Ye Feng didn't think much about anything. When she returned to the villa, Diana was in the living room. When she saw Ye Feng coming in, she immediately told him that she had arranged for her servants to clean up the room for him.

Ye Feng went upstairs to have a look at the room. Diana also went upstairs and introduced to Ye Feng that the room arranged for Ye Feng was next to her father flamencourt, which was convenient for him to find flamencourt or flamencourt to find him.

Next to Ye Feng's room is qianse bee's room. At this time, qianse bee is standing at the door watching. Two servants in the room are helping to clean up quickly.

The servants replaced all the daily utensils on the bed and cleaned them. They also wiped the floor and the table and cleaned the bathroom.

After Ye Feng took a look, he went to the door of his room and took a look. It was similar to the thousand color bee. The two servants were busy living in the room.

Diana then opened the door opposite Ye Feng. Ye Feng knew that she and Diana lived door to door.

But when Ye Feng looked at himself with strange eyes, he immediately explained to Ye Feng, "I didn't make such a deliberate arrangement. My father asked me to arrange for you to live here. Don't think much about it!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I didn't think much about it, but the more you explain, the more misunderstandings you have. What do you say?"

Diana smell speech face suddenly a red, embarrassed light cough, toward Ye Feng way, "of course, you are a guest, if you don't like here, I give you change, respect your choice!"

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "don't worry about it. It's the same everywhere you live. Anyway, it's just three days!"

Diana reminded Ye Feng, "my father said it would take at least three days, but it may not be three days!"

Ye Feng took a look at Diana, then shook his head and said, "your father only said too much about time for you. Three days is the limit!"

Diana smell speech but is a dismay, Zheng Zheng ground looking at leaf Feng way, "for me?"

Then, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, Diana immediately understood Ye Feng's meaning. Flamencourt saw that she didn't want Ye Feng to leave, so she deliberately delayed the time.

As soon as Diana thought of this, her face turned a little red, and then she said to Ye Feng, "I'm going to talk to my father now..."

Ye Feng waved to Diana and said, "there's no need. Even if your father prepared the warship in advance, we'll prepare for three days!"

Diana listened to Ye Feng and nodded. At this time, the servant cleaned up and went downstairs with her things.

Ye Feng then walked into the room, opened the window, let the room scatter some disinfectant smell left by cleaning.

But when Ye Feng opened the window and looked into the distance, a light flashed across Ye Feng's face.

Ye Feng frowned, he immediately looked to the distance, but saw a refraction on a tree in the distance, heart suddenly a Lin, immediately drew the curtain.

Then Ye Feng immediately went to qianse bee's room and saw that she was also preparing to open the window to blow. He immediately said to qianse bee, "don't open the window, close the curtain!"

Thousand color bee is frightened by Ye Feng's sudden words, but she also knows that Ye Feng won't say this suddenly. Since she said it, it must have his purpose, so she immediately drew the curtain.

Ye Feng then went to open the door of flamencourt. Diana looked at Ye Feng mistily, but saw Ye Feng rush in and immediately drew the curtain.

Flamencourto was resting in bed. He was awakened by the sudden sound of the door opening. Then he sat up, took out the gun hidden under his pillow, and looked at the situation in the room in surprise.

Seeing that it was Yefeng and Diana, flamencourt was completely relieved, and then asked, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng said to Diana, "stay here with your father. Don't get close to the window. I'll go out and have a look!"

Diana also looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng said to flamenco, "remember how Shi Kefei died?"

Franco Mingo is awakened by Ye Feng's words. Shi Kefei is understood by the sniper outside the window.

Ye Feng came in to pull the curtain, which shows that there are still snipers outside the window.

Flamencourt couldn't help but wonder, "didn't you kill John Jordan?"

Ye Feng said to flamenco, "John Jordan is dead. His power has not disintegrated."

With that, Ye Feng immediately left the room, and flamenco pondered more.

Yes, Ye Feng is right. John Jordan is dead, but he is not alone. He still has partners and scattered forces.

Thinking of this, flamenco looks at the window with more thought. It seems that the rain is coming and the wind is blowing all over the building. Things have not completely passed.

Fortunately, Ye Feng came back, otherwise he was directly shot in the head, died do not know how to die, it is more unjust.Diana was sitting by the bed, holding flamencourt's hand and saying, "Dad, is everything all right?"

Flamencourt patted Diana on the back of her hand and said, "it's OK. Don't worry. With Satan, it can be solved!"

Diana can't help nodding. She can see from her father's eyes that his father has a great trust in Satan, and that his trust is more than any of his subordinates.

At this time, Ye Feng has quickly out of the villa gate, in the yard first toward the light just looked at the place, also don't know each other is put away the sniper gun, or this angle can't see.

Ye Feng didn't think much. He left the gate of the villa yard and ran in that direction. He was as fast as a runaway cheetah.

Ye Feng is also surprised that his skill is so fast, even exceeds the limit of his body. I don't know if it's because of the black metal.

Ye Feng didn't think so much. At this time, he didn't know if the other party had found him. If he thought more, he might be caught by the other party and run away.

Ye Feng soon got to the tree he had seen before, and immediately looked up at it, but he didn't find anything.

Ye Feng identified a tree and immediately climbed up. When he got to a tree, he just stood on a tree trunk and saw the leaves of a tree shaking not far away.

Ye Feng knew that it was absolutely impossible for the wind to blow, and immediately jumped forward to the trunk of the opposite tree without thinking about it.

Don't want to leaf maple just jump to that tree, but see next to a tree leaves is moving, leaf maple immediately saw a person directly jumped down from the trunk, hit a roll on the ground, got up and immediately ran away.

Ye Feng's heart moved, and immediately jumped from the tree. As soon as he got up, he saw a shadow running in front of the forest.

See so, leaf maple instant rushed past, don't want to front that person seem to hear leaf maple chase footsteps, immediately hide behind a tree.

Ye Feng heart next move, he knew that the other party found himself, but did not continue to escape, that the other party is ready to fight back.

Sure enough, as Ye Feng thought, a figure appeared behind a tree. Ye Feng immediately turned sideways to avoid it.

Ye Feng just avoided here, and saw a bullet hole in a tree where he was.

And Ye Feng did not hear the obvious gunshot, indicating that the other side of the pistol is equipped with muffler.

Ye Feng can't help but take a deep breath. At this time, he continued to move forward. But this time, instead of going straight, Ye Feng took the "s" route, and they were all around the tree trunk.

Even so, the other side did not give up shooting because of Ye Feng, but fired several shots continuously towards Ye Feng.

A few shots, if not Ye Feng with keen intuition, was shot by the other side.

It can be seen from this that the other side's shooting is really OK. His snake like walking was almost hit by the other side. It can be seen that the other side's shooting is a little bit.

But the other side saw a few shots did not hit Ye Feng, obviously also beyond her expectations, the heart can not help but move.

While Ye Feng was not quite close to him, he immediately ran away. However, he still looked back from time to time. As long as he saw Ye Feng's head rising behind the tree trunk, he could not help but make up for it.

Ye Feng is also fully aware of each other's ideas. He just wants to take advantage of the fact that he knows he is running away, so he will naturally feel that he can only run away. He is anxious to catch up with him, so as to relax his vigilance.

With this foresight, Ye Feng has been alert in his heart for a long time. At the moment when the other party turns around, Ye Feng takes a vigorous step to avoid. At this time, he just regrets that he has no weapons on his body.

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