After staring at Diana for a long time, Ye Feng said to Diana, "since you know this, what else do you like about me? Are you going to share me with two women? Do you mind if I have two women besides you? "

Diana pondered when she heard that. To tell the truth, if ye Feng didn't say that, she didn't think about it at all. Now when she heard Ye Feng say that, she thought about it, and her heart was also tangled.

Ye Feng said nothing wrong, I now know Ye Feng in addition to Dixie, there is a thousand color bee, now Ye Feng has two women, do you still love him?

Ye Feng saw that Diana didn't say a word. At this time, she was immediately relieved. As long as Diana hesitated, it showed that she didn't think about the problem at all, so she was easy to say.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to Diana, "well, since you can't accept it, don't do it in the future. Besides, I left in three days. Maybe I won't have a chance to see you again in my life. I think you'd better find a man who matches you and go to sea who is better than me in the world!"

Diana listened to Ye Feng's words and immediately nodded, "I understand what you said, and I really can't accept that three women follow a man. In terms of rational thinking, I really can't, but in terms of emotional thinking, how can I make myself not love you?"

Ye Feng Wen Yan slightly sighed, "you just because you have never met a man like me, just feel novel, when you have no fresh feeling, the feeling will be weak!"

Diana then took a deep breath and said, "maybe you're right, but at present I just feel like this. I don't know if it's fresh. I just know that now I like you. I feel that if I don't take advantage of it now and wait for you to leave in three days, I don't have a chance to say it. If I think about today in the future, I will feel sorry for not saying it Regret for a lifetime, now I say it, no matter what the outcome between us is, I will not regret it! "

Listening to Diana's words, Ye Feng nodded and said, "you're right. I'm sorry to hear you say that. What you mean is that you just want to say what you think, but you don't want the result, do you?"

Diana looked at Ye Feng hesitantly for a while and said, "if there is a result, of course it is the best. But if there is no result, I don't demand it, because I know that the more I demand, the farther I push you, so why? In a word, I feel much better when I say it now. As for whether you love me or not, I don't care if you will be moved by my words! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help staring at Diana for a long time. Then he took a deep breath. "Diana, listen to me, if I don't have Dixie, if I don't have qianse bee If I'm just an ordinary person in michoken, I'll promise without hesitation when I meet an excellent woman like you who confesses to me, but life is like this. If I'm really just an ordinary person in michoken, you may not take a fancy to me, so many things are destined by heaven

Speaking of this, without waiting for Diana to speak, she immediately said, "listen to me first. First of all, I appreciate your love for me. I'm really flattered. I can't promise you now, because I have too many things in my heart and people who care about me, but I won't refuse you either. I can only say that our fate hasn't arrived. If we have fate, maybe we'll see each other again in the future, if we don't have fate Fate, can only be God's arrangement

Diana listened to what Ye Feng said, nodded to Ye Feng and said, "I understand. I thought I like you, so you must like me and be with me every day. But that's what I thought before. After I boldly talked to you, I didn't think so. I didn't mean to say how great I was. I just wanted to say it After that, I saw and wanted to open up a lot of things. Let's go along with the fate. If it's fate, it's just a test. If it's not fate, it's memory! "

Ye Feng listened to Diana say so, can't help staring at Diana for a long time, then a smile, nodded, but did not say anything.

Diana also stood in the same place and stared at Ye Feng for a long time before she said, "well, you don't have to bear any burden. I'm open and want to be open. You should be open and want to be open too!"

Ye Feng smell speech but is brow a wrinkly ground looking at Diana way, "I want to see open, want to open what?"

But Diana said to Ye Feng, "you may not feel it yourself, but in the eyes of outsiders, at least in my eyes, you have a heavy mind. I don't know what you are thinking, but I also want to advise you not to be too obsessive, to be open-minded, or even to empty your mind, not to think about it. After a good rest, maybe you will suddenly be enlightened! ”

after listening to what Diana said, Ye Feng looked at Diana, then nodded with a knowing smile and said, "I know, thank you!"

Diana shrugged her shoulders and said, "it's my business that I like you. It's your business that you don't like me and don't accept me. So although we can't like each other, I also want you. At least we are still friends now?"

Ye Feng smell speech a dismay, immediately but immediately nodded a way, "friend? Of course, we are friendsDiana then nodded to Ye Feng, then turned around and said, "you can blow the wind again. I'll ask the servant to clean up the room for you and qianse bee!"

Ye Feng stood in the same place, nothing to say, has been watching Diana into the villa, it was completely sent a breath.

At this time, Ye Feng thought of Diana's advice, saying that she was too obsessive. At this time, Ye Feng was also thinking, was she too obsessive?

Now that all his problems have been almost solved, he is sent to rescue Dixie and take Dixie to the ends of the world.

Is this your own obsession? Ye Feng sighed, maybe.

After all, it's just wishful thinking. Is that what Dixie thinks? Dixie never said that.

There is also the thousand color bee. Now there is one more thing to worry about in my heart, which is the thousand color bee.

If you don't have something to do with qianse bee, maybe you won't be so worried.

But in fact, now Ye Feng goes back to think, even if there is no thing last night, even before the thousand color bee as a Dixie, don't you really need to be responsible for the thousand color bee?

Although it's not the first time for Ye Feng to go to bed with a woman, she knows about her physiological needs before she went to bed with some women.

At the beginning, qianse bee had a good feeling for herself, which I knew. When I knew qianse bee's feelings for myself, I was still stubborn and had a relationship with her, which was obviously my nature.

Now that she doesn't know about it, what would she think if she did?

Even if Dixie forgives himself, what about the thousand color bee?

Just like now I know that Diana likes me, and I can't be with her, let alone give her any promise, but I still have a relationship with Diana.

So I obviously do it because I still have a good feeling for Diana in my heart. In other words, do I also have a good feeling for qianse bee?

But Ye Feng immediately thought, the first time is because the thousand color bee as a Dixie, let's not say.

So the second time, Ye Feng is really confused. Is it because he has a good feeling for qianse bee, or because qianse bee looks like a girl, so what should not happen?

If we think about this problem from another angle, that is to say, even if there is no thousand color bee and Diana, there is not only Dixie in our heart.

Otherwise, how can you be confused because qianse bee looks like a girl? So in the final analysis, do you really love Dixie?

Now think about it, it's really all problems. Maybe the reason why I'm full of worries is not because I'm going to board the headquarters of TSL, but just because of these things?

Ye Feng thought, in the heart is a burst of melancholy, maybe he is not a special person, his heart can accommodate too many women.

So the promise that I made to Dixie, the two immortals and their spouses who wandered the world, was it just said on the spur of the moment, and could it really be done in the future?

Ye Feng has a big question mark in his heart now. He really doesn't know what kind of person he is, especially in terms of women.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help thinking of what Diana said before she left. Since she can't understand it for the time being, she won't think about it. Let's empty her mind for a while.

Anyway, let's get out of Dixie first.

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