At this time, qianse bee sneered at andali and said, "you want to kill Satan with your brute force? Have you thought about it? "

Andali's eyes moved, and his brain was also very flashy. At first, he hit Ye Feng unprepared by brute force and surprise.

But now Ye Feng has reflected it, and he seems to have no chance of winning.

And now one of his arms is useless, let alone a fist, now it's painful to move.

Not only that, his neck seems to be unable to move, although it is not as painful as his arm, but it is sour and uncomfortable.

Now and Ye Feng fight, he only has one arm to hand, the other hand can't move, it's OK to say.

But after the neck can't move, the strength of his hand will be affected, and it's impossible to punch as before.

When Ye Feng finished smoking a cigarette, he threw the cigarette end on the ground and stamped it out. Then he looked at andali and said, "are you ready? I'm coming again

At this time, when andali heard this, he could not help but feel cold in his spine. He could not help but step back at his feet.

Ye Feng see in the eyes, he knows that no matter how his body damage to andali, has caused him permanent damage.

At least in the momentum, he has won, andali now has no previous arrogance.

Ye Feng can't help sneering, "how? Did you come to me, or did I come to you? "

After several changes in his eyes, he said, "I give up..."

This is what Ye Feng didn't expect at all. He frowned at andali and said, "give up?"

Andali shrugged slightly at this time, but with this shrug, his arm and neck felt together. His neck was sour and his arm hurt.

He then frowned slightly at Ye Feng and said, "but of course I have to give up!"

After staring at andali for a long time, Ye Feng said, "that is to say, the bet between us..."

Before Ye Feng finished, andali immediately said, "you won..."

Ye Feng frowned and said, "since I won, what I want..."

Andali took a deep breath at this time. After looking at Ye Feng for a long time, he reached into his pocket, then took out the black metal, spread his hand in front of him and said, "here, since it's a bet, of course I'm willing to admit defeat."

Ye Feng looked at the ferrous metal in andali's hand, pondered a breath and said, "throw it, I don't think it's a problem, then you can go!"

But andali said to Yefeng, "throw such a valuable thing? I think you'd better come and get it yourself! "

Ye Feng a listen to this, immediately heart next move, stare at andali to see for a long time, also did not say anything.

Andali then said to Ye Feng, "what? I've given up and I'm willing to hand over my things. Don't tell me you don't have the guts to come and get them? "

When Ye Feng heard what andali said, he walked towards him. But as soon as he took a step, he heard Diana say, "be careful, don't cheat!"

Thousand color bee also toward Ye Feng said, "yes, this boy so arrogant, suddenly surrendered, and his character before completely inconsistent, obviously what plot, can't help but guard!"

Ye Feng listens to thousand color bee and Diana say so, eyebrow slightly a wrinkly.

In fact, they do not need to remind Ye Feng himself that andali is not only physical, but also personality.

So the arrogant andali should not be the nature of andali before, unless the influence of ferrous metal on him suddenly disappeared, otherwise the character of andali should not change too much.

In other words, in other words, it's impossible for andali to admit defeat so easily. Even qianse bee and Diana can see it. How can they not?

Andali frowned slightly and said to Ye Feng, "the thing is here. Do you want it or not? No, I'll put it away! "

At this time, Ye Feng took a deep breath. Maybe after taking a look at andali, he walked towards andali.

It seems that andali didn't expect that Ye Feng would dare to come here in this case, but he didn't have any expression on his face, completely waiting for Ye Feng to come and take things.

Ye Feng has been a step away from andali, and then stopped, looking at andali.

Andali frowned and said, "what? It's so close to the last step, but it stops? "

At this time, Ye Feng said to andali, "you can throw this distance to me. I think I can still get it!"

Andali said to Ye Feng, "you can't have such a valuable thing. You've already come here. What's the matter? Are you really afraid of my conspiracy? "

Then andali shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm your loser now. Don't you have this confidence?"Ye Feng knows that andali is exciting himself. The more so, the more it shows that andali is really harbouring some bad intentions.

But even so, after taking a deep breath, Ye Feng took a step forward and came to andali.

But it's totally different from what he guessed. Ye Feng thought that as long as he was close to the black metal, what would happen.

Now I'm standing on the side of ferrous metal, but nothing unexpected happened.

Ferrous metal is still lying quietly in the palm of andali's hand, andali's body has not changed.

Andali then said to Yefeng, "why don't you take it?"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the speech. After staring at the black metal in the palm of andali's hand, he looks up at andali for a moment.

But Ye Feng still didn't reach for the black metal, just a pair of eyes.

Andali sneered at this time and said, "my bet with you is that if I lose, I will hand over this. Now I'm willing to hand it over, but you are suspicious. Satan shouldn't have only this courage, right?"

Ye Feng looked at andali and said, "you asked me to take it by myself again and again. Obviously, there is something wrong with it. It has come to this stage. Let's get to the point."

Andali smell speech face without the slightest expression change, just looking at Ye Feng, then sneer a way, "you don't care if I have any conspiracy, what's the problem, the thing is here, you have the courage to take, don't have the courage that I have no way, not I don't give, but you don't accept, if so, then I will take back!"

Speaking of this, andali immediately clenched his fist, held the black metal in the palm of his hand, and was about to put it back in his pocket.

And Ye Feng this time, but immediately said, "wait a minute, who said I don't take?"

After hearing what Ye Feng said, andali frowned slightly. After looking at Ye Feng, he immediately stretched out his hand, spread out his palm and said, "take it!"

After staring at the ferrous metal, Ye Feng took a deep breath and immediately reached for the ferrous metal in andali's hand.

However, Ye Feng's action is not fast, he also knows that andali must be playing some ghost, but he is still not sure.

Ye Feng's hand slowly close to the black metal, and then pause for a while, but also completely did not feel what the black metal is different.

He finally took a look at andali. Andali shrugged at him and deliberately raised his hand to let Ye Feng take the ferrous metal.

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time, immediately grasped the black metal, and immediately felt a cool feeling from his first moment to his whole body.

But this feeling is also fleeting. When Ye Feng holds the ferrous metal, andali immediately retracts his hand and says to Ye Feng, "I've given it to you. You can keep it."

At this time, Ye Feng looks at andali in surprise. He still doesn't find anything wrong with his body. Does he really want to give something to himself?

But when Ye Feng spread out his palm and wanted to have a look at the black metal, he found that he had nothing in his hand.

Ye Feng's face suddenly moved. It turns out that andali is playing this kind of pattern?

He wanted to say to andali immediately, "isn't that interesting?"

Andali took a look at Ye Feng's palm and saw that there was no black metal in his palm. He immediately stretched out his hand and said, "you took it from my palm. My hand hasn't entered my pocket. It's always outside! Don't blame me if you've lost it yourself

Ye Feng then frowned and said, "the black metal in your palm has always been just a fantasy. Do you think you can muddle through?"

Andali frowned slightly, then looked at qianse bee and andali and said, "you saw him take things with your own eyes just now, but now it's gone. Are you coming to me again? Isn't it? "

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