Ye Feng and Qian se Feng have already come downstairs by this time. When they get to the door, they see that it's Dixie standing there.

Dixie see Ye Feng, immediately nodded to him, Ye Feng immediately walked out of the door, to Dixie side, this just said, "you're ok? Dromus didn't embarrass you much, did he

Dixie shook his head, then frowned and said, "what's the matter with your voice?"

Before Ye Feng spoke, Qian se Feng said to Dixie, "before he changed his face to become Domingo, he changed his voice, but he didn't come back yet!"

When she saw the queen, she frowned, "are you Thousand color bee

In fact, Dixie didn't recognize the thousand color bee, but only the thousand color bee could be said to be easy to look, so she just guessed.

The thousand color bee then slightly nods to the Dixie Si way, "is me!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time, and then went to the yard to find a car. He said to Dixie and qianse Feng, "let's get on the car!"

Thousand color bee then toward leaf maple way, "this car is not ours?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I've done flamenco such a big favor. Should it be OK to requisition a car from him?"

Thousand color bee then looked back at the window upstairs, but saw Diana was standing there looking at them.

Ye Feng also followed the thousand color bee's eyes. When she saw Diana looking at her side, she immediately nodded to her and got on the bus.

The thousand color bee also nodded to Diana at this time, and then got into the car.

When Dixie came, she felt the strange look in Diana's eyes. She couldn't help looking up at Diana for a moment.

After getting on the bus, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "that woman is very hostile to me!"

Ye Feng smell speech then a shrug a way, "think much!"

The thousand color bee says to Dixie, "you don't feel wrong. She likes Satan and wants Satan to stay as her son-in-law!"

When she heard this, she said with a smile, "Oh? really? Why didn't you think about such a good thing? "

Ye Feng smell speech helpless shrug, then a step on the accelerator, the car immediately out of the yard.

After getting out of the gate of the yard, Ye Feng asked Dixie, "zhuomus asked you to come, didn't you send me anything?"

Dixie shrugged and said, "you look down on dromus too much. He knows you're just making an excuse to let me go!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help but move a way, "he knows? I'll let you come if I know? "

Dixie si then toward leaf Feng way, "have no way, who let him have no way to you?"

Ye Feng smiles and doesn't speak any more. But Dixie is surprised and says, "have you got anything?"

Ye Feng smell speech then toward Di Xi Si way, "got it!"

Thousand color bee smell speech but eyebrow move a way, "got it? When did it happen? Why don't I know? "

Ye Feng then said, "we'll talk about it later. Let's find a place to fix it. It's time to go down to see zhuomus!"

Thousand color bee smell speech but a face surprised way, "thing really got hand?"? Show me? "

Ye Feng then toward thousand color bee way, "you don't have to worry too much, no matter get hand or not, your mother we must save!"

Hearing what Ye Feng said, qianse Feng couldn't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time. Then she murmured, "I'm confused by you. I can't believe you got it. If you didn't get it, you can't let andali go I'm confused

At this time, Dixie looked at qianse bee and Ye Feng curiously and said, "I'm confused by what you said!"

Ye Feng didn't say anything until he stopped at a hotel in the city. Then he said, "I'll stay here for two days. Let's fix it up!"

With that, Ye Feng gets off to check in. After Dixie and qianse bee come, they give them their room cards.

After going to the room, Ye Feng fell to bed to have a rest. At this time, he could quietly think about what happened today.

If what happened today is true, does it mean that the world is illusory?

If it is in real life, how can this happen?

But if these are illusory, should I die in the first explosion? There's no way there will be any follow-up.

At this time, Ye Feng stretched out his hands and wanted to control the coolness in his body with his mind. Suddenly, there was an air flow in his abdomen, and then he began to pass it to his hands.

Feeling all this, Ye Feng realized that no matter whether the world is real or not, his current feelings are real, and he really absorbed the energy of ferrous metal.

Just thinking about it, at this time, there was a knock outside the door. Ye Feng quickly got up to open the door, but saw that it was qianse bee standing at the door.

Seeing the thousand color bee, Ye Feng knows that she must come for ferrous metal. No wonder, after all, this thing is related to her current life safety.Sure enough, after the thousand color bee walked into the door, he asked Ye Feng directly, "you still tell me, you know I care about this!"

Ye Feng didn't speak yet, and the thousand color bee immediately said, "do you know what I'm talking about?"

Ye Feng of course knows what the thousand color bee says. He shrugs his shoulders and says, "I've already told you. Will I go to save your mother?"

Qianse bee said to Ye Feng, "so what you mean is that you didn't get the ferrous metal, but you will help me to save my mother? Is that what you mean? "

Ye Feng smell speech but stare at thousand color bee to see a moment later, this just slightly a sigh way, "why do you insist on black metal?"? Have you ever thought that even if you give it to dromus, he may not let your mother go? Since you can compromise for your mother once, you will compromise for the second time, the third time, even all the time, and always be used by him.... "

After hearing what Ye Feng said, qianse bee immediately pondered. In fact, this problem Ye Feng said, qianse bee has always thought about it.

It's just that qianse bee doesn't have the right to choose. After all, her mother is in other people's hands. Thinking of this, qianse bee says to Ye Feng, "I don't think so far. I just want to save my mother now!"

At this point, the thousand color bee looked at Ye Feng and said, "so, do you get the black metal or not, you have to tell me!"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng asked qianse Feng, "do you remember what was different about andali before?"

But the thousand color bee shrugged and frowned, "I don't know what he looked like before. How can I know what's different from him?"

Ye Feng then said, "you don't need to know what he used to look like. What do you think is different with your own feelings?"

After a long time, he murmured, "what's the difference? I feel that he is arrogant and manic, and he has a lot of strength... "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "I tell you, the previous andali is definitely not such a person, and absolutely does not have such great strength. The reason why he is like this is just like what I said..."

Thousand color bee says immediately, "you say, he was radiated by black metal?"

Ye Feng is toward thousand color bee way, "radiation is just a speech, the actual situation is, black metal has penetrated into his body, this just changed him!"

Thousand color bee smell speech complexion suddenly a change, Zheng Zheng ground looking at leaf Feng way, "penetrate into his body?"? What do you mean

Ye Feng then said to qianse bee, "when you and Diana saw that I was trampled on the ground by him, did you think I must have lost? Why did he scare away at last?"

As soon as qianse bee heard this, her face suddenly moved. She asked Ye Feng, "yes, I was surprised at that time. It's reasonable to say that andali has won, and you don't have a chance to turn over. How can the final result be like that?"

Ye Feng then took a deep breath and said, "that's because the black metal has come from his body to my body!"

Hearing this, qianse bee can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise. His face is full of disbelief. He looks at Ye Feng in a dazed way and hasn't recovered for a long time.

Ye Feng then continued to say, "that's why I told you not to worry. I've got the ferrous metal. It's just different from what you think I've got!"

The thousand color bee smell speech but immediately say, "where is there some difference, simply can't understand, well, you mean, now the black metal in your In the body? "

Ye Feng solemnly nodded to the thousand color bee and said, "yes, it's in my body. I can feel its existence!"

Thousand color bee a face of inconceivable, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng for a long time, from Ye Feng's eyes and see that he doesn't seem to be joking with himself, can't help a surprised, heart or can't understand.

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