flamencourt.

But in the end, flamencourt refused. Although Diana had a boyfriend at that time, it was just a pretext for andali. In the final analysis, she just didn't like herself.

At this time, the goddess, who had been thinking so much about her, actually stood in front of her for the sake of her defeat. She wanted to protect him and not let herself touch him.

How ridiculous it is to say that the ridiculous person is not Satan, but himself.

Thinking of this, andali was furious. He immediately clenched his fists, and their fists rattled.

At this time, andali had already killed himself. He glared at Ye Feng and sneered, "is this Satan? Are you really Satan

Ye Feng at this time to ease a breath, everything happened in the room, Ye Feng also listen to look at it.

He was really disturbed by the change of andali's body before, but he took a breath at this time.

And while qianse bee and Diana block in front of him, Ye Feng presses his ribs hard and pushes them up.

Although there is still some sharp pain, it is much better than the feeling of dislocation just now.

Ye Feng stood up at this time, pushed away the thousand color bee and Diana in front of him, and said faintly, "I'm ok, you get out of the way!"

Thousand color bee and Diana said in one voice, "no, we have to protect you..."

Ye Feng couldn't help shaking his head with a bitter smile and said, "what do I want you to protect as a big man? Don't you see that andali is laughing at me? Besides, can you protect me? "

With these words, Ye Feng stepped forward, came to andali, looked at andali and said, "it seems that today, we must die one!"

Andali looked at Ye Feng with a sneer, then said with a confident and complacent look, "it's not that we have to die between us, it's you who have to die today!"

Ye Feng shrugged, then nodded, then looked at cruise and said, "you heard me too!"

Cruise has been in a confused state. At this time, he listens to Ye Feng and immediately looks at Ye Feng. At this time, he doesn't know what to say.

Ye Feng just said coldly at this time, "although you have lost your son, I believe life will be better without you in the future!"

Cruise did not speak, but andali immediately punched Ye Feng, and roared, "go to die!"

Ye Feng at this time immediately a jump to avoid, began to hit the andali punch, completely did not expect that there will be changes in andali, plus Ye Feng overconfidence.

Although andali has become very powerful now, it is not so easy to hit Ye Feng easily.

Andali did not seem to expect that his fist was so easy that he was dodged by Ye Feng. He was full of confidence.

At this time, Ye Feng steps back and stares at andali. He also finds a problem.

Although andali's strength and speed have increased, he has almost no basic skills, which can prove that andali's body mutation is caused by some reason of ferrous metal.

But the body mutation can change his body structure, can change his speed, but can't change his mode of thinking, he won't do tricks, even if his body becomes stronger, still won't.

Therefore, andali's attack is entirely out of the instinct and inertia of the body. To put it mildly, it depends on a force of brute force.

Since Ye Feng can see through this, he will know how to deal with andali. His strength is agility, while the other's strength is strength and speed.

As long as you understand these, Ye Feng will know how to deal with andali next.

However, Ye Feng is also thinking about a problem. According to the current situation of andali, not to mention whether he can really subdue him, even if he does, he may not be willing to say where the ferrous metal is.

In fact, this is the real headache for Ye Feng. If he just subdues andali, he can't find any ferrous metal. In the end, it's just useless work. So we must find a way to make andali completely surrender, not really kill him.Andali didn't think so much. He didn't hit him with one punch. After he was dodged by Ye Feng, andali was even more furious. He immediately roared at Ye Feng and rushed up.

At this time, Ye Feng quickly let Diana and qianse bee behind him to avoid, and he immediately sidestepped to avoid, and then came to the back of andali.

Without waiting for andali to react, Ye Feng immediately strangled his neck, and with the other hand, he pulled his own hand and pulled it back.

But andali doesn't look very big, but his muscles are as hard as iron, and his strength is as strong as a cow. He snorts from time to time.

Despite Ye Feng's full strength, andali still stood in the same place and didn't move for half a minute. His posture was just like that of Ye Feng Mao. He didn't fight back. He just stood there and let Ye fengle.

After Ye Feng exhausted all his strength, he found that it was useless at all. At this time, he immediately released his hand.

At the moment when Ye Feng let go, andali turned around and immediately waved his fist to Ye Feng's face.

However, when Ye Feng decided to let go, he was also ready for andali's sneak attack, so when andali waved his fist, Ye Feng had already stepped back.

But Ye Feng didn't expect that in addition to its great strength, andali was also very fast. In a moment, he came to Ye Feng, and Ye Feng just stepped back.

Ye Feng's heart was also moved. He immediately reached out to block it, first with one arm, but then he thought of the great power of andali, and immediately changed into two arms to block it together.

Even so, Ye Feng was hit by andali's fist, and his whole body soared up. He was directly rammed against the wall on one side.

The impact of pain is easy to say, really let Ye Feng some can't stand is his arm, especially the direct impact of the arm, he felt his hand bone is about to crack, so far is still spicy pain.

Andali took a cold look and snorted, "you want to sneak attack? Can you sneak on you! "

Flamencourto and cruise and Diana and thousand color bee four people are looking at Ye Feng at this time, also don't know Ye Feng this injury how.

At this time, Ye Feng forbeared the pain on his arm and immediately stood up again. He also saw that the strength of andali seemed to be inexhaustible. If he carried it so hard all the time, even if he didn't die, the parts of his body would be broken up sooner or later.

Just now, it seems that the purpose of attacking andali with cunning force has failed, so what should we do next?

Ye Feng took a deep breath, a pair of eyes staring at andali, brain constantly running, originally Ye Feng thought his dexterity should be the advantage to deal with andali.

However, in front of this bull like and invincible andali, its own advantages have little or no benefits.

Ye Feng knows that he must find other advantages over andali in the shortest time, otherwise he will lose the battle.

Unfortunately, this is the real world. I don't have the ability to live in the fantasy, reality and science fiction world here. Otherwise, let alone amdal, even if there are ten more amdal, there will be no more than 100 amdal.

However, these are all later words. What Ye Feng wants to think at this time is not these, but in the real world with limited ability, what ability does he have that is beyond the reach of andali in his life?

Ye Feng's brain keeps moving, but andali looks at Ye Feng with disdain and says, "I advise you not to struggle. Come here and die obediently. Maybe I can make you die more comfortable!"

Ye Feng gave a sneer, but he didn't speak. At this time, his brain suddenly flashed. After all, he was a professional trained from childhood to adulthood, and what he mastered was killing skills.

This is exactly what andali does not have. That is to say, if he takes all kinds of measures to kill him, he may still have a chance.

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