Ye Feng to andali behind, immediately is that move, Le neck lock throat, completely a set of even set of move.

Andali was strangled by Ye Feng in an instant. Although he could completely separate Ye Feng as long as he struggled, it made andali a little annoyed.

At this time, andali stood still and said coldly, "is that the only way you can do it? Nothing new? That's how you got your name as Satan? "

Ye Feng this time smell speech a burst of sneer way, "you collapse tube is what trick, can subdue you is good trick!"

On hearing this, andali couldn't help laughing and said, "subdue me? You really have courage. You dare to say such big words at this time. I really have to admire you! "

At this time, Ye Feng said with a smile, "don't worry, I admire you. Next, I admire you!"

As soon as andali heard this, he immediately grabbed Ye Feng's arm and held it tightly. He bent down at will and threw Ye Feng from his back.

Ye Feng suddenly whole body soared, from andali's back directly fell to the front, a instability directly fell to the ground.

And at this time, andali immediately stepped on Ye Feng with one foot, and pulled Ye Feng's arm in his hand. It was like pulling Ye Feng's arm off his body.

At this time, Ye Feng suddenly felt that the whole arm was not on his body. The veins on his painful neck were raised.

However, andali didn't exert too much force. His purpose is to torture Ye Feng and make him completely submit to himself, so he is waiting for Ye Feng to beg for mercy.

Andali then sneered, "with this ability, I dare to call myself number one and number two in the world. Now I can take off your arm at any time, you know?"

Ye Feng hummed coldly, but he didn't say anything. He was staring at andali, but his eyes were drifting around, as if he was looking for the weakness of andali.

At this time, andali made a little effort on his hand and immediately yelled at Ye Feng, "do you admit defeat?"

Ye Feng is suffering from pain toward andali, "admit defeat? What are you doing? Should we? I'm going to admit defeat? "

Andali sneered, and immediately began to exert himself on his hand. The joints of Ye Feng's arm made a sound.

Andali immediately asked Ye Feng, "as long as I use a little more force, your arm will be gone. Just say that you give up, and I'll let go..."

Ye Feng said with a smile at this time, "is this your ability? That's all

Andali's face sank when he heard the words, and he snorted coldly, "then don't blame me for being impolite!"

With these words, andali's hands immediately grabbed Ye Feng's arm at the same time. The corners of his eyes trembled and he took a deep breath.

Andali was preparing to tear Ye Feng's arm off his body. Although he absolutely did it, it felt cruel after all.

At this time, there was a sound of footstep in the woods on one side, and soon Diana and qianse bee appeared here.

When the two women saw that Ye Feng was trampled on the ground by andali, their faces changed, and they immediately ran towards Ye Feng.

Diana also said to andali, "you let him go, you let him go, I promise you anything!"

Andali smell speech but looked at Diana, she really used to be their own goddess, in the past as long as Diana a look, they can be excited for a long time.

But now it's not the same. Diana begged to let him go for Ye Feng, who was only at her feet. She was willing to sacrifice herself for Ye Feng, so she reluctantly agreed to say everything to herself.

In the eyes of andali, this is a facility and a shame, which he can't accept. Originally, andali was not so angry. When Diana said this, she was furious.

At this time, Ye Feng rolled on the ground and changed his body shape. Originally, he was facing down. When andali was distracted, he turned around and already faced up.

Andali just recovered, and immediately stepped on Ye Feng's face.

But at the same time, Ye Feng's other hand, which could move all the time, became a fist, and immediately gave an elbow to andali

Andali just sneered, even did not hide, such a fist for now, nothing.

Even if ye Feng exhausted all his strength, his forehead and arm hurt, but he wanted to unload Ye Feng's other arm completely from his arm.

So andali just snorted, and he was just hit by Ye Feng. He was ready to take off his arm immediately after Ye Feng finished his fist.

But when Ye Feng's fist hit his arm, he heard a crisp click.

For a moment, andali felt a pain on his elbow, which passed from one point to the whole arm, and from the whole arm to the whole body.Andali couldn't help but snort, but he let go of Ye Feng's arm.

At this time, Ye Feng hit the same part of andali.

Suddenly, andali screamed, the other hand immediately instinctively grasped his arm, stepped back several steps, looked at Ye Feng in pain and disbelief, "what kind of demon technique are you using?"

At this time, Ye Feng's arm, which had been pulled by andali, suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. He quickly stood up from the ground and moved his arm a little. Up to now, it's still sour.

Thousand color bee and Diana had just come to see Ye Feng was stepped on the ground by andali, but also holding an arm, did not expect that just within a short time, Ye Feng had defeated andali.

They had seen andali's hand before, and they felt that Ye Feng couldn't defeat it. But now it seems that although Ye Feng didn't subdue andali immediately, at least Ye Feng didn't have the ability to fight back. Both women can't help but feel relieved.

Andali then looked at Ye Feng, frowned slightly and said, "your fist strength can't be so big, you must be cheating!"

Ye Feng clenched two fists and said with a smile to andali, "don't worry about my technique. It's good to hurt you!"

When andali heard this, his brow moved again, and he immediately snorted again. Up to now, his whole arm was still sour. Although it didn't hurt much, it felt like his arm had been hit with numbness, and he felt like he had touched the switch.

Andali stares at Ye Feng, and then takes a deep breath. He knows that he still has an absolute advantage over Ye Feng, and Ye Feng doesn't know what strange method he used to hit him.

But he didn't lose his overwhelming advantage. He can't be bluffed by Ye Feng's success. Since Ye Feng has the ability to fight back, he can't take it lightly any more. Next, he won't let Ye Feng get half a point.

Just now there was no Diana and thousand color bee present, I still want to play with Ye Feng. Now Diana is present, I will never give Ye Feng another chance.

Andali thought to herself that she had to knock down Ye Feng as soon as possible to let Diana know that the man she saw was as vulnerable as mole ants in front of her. It was a fatal mistake that she didn't choose to be with herself.

Ye Feng stares at andali at this time. He also sees that andali is paying a little attention to himself now, which is not good news for Ye Feng.

What Ye Feng wants is andali's arrogance and self-confidence, and his disdain, so that he can have a chance to sneak attack.

In fact, he has already seen that the current physical quality of andali is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with. The only way to win is to make a surprise.

But his fist, no matter in strength or speed, can't hurt him, so at this time, Ye Feng thought that he had another unique skill to win, that is, acupoints and joints.

This point has been used by Ye Feng before. It's probably not too much to call andali's physical fitness a bronze head and iron arm.

This kind of physical quality, let alone one or two punches on him, even if andali stands there and does not fight back, he may not be able to hurt him at all.

So in this case, what Ye Feng can think of as his own advantage over andali is his understanding of human acupoints and joints.

Sure enough, it played a key role at a crucial time just now.

If it wasn't for the effect of my fist just now, I believe one of my arms would have been torn off by andali.

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