At this time, andali has been completely restored to its original appearance. It must have been the same before.

Even andali's eyes were a bit dull, as if he didn't know why he was here. His eyes were lax and drifting around.

Ye Feng stood up at this time, looked at andali, andali immediately scared to run away.

Ye Feng didn't catch up with him. He just stared at him for a while, but qianse bee and Diana came to Ye Feng and said, "don't let him run away."

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders at this time and said faintly to qianse bee and Diana, "he doesn't have any threat. It's meaningless to run or not!"

Thousand color bee and Diana can't help but look at Ye Feng in surprise, then look at each other and look at each other.

Ye Feng took a look at Diana at this time, and then said to him, "we won't go up. I'll go with qianse bee first!"

On hearing this, Diana looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you going? Where are you going? "

Ye Feng sighed a little, then said, "we have our things to do, you also have your things to do, we should not be the same people, so there should be no intersection in the future!"

As soon as Diana heard this, her face suddenly moved again, her eyes turned red, and her tears were about to fall. She also realized that Ye Feng and qianse Feng might have gone for good.

She stammered, "won't you go up and say goodbye to my father?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "don't worry about it. He has experienced a lot of things in this period of time, but he is still injured. Don't disturb him!"

Diana's face moved again and said, "what about you? Did you get hurt just now? Would you like to stay and rest for a few days A night off is fine... "

Ye Feng Wen Yan sighed a little, and did not say anything, to tell the truth, he fully knows Diana's meaning, she is not willing to leave.

At this time, the thousand color bee came over and said to Ye Feng, "we'd better go up. Didn't you talk to Dixie on the phone before? Is she coming?"

Before Ye Feng spoke, Diana immediately said, "yes, your friend hasn't come yet. What if she doesn't find you?"

Ye Feng forgot about it. After listening to the thousand color bee, she saw Diana looking forward to her and nodded.

Diana smell speech facial expression immediately showed happy, immediately past pull Ye Feng toward the villa there.

Thousand color bee can't help shaking his head, but thinking of the body changes of Ye Feng and andali just now, his brow is still slightly wrinkled.

Even in qianse bee's opinion, she didn't understand it. It was clearly that andali put a foot on Ye Feng, and Ye Feng fell to the ground and couldn't move. How come after Ye Feng suddenly drank, andali collapsed and ran away?

Although qianse bee is full of questions, Ye Feng doesn't say, and she doesn't ask much. What she's worried about now is where to find the black metal when andali runs?

Qianse bee even thought, is Dixie has been out of trouble, so Ye Feng doesn't care if the black metal can be found?

After entering the villa, Diana immediately took Ye Feng upstairs and went to flamencourt's room.

Both flamencourt and cruise were anxiously waiting for the result. When they saw Ye Feng coming in, flamencourton breathed a sigh of relief.

Since Ye Feng has come back, it means that Ye Feng has won, while andali has lost.

Cruise was relieved at first, but then he mentioned another breath. He was relieved because ye Feng won, and then he mentioned another breath, indicating that his son lost.

Cruise knew what might happen if andali lost. He looked at Ye Feng and said, "so So So andali, he... "

Diana immediately said to cruise, "andali's running..."

Cruise then let go again. "Run away?"

Flamencourt also looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "did andali run away?"

At this time, after a long sigh of relief, Ye Feng said, "he's running, but he's the same as before. There's no threat!"

As soon as cruise heard this, he said nervously, "what do you mean? What's the same as before? "

Ye Feng explained, "the reason why andali is different from the andali you know is that andali is affected by the radiation of ferrous metal, so it will change. Now he has no problem..."

Ye Feng then looked at cruise and said, "in other words, that is to say, your son has been lost and recovered. Maybe these days and even recently, he still can't adapt, but soon he will be the same as before!"

The thousand color bee immediately said to cruise, "I advise you to send someone to find him as soon as possible."As soon as cruise heard this, he immediately nodded. Then he went out of the room and asked them to go to andali.

Franco Mingo heard the key point in Yefeng's words, and immediately frowned at Yefeng and said, "do you think that andali was radiated by black metal?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "according to my understanding, it should be like this!"

Flamencourt looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a while. For a long time, he still didn't understand the meaning of Ye Feng's words.

And thousand color bee asks Ye Feng at this time way, "so andali all the time put black metal on the body?"? What about ferrous metal? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders, then spread out his hands and said, "no! I think it's gone, isn't it? "

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, complexion suddenly a change, surprised looking at leaf maple way, "disappeared? Are you kidding? "

Ye Feng at this time saw a thousand color bee, he fully knew what thousand color bee was worried about, she was worried that there was no black metal to save her mother.

Think of here, Ye Feng immediately toward the thousand color bee way, "don't worry, our next step is to find zhuomus, save your mother!"

Thousand color bee this time but looking at Ye Feng way, "or we are looking for andali to ask?"? How do you know it's gone? "

But Ye Feng said to qianse bee, "if I say it's gone, it's gone..."

Thousand color bee smell speech heart can't help but move, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng for a while, but see Ye Feng gave oneself a firm look in the eyes.

After seeing Ye Feng's eyes, qianse bee just nodded slightly and didn't ask any more questions. She knew that there must be a reason why Ye Feng said that.

Flamencourt sighed, "the world is so big. It's amazing. It can happen again!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's true that there are all kinds of strange things in the world. No matter how many strange things there are, it's just that ordinary people seldom meet them!"

Flamenco can't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time. Originally, he wanted to ask, aren't you an ordinary person?

But flamencourt didn't ask. After all, in flamencourt's view, Satan is not an ordinary person.

At this time, someone downstairs reported that there was a woman looking for Satan outside the villa gate.

As soon as Ye Feng heard this, he immediately asked the humanitarian, "take her up..."

Then he immediately said, "no, let's go down!"

After saying this, Ye Feng immediately said to flamenco, "then we'll leave!"

When flamenco heard more words, Diana's face suddenly changed. She said to Ye Feng, "just have a rest here for a few days. Even if you want to get revenge from zhuomus, you have to fix it?"

Flamencourto also said to Ye Feng, "yes, after so many things, it needs to be repaired. Besides, if you stay here, I'll see what I can do to help you and repay you for saving your life."

At this time, Ye Feng took a look at flamencourt, and then looked at Diana, but sighed, "all the banquets in the world come to an end. What should go is always to go. Even if you stay today, you still have to go tomorrow. It's meaningless!"

Speaking of this, he said to Diana, "if you are predestined, you will see each other!"

After saying this, Ye Feng's head did not go back. Qianse bee nodded at Diana and said, "yes, he's right. If it's fate, we'll see you again!"

After that, qianse bee immediately chased Ye Feng, but Diana stood there and watched them disappear in the corridor.

Flamencourto looks at his daughter like this. He fully knows that Diana has fallen in love with Ye Feng. At the same time, he also knows that his daughter and Satan are not the same people at all. It's better not to see her again if they are destined.

Thinking of this, flamencourt said to Diana, "Diana, don't think too much. You are different from his world. He has his things to do! You have something to do, too! "

Diana looked at flamencourt in a dazed way. Why did her father's words mean the same thing that Ye Feng had said to herself before?

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