Diana didn't react at first, but seeing the thousand color bee looking at Ye Feng, she immediately understood and said, "what do you say?"

Ye Feng took a puff of cigarette and said, "I don't have any opinions. Don't ask me, but the thousand color bee is right. We only stay here for three days. We'll leave after three days. You don't have time to study at all, so I think it's still Let's see for yourselves! "

Thousand color bee smell speech can't help but frown, Ye Feng this is Chuai understand pretend confused, know that Diana learn easy to face art is just a prince, her real purpose is to learn easy to face art to stay in Ye Feng's side.

Now Ye Feng said so, obviously want to refuse Diana, think of here, thousand color bee can't help looking at Diana.

But Diana's face was full of disappointment. Qianse bee sighed and said to Diana, "I think it's better to forget it. It's really too late!"

However, after taking a deep breath, qianse bee said to Diana, "I can teach you some simple things in just three days. Although it's impossible to reach the professional level, it's OK to make small fights and mischief with friends in general!"

Diana didn't really want to learn how to change her face. She just wanted to learn how to change her face. She didn't have enough time to learn how to change her face, so she wanted to leave with Ye Feng and qianse Feng.

Listening to Ye Feng and qianse Feng, Diana said with a faint smile, "whatever! It's not so important to learn or not! "

Of course, qianse Feng understood Diana's intention. She immediately took a look at Ye Feng, but saw that Ye Feng was smoking a cigarette and didn't look at her side at all. She couldn't help sighing.

Anyway, qianse bee wants to help Diana in this matter. After all, what's the feeling of loving someone alone? No one knows better than qianse bee. She has suffered this kind of pain, so she can't bear to see Diana do the same again.

However, qianse bee has never thought that Diana's unrequited love and her unrequited love are actually the same person. She is totally in love with Diana.

At this time, Ye Feng finished smoking his last cigarette, and then stood up and said, "you talk, I'll go to the yard for a breath!"

Seeing that Ye Feng got up and left, Diana could not help sighing. It should have been a very low voice, but it was a very big sigh.

The thousand color bee listens in the ear, at this time looks at Diana, the heart is also a move, after a deep breath, this just said, "in fact, you should be bold and he said!"

When Diana heard this, she frowned, her face turned red and said, "what dare you say? What are you talking about? "

Seeing this, qianse bee shrugged and said, "if you are like this, then I have nothing to say!"

Finish saying thousand color bee also stand up, want to leave.

Seeing this, Diana quickly stretched out her hand to hold the thousand color bee and said, "don't go!"

Thousand color bee looked back at Diana and said, "at this time, if you want to carry it, I really have nothing to say! However, as far as I know, you should not have such a character. Shouldn't you just say what you have? Am I wrong about you? "

Diana can't help but take a deep breath when she hears the words. She secretly says yes. She has not been so timid all the time. She will blush when she moves.

In the past, I dare to love and hate. If I have anything to say, I will not hide it in my heart.

Before Ye Feng was still Domingo, he was just like this. How did Ye Feng change his character after he became Satan from Domingo?

Seeing that Diana didn't speak, qianse bee immediately took a deep breath, "I only know that you may be rejected if you say it, but if you don't say it, you don't even have the chance to be rejected. You can see for yourself whether you want to make it clear."

After that, qianse Fengtou left without looking back, leaving Diane alone in the living room.

Diana thought about it for a moment. She thought about what qianse bee said in her mind. She also said in her heart that if she didn't say it, Ye Feng would leave in three days. After Ye Feng left, she really didn't know when she would see him again.

Thinking of this, Diana could not help but take a deep breath. She immediately stood up and looked out from the landing window of the living room. She saw Ye Feng standing in the yard smoking cigarettes.

Diana cheered herself on, and then she plucked up her courage and walked out the door.

The thousand color bee had already walked to the second floor, when she saw Diana get up and walk towards the door, she could not help but stop to have a look. Her mouth just murmured, "good luck to you!"

Diana had already walked out of the gate of the villa and into the yard. Looking at Ye Feng not far away, she took a deep breath and walked quickly towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng was smoking a cigarette. When he heard the sound of high heels behind him, he could not help frowning. There was no need to look at people. Just listening to the sound, he knew that it must be Diana.

He knew what Diana thought of herself, but his current thought was not on it at all.

My mind is completely thinking about how to rescue Dixie after going to TSL headquarters.And I've done something sorry for Dixie last night. If I rolled the sheets with qianse bee last time, it was just because I took her as Dixie.

But this time last night, Ye Feng couldn't argue and find any more reasons. Now a thousand color bee has given Ye Feng a headache. If there is another Diana, how can he explain to Dixie?

Just as Ye Feng was thinking about it, Diana had already gone to Ye Feng's back. She had already summoned up her courage, but when she got to Ye Feng's back, she found that her courage had disappeared.

Ye Feng then looked back at Diana and said, "hmm? Do you come out to breathe? "

Diana was stunned and immediately nodded, "breathe? Yeah! Yes, it's too stuffy in the room. Come out for a breath! Take a breath of fresh air

Ye Feng just nodded and said, "well, it's good to come out for a walk and take a breath of fresh air. After your father's legs and feet are convenient, you should push him out to breathe more!"

Diana could not help nodding and said, "I know. When he can go downstairs, I'll take him down..."

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded toward Diana, then turned to the aisle, "then you breathe, I'll go up first!"

Diana smell speech face slightly move, immediately take a deep breath, immediately summon up courage toward Ye Feng way, "you wait a minute!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words. He stares at Diana for a moment and says, "let's talk about it another day..."

But before Ye Feng said anything, Diana quickly walked up to Ye Feng and hugged him, saying, "no, I'm going to say it now!"

Ye Feng sighed slightly. In fact, what Diana wanted to say had already been written on her face? He has been counting in his heart for a long time.

Ye Feng wants to push Diana away slowly, but she hugs him more tightly. She says, "you should know what I'm going to say. I feel that you've been avoiding me, and it's still intentional!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath, pushed away Diana and looked at her with a straight face. "You're right. I know what you want to say, but you should know that we It's impossible between us... "

Diana looked at Ye Feng and said, "why not? Why not? "

Ye Feng said to Diana, "isn't that simple? Because I already have someone to love! "

Diana immediately asked, "is it the Dixie you are going to save?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, that's her! Now that you know it, that's the best! "

Diana immediately nodded and said, "well, since you already have Dixie in your heart, why do you have anything to do with the thousand color bee?"

Ye Feng smell speech facial expression immediately move a way, "what do I have with her?"

But Diana said immediately, "don't think I don't know anything. Thousand color bee looks at you differently every time Don't tell me, she's just like me. She's just like me

Ye Feng suddenly pondered, he just for the thousand color bee thing headache, did not expect now was Diana so face to face questioning himself.

If I tell Diana now that it's completely Acacia, I may find an excuse to refuse Diana.

But Ye Feng knows that if he says so, it's disrespect for qianse bee. Last time he misunderstood qianse bee, but last night he knew that she was qianse bee, but something happened that shouldn't have happened. Is this just qianse bee's unrequited love for him?

When Diana saw that Ye Feng didn't speak, she immediately said, "you see, you can't say that yourself. It shows that there is something between you and qianse bee. When you have something with her, why don't you think that you still have Dixie in your heart? When you come to my side, you tell me that? Do you hate me that way? "

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