Andali then saw Ye Feng staring at himself. His face looked at Ye Feng slightly. He could not help frowning and said, "what are you looking at? How can you see me dead? "

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time and said, "in this case, let's make a bet!"

Andali can't help but frown when he hears the words, "what are you gambling on? What's the bet? You're going to die, I'll bet you? "

Ye Feng shrugged and shook his arm. "Since you are sure to win, what are you afraid of?"

Andali eyebrows slightly move to look at Ye Feng way, "well, you say, bet what?"

Ye Feng said to andali, "it's very simple. If I win..."

Andali did not wait for Ye Feng to finish, immediately sneered, "how is it possible..."

Ye Feng immediately said, "I said if, if I win, you know what I want! Give it to me

Andali immediately said, "you can't win, and you will die. My goal today is to kill you!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "if you win, of course you can kill me, but you can also let me do anything before killing me! Remember what I said, anything

But andali sneered, "I'm going to kill you. What do you want to do?"

But Ye Feng said, "for example, let me kneel down in front of you to be soft, for example, humiliate me before I die Isn't it better to look at the way I beg you? "

Listen to Ye Feng say so, andaliton a silent look to Ye Feng, thought for a long time also did not speak.

It's undeniable that what Ye Feng said really made his heart beat. It's really better for a person like Ye Feng to let him completely submit to himself before he dies than to kill him directly.

This is not only to win him physically, but also to let Ye Feng completely collapse mentally. This is his goal.

Thinking of this, andali stared at Ye Feng for a long time, and then said, "OK, I'll bet with you!"

But Ye Feng said, "since you have agreed, do you want me to see the black metal first, is it still on you? At least I'll make sure that the bet is on it? "

Said Ye Feng immediately said, "I am your bet, I am in front of you now, but my bet, at least let me have a look!"

Andali's face moved slightly, but he didn't speak immediately.

Ye Feng said to andali, "what are you worried about? It's like playing when you kill me now. Are you worried that I can take it from you or something? "

After taking a deep breath, andali immediately nodded and said, "you're right. OK, I'll let you have a look!"

With that, andali reached into his trouser pocket and took it out. Then he stretched out his hand and opened his palm. But he saw that there was a piece of black metal on his hand.

At this time, flamencourto and cruise also stare at andali's hand, especially flamencourto, wondering why so many people do anything for this thing.

Ye Feng then stared at the black metal to see a few eyes, but saw that the black metal is still flashing cold light, just by this point, Ye Feng knew that the black metal is true.

Not only that, but it also confirms that the changes in andali, like Ye Feng's conjecture, are entirely due to the black metal.

At this time, as soon as the palm of his hand closed, he immediately put his hand into his pocket. However, Ye Feng was curious that after such a large metal object was put into his trouser pocket by andali, he could not see any change on his trouser pocket. It seemed that there was nothing in his pocket.

Andali then took out his hand and immediately said to Ye Feng, "the bet has been finished. Now we can start our bet?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "the space here is too small. I believe you can't do it at all!"

Andali shrugged and said, "yes, this room is too small You'd better talk about it first. What are we gambling on? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "there is a forest around the villa. Let's go there. I'll bet you half No, you can't kill me in an hour! "

Andali can't help frowning at the words, "can't kill you in an hour?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "how about it? You should be able to accept that, right? "

Andali sneered, "I'll take your challenge and see how many minutes I'll kill you!"

Ye Feng walked towards the door with a faint smile, "so we'll go to the woods now?"

The thousand color bee immediately called Ye Feng and said, "do you really want to gamble with him?"

Ye Feng looked back at the thousand color bee and said, "don't worry, I've seen through his ability..."

On hearing this, andali's face immediately changed, and he walked toward the door angrily, "see through? OK, let's go now. I'll show you what I can do! "

At this time, Ye Feng nodded to the thousand color bee. Then he had a look at Diana. After nodding to her, he turned and left.After andali came out of the villa, they stood by one side and walked towards the woods.

Andali kept clenching his fist, as if he wanted to make Ye Feng feel pressure first.

After walking for a long time, andali stood on the footpath and said, "when are we going to go, there's a lot of space here. It's here!"

Hearing the speech, Ye Feng also stops and turns to look at andali. The purpose of walking all the time just now is to delay as much as possible. If he keeps running away, Ye Feng is confident that he will not let andali grasp him in an hour.

But Ye Feng's goal is not to bet with andali that he can't kill himself in an hour. He not only has to do this, but also has to conquer andali as much as possible.

Just now has been walking, andali did not speak, just to Ye Feng himself for thinking time.

At this time, listen to andali impatient to start now, Ye Feng also had to stop to look at andali, nodded to andali and said, "are you ready?"

Andali heard Ye Feng say so, can't help but angry and funny, immediately clenched his fist, steel ring way, "I was ready to crush your bone, you ask me ready? Are you ready? "

At this time, Ye Feng nodded to andali, then closed his eyes slightly and began to breathe deeply, trying to even his breathing.

Andali looked a little impatient and immediately said, "what are you doing? Are you ready? "

Ye Feng nodded slightly at this time and said, "OK!" With that, he immediately opened his eyes and rushed to andali with a vigorous step.

Andali just sneered, he did not go up to take the initiative to find him, Ye Feng pour good, he sent to the door, it seems that he did not eat enough of his fist.

Think of andali also don't give way, also don't dodge, directly hard hit a punch toward Ye Feng pounded in the past.

Ye Feng doesn't say that he can't kill him in an hour, but he has to punch him to make him completely surrender.

Seeing that Ye Feng is about to arrive in front of him, andali has exhausted all his strength with one punch, which is bound to solve the battle with one punch.

But looking at his fist to hit Ye Feng, Ye Feng suddenly disappeared in front of him. Andali actually waved a blank.

Andali can't help but move. As soon as he is ready to find Ye Feng, he feels that his neck is tight. Ye Feng actually comes to his back and strangles his neck.

Andali can't help but sneer. Just now in the villa, Ye Feng has already used this move. I didn't expect that Ye Feng would only use this move?

Andali still used the move to deal with Ye Feng upstairs. He stood still and let Ye Feng strangle himself. Anyway, he didn't feel it at all.

At this time, Ye Feng strangled andali's neck. At the same time, he also felt that andali's body was the same as upstairs. If he had been doing this all the time, his strength would be exhausted, and andali might not have started.

But Ye Feng has thought of this for a long time. It is not Ye Feng's ultimate goal to strangle andali's neck. His goal is to make andali think that he can only do one or two moves. Let's relax andali's vigilance first.

Andali now is indeed as Ye Feng said, full of disdain for Ye Feng, even the mouth impatiently said, "almost? Would you like nothing else? "

With these words, andali immediately gave a violent drink, then forced a turn, turned behind him, and immediately punched Ye Feng's abdomen.

If ye Feng doesn't give up at this time, with the strength of andali, this fist will definitely smash Ye Feng away. It's estimated that there won't be a complete rib in his chest and abdomen.

However, after andali smashed the punch out, he found that Ye Feng suddenly disappeared from his eyes. At this time, the remaining light of his eyes glimpsed that Ye Feng actually fell to the ground and slipped from his leg to his back.

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