Ye Feng hummed coldly at this time, "if you play this kind of trick, it's boring. It seems that you are still unconvinced, so go on!"

Andali looked at Ye Feng and said, "I've given you something, and I've given up. There's no need to continue!"

At this time, Ye Feng immediately stepped forward and went directly to the side of andali. He jumped to the back of andali.

It seems that the lesson to him is not enough, but also harder, but just when Ye Feng was ready to jump up, he just jumped up, and felt as if he had no strength.

Ye Feng's whole body fell directly on the ground, lying on the ground completely unable to move.

Not far away thousand color bee and Diana see, complexion is a move, two people coincidentally toward Ye Feng side ran in the past.

But at this time, andali stepped on Ye Feng's body with one foot, and sneered, "don't you think so?"

Although Ye Feng could obviously feel andali's foot on his back, he was still completely unable to move.

When andali saw Diana and qianse bee coming, he immediately yelled at them, "don't come here, or I'll step on him right now!"

With that, andali also moves his foot to Ye Feng's head. Qianse bee and Diana have seen the power of andali. If he tries his best to step on Ye Feng's head, Ye Feng will die on the spot.

Hearing this, qianse bee and Diana immediately stopped. Qianse bee immediately said to andali, "what are you up to? Why is that? "

And Diana immediately said to andali, "don't mess about..."

Andali snorted coldly at this time, "if he is allowed to cheat, can't I cheat? What's the point of continuing such an unfair contest? "

Ye Feng then said to andali, "the black metal is already in your body, isn't it?"

Andali listened to Ye Feng's words, his face moved slightly, but he said to Ye Feng, "no matter where it is, you will never see it in your life!"

Ye Feng's brow was slightly wrinkled when he heard the speech. In fact, from the first time when andali pulled out the black metal from his pocket and conjured it, Ye Feng already had this feeling.

Just now, I came into contact with the so-called black metal in the hands of andali. In fact, it was just an illusion.

If andali can use his own hands to create such an illusion to deceive himself, it means that andali is not the kind of change he understands.

Ye Feng, after all, has experienced the world of fantasy and science fiction. Whether he looks at it with fantasy or science fiction, there is only one explanation. For some reason, ferrous metal has been started by andali.

Now the black metal is not a substance at all, but an illusion, which may be hidden in the body of andali.

At this time, seeing that Ye Feng didn't say a word, andali immediately sneered and said, "you cheated just now. Now I'm a little careful. I think you should understand, right?"

Speaking of this, andali stepped on Ye Feng's back with a little strength, but said, "look what you look like now? It's like a lost dog. It's like a bedbug. I can crush you to death with just a little force on my feet! "

At this time, Ye Feng's heart moved slightly. Although he realized in advance that andali might play tricks, he was still on his way, which only showed that he was too conceited.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to andali, "if you have seed, do it. Don't talk nonsense here. Do you know how many villains died of talking?"

When andali heard this, his face suddenly moved, and then sneered, "don't forget that history is written by winners. As long as I kill you, no one will know how I beat you! I said how you died, you are how you died, I can say you more cowardly, there will be more cowardly, you don't expect to leave any good reputation in this world after death! That's why I say you're the villain and I'm the decent! "

Ye Feng was speechless for a while, and what did andali explain?

However, Ye Feng is not the time to argue with andali. First of all, he has to find the reason why he suddenly has no strength.

Otherwise, in the current situation, as Mr. andali said sincerely, he will die in his hands. After his death, he will be as weak as he says.

Andali saw that Ye Feng didn't speak, and his face was full of thumping look, which restored his original arrogance.

And at the same time, Ye Feng felt the coolness in his body before, and it was slowly rising, first in the abdomen, and then began to gradually pass to the whole body.

At this time, andali also felt as if there was a stream of air in his body, which was pouring towards his feet.

When andaliton's face moved, he immediately looked at his feet, and immediately wanted to raise his feet to see what happened.

It's good that andali didn't lift his feet. When he lifted his feet, he found that his feet seemed to occupy a magnet, firmly absorbed on Ye Feng's back. Whatever he wanted to lift, Lao Lai couldn't move.Andaliton was a little flustered, and thousand color bee and Diana seemed to see that there was something wrong with them. They both looked at them in surprise and didn't know what happened.

However, at this time, Ye Feng had a feeling of long absence, which could not be described as pleasant, as if his eight channels were completely opened.

Ye Feng suddenly had an idea in his mind, whether the ferrous metal has the function of recognizing the Lord. He met andali before, so he recognized andali and entered the body of andali.

But just now after I touched the metal illusion made by andali, I don't know if I have contact with ferrous metal, so ferrous metal now wants to recognize itself?

Although this is only Ye Feng's own guess, he feels that even if he is not completely prepared to guess, he will never leave ten.

After all, Ye Feng is a person who has experienced the mysterious world. He hasn't encountered any strange things. This kind of life and death has long been experienced.

After the cool air passed from the abdomen to the whole body, Ye Feng also began to feel that there was a continuous stream of air passing to his body when andali stepped on his back foot.

Soon Ye Feng didn't have any strength, and he began to recover gradually. He tried to move his hands and feet. When he found that he could move, he immediately wanted to turn over.

However, Ye Feng's feeling is the same as that of andali. He feels as if his back is welded together with andali's feet. He can't be separated.

Ye Feng at this time even if it is the whole body anger all reply, also can temporarily lie on the ground motionless.

Andali was more and more flustered at this time. Before, he felt that he was full of energy, as if his energy could never be used up, but now he felt like a ball that had lost his breath. His energy was gradually passing with the air flow under his feet.

Andali can't help yelling at Ye Feng, "what are you doing?"

Ye Feng also said to andali, "I thought you were playing some tricks!"

At this time, andali can't help but be stunned. He looks at Ye Feng and sees that he is still lying on the ground. If it's really Ye Feng's tricks, he has already begun to resist.

When andali hesitated for a while, he felt that the air flow in his body was passing faster and faster. In a moment, he felt weak and sat on the ground.

And the arm that was interrupted by Ye Feng just began to hurt faintly, but now it also began to hurt deeply. Andali couldn't stand the pain.

At this time, andali was sitting on the ground with a dull hum of pain. His face was full of panic. Looking at Ye Feng in front of him, although he was still lying on the ground, his face was getting better and better. He couldn't help immediately saying, "it must be you!"

At this time, andali instinctively moved his feet, but found that his feet were lifted directly from Ye Feng's back.

As soon as he saw this, andali immediately wanted to get up and run away, but his strength was not enough to support him. He stood up and collapsed, and could not move.

At this time, Ye Feng stood up and unconsciously looked at his arms. At this time, he felt that his body was full of power, and an unprecedented power was filling his whole body.

Ye Feng also has a feeling that when this kind of power fills his body, it makes him have a sense that he must volatilize this power, or he will feel uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng couldn't help drinking, which made him feel a little more comfortable.

But this burst of drinking directly frightened andali.

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