At this time, the numbness of andali's arm had subsided a lot. He immediately sneered at Ye Feng and said, "you seem to have some means, but this means can only make me suffer a loss once. Next, do you think I will give you a chance?"

Ye Feng also sneered at andali, "since I found your weakness, do you think if you don't give me a chance, I can't find it?"

Andali hummed coldly, but he didn't say anything. At this time, he fixed his eyes on Ye Feng for a long time, although he thought that as long as he didn't give Ye Feng a chance.

But Ye Feng's technique just now is a little special, and there is still something bottomless in andali's heart, and he has never been in a hurry.

Ye Feng also has the same mentality as andali. Andali has some consideration for Ye Feng's sudden ability to hit him, while Ye Feng is more conservative about how many times he can hit andali by surprise.

Thousand color bee and Diana also stare at Ye Feng and andali at this time, and their hearts are also a little empty.

Although Ye Feng unexpectedly beat back andali just now, most of the time they saw it, andali still had the upper hand.

They don't know whether this is Ye Feng's fluke or something, so they are still not at ease in their hearts. They all secretly cheer for Ye Feng.

Andali then said to Ye Feng, "why don't you do it? What are you doing there? Waiting for me to find you a flaw? "

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "you want me to die. You don't worry. What am I worried about? Why don't you do it? What are you waiting for? "

Andali sneered at this time. Yes, Ye Feng was right. He said that he would die until Ye Feng died. Now what are you waiting for?

Although Ye Feng just unexpectedly won his own move, but also did not put himself how, just a little sore arm just.

As long as you grasp Ye Feng, you can directly unload his arm. The two people's harm to each other is not comparable.

Think of here, andali cold hum, and then take a deep breath, and immediately roared toward Ye Feng rushed up.

Ye Feng, seeing this, also took a deep breath. He was full of spirit and watched andali rush towards him.

In fact, Ye Feng in the first time after winning, has been in his mind, he can not always be passive, must find the opportunity to take the initiative to attack.

Think of here, looking at andali toward himself rushed up, Ye Feng immediately squatted down, the body slightly forward looking at andali.

When andali arrived in front of him, Ye Feng immediately sidestepped to avoid, and then quickly jumped to the back of andali.

Andali has twice been strangled by Ye Feng from the back. He knows Ye Feng's action. As Ye Feng disappears from his eyes, andali immediately makes a circle behind him.

Ye Feng is at the back of andali at this time, but this time he is not in a hurry to go up to le andali. He also knows that andali has been killed twice by himself. This time, he will definitely take the initiative to attack, and will not give himself the chance to strangle him from behind.

Sure enough, the result is the same as what Ye Feng thought. As soon as he arrived at the back of andali, andali's fist roared towards him.

Even Ye Feng does not dare to underestimate the punch of andali. After all, Ye Feng has suffered from the loss of andali's fist, and he does not dare to neglect it.

Even after Ye Feng just got it, he began to calculate the acupoints and joints behind andali.

So after Ye Feng avoided the punch of andali, his first reaction was to find the flaw behind andali.

Soon Ye Feng is still locked on the neck of andali. If Ye Feng remembers correctly, there should be a hemp hole there.

But dodges andali one punch Ye Feng, immediately a vigorous step forward, once again strangled andali's neck.

Andali is so angry and funny. This legendary Satan can only lock his throat with one move, which makes people laugh and cry.

However, just when andali wanted to say a few words to ridicule Ye Feng, such a move had no effect on him at all, he suddenly felt a numbness behind his neck.

This kind of feeling and just his arm was Ye Feng in a boxing almost, that kind of sour, spicy feeling, although not painful, but particularly uncomfortable.

It seems that his whole neck can't move. When andali wants to twist his neck to see what Ye Feng is doing, he finds that his neck doesn't work at all.

At this time, Ye Feng had seen the reaction of andali, and immediately jumped up, then put his knees on the back of andali, and grasped his head with both hands.

Seeing this, andali was shocked. Although his neck couldn't move, his hands could move. He immediately waved his fist and said hello to Ye Feng.

But because the neck can't move, so after the fist strength was obviously reduced by more than half, a punch in Ye Feng's body, Ye Feng also feel able to bear, just took the punch.However, Ye Feng didn't want to get it for nothing. His purpose was to lead andali to fight. At the same time that andali punched Ye Feng, Ye Feng released his hand holding andali's head and immediately grasped his arm.

Just when andali realized that he had been cheated, felt bad and wanted to shrink his hand, Ye Feng clenched his fist and gave him another elbow.

All of a sudden, andali screamed. After all, Ye Feng was ready. This time, his strength was much stronger than that of the last time when he was constrained by andali.

Ye Feng's goal this time is not just to make andali feel uncomfortable, but to get rid of an arm of andali.

However, andali's physical fitness is far more terrible than Ye Feng thought. If most people bear a blow of their own strength, their arms would have been broken.

But Ye Feng's blow on andali's elbow only made him feel pain, not broken.

However, Ye Feng frowned and immediately made up another fist. The strength of this fist was the same as that of the previous one.

After this punch, andali immediately screamed again, and the other hand began to stretch out behind him to catch Ye Feng.

Where did Ye Feng give andali this opportunity? He immediately added another punch. At this time, he heard the sound of "click" and the sound of andali's broken bones.

At this time, andali screamed again, which was even more fierce than the previous two, and there was a little incomprehension in the scream.

Thousand color bee and Diana can't help but be stunned. They didn't expect that just in this instant, Ye Feng completely reversed the war and could completely break andali's arm.

But Ye Feng didn't want to let andali go so quickly. He immediately grabbed the other arm of andali, and hit him with another fist.

At this time, andali was shocked. He already knew where Ye Feng was going to attack him. He immediately threw Ye Feng away with all his strength and protected his arm. He ran several steps forward to avoid Ye Feng's attack.

But Ye Feng didn't pursue him this time. He just stood there looking at andali and said with a sneer, "where is this? Can't hold on so fast? "

Andali ran all the way to his safe position, then stopped and turned to look at Ye Feng.

What's more, the look of andali's turn is very similar. He turns his whole body together. So far, he can't twist his neck by himself.

After looking at Ye Feng, andali's face changed several times. He couldn't figure out what Ye Feng was doing. He already felt that his body was similar to King Kong. He couldn't stand Ye Feng's fists.

At this time, andali wanted to move his arm, which was attacked by Ye Feng. At this time, he felt the pain in his heart, which was completely different from the feeling of numbness before. This time, after all, the bone was broken.

Andali looked at Ye Feng in surprise, then hummed coldly, "what kind of magic are you?"

Ye Feng also sneered at andali, "how about it? Now it's time to surrender to me. I've been lenient, or I won't be so kind next time! "

If it had been before, andali would have mocked Ye Feng, but now that he has suffered a loss, andali does not dare to mock Ye Feng any more.

Now my neck and one arm can't move. If it goes on like this, my other arm will be doomed.

At this time, Ye Feng took out a cigarette and lit one. He held a cigarette in one hand and took a puff occasionally. The other hand was inserted in his trouser pocket, completely relaxed.

Andali was even more breathless. After he snorted, he took a deep breath to calm down gradually.

He knew that at this time, the more dispassionate he was, the more likely he was to make mistakes. At this time, he gradually realized that Satan was only Satan and did not have a false name.

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