However, Ye Feng took a deep breath, and immediately began to speed up. When he ran fast, he already felt that his body was affected by black metal.

If that's the case, it's easy to catch up with the guy in front of you?

Thinking of Ye Feng, he rushed out with a few vigorous steps, and the speed was faster and faster. The guy in front obviously felt that Ye Feng was speeding up, and his heart couldn't help moving.

The goods fired several shots at Ye Feng in a row, but none of them hit the target. The clips were changed. I couldn't help hesitating. I met my opponent in secret way.

And he obviously felt that Ye Feng was getting closer to him. It was only a matter of time before he could catch up with him.

He now knows that he doesn't expect to hit Ye Feng when he shoots. It's better to give up this idea than to do so.

He immediately put away the pistol, carrying a sniper gun, and immediately began to fully accelerate, and then hid in a bush.

When ye Fengxin moved, he heard the engine sound of a motorcycle in the bush.

Just for a moment, a motorcycle suddenly came out of the Bush, and the man deliberately stopped at the side of the road, paying attention to the accelerator.

The motorcycle suddenly makes a roaring sound, as if it is deliberately challenging Ye Feng, which means that no matter how fast you run, you can still run faster than the motorcycle?

Ye Feng can't help but move, but he doesn't stop at his feet. Instead, he continues to catch up with the motorcycle.

At this time, the rear wheel of the motorcycle rubbed on the ground for a while, and a dust rose. Then the clutch was released immediately, and the motorcycle jumped out in an instant.

Ye Feng still maintained this speed. After chasing for a long time, he found that the motorcycle in front of him was still farther and farther away, and disappeared after a while.

Ye Feng realized that no matter how fast his footwork is, it can't be faster than a motorcycle, so he slowly stopped.

Although did not catch up with the guy in front, but Ye Feng or some harvest, at least see the guy's face.

The guy is not tall, with a flat head. He looks black and brown with big eyes.

Although there is no characteristic, but if ye Feng meets this guy again next time, he will recognize him at the first sight.

Think Ye Feng or back to the villa, this time did not run, but walked back, just on the way also think about things.

Ye Feng has made it clear that this guy must be the guy who killed Shi Kefei last time, which shows that the matter of John Jordan is not completely over.

But I must distinguish the primary and secondary. If this guy doesn't show up in three days, I don't want to ask any more questions. After all, my business is the most important and I can't delay for a moment.

However, if this guy doesn't know his face and dares to come within three days, he will be impolite and solve him easily.

When Ye Feng comes back to the villa, Diana and qianse bee are waiting in the living room. When they see Ye Feng coming back, they all come forward immediately.

Diana immediately asked Ye Feng, "did you catch that guy?"

Thousand color bee also asks leaf maple way, "no problem?"

Ye Feng shook his head, lit a cigarette, while smoking while sitting on the sofa, did not speak.

Diana and qianse bee looked at each other, and she didn't know what Ye Feng meant by shaking her head. She didn't catch that guy, or there was no problem.

Ye Feng smoked a cigarette, this just toward Diana and thousand color bee way, "let that guy to run away!"

As soon as Diana heard this, her face suddenly moved. "Is that ok? Will this guy come back again?"

Ye Feng shrugged at Diana and said, "this question, you may have asked the wrong person. You should not ask me, but that guy!"

Diana was stunned, and for a moment she didn't know what to say.

The thousand color bee then asks toward the leaf maple, "then how to do now? Is it up to him? We're still here. What if we leave in three days? "

Diana can't help nodding and echoing, "yes, you didn't catch up with him. What if he hides these three days and comes back after you leave?"

Ye Feng smell speech but tiny frown way, "you this meaning is, I shouldn't chase him?"? Now it's my fault to scare the snake? "

Diana was stunned and said, "I didn't mean that!"

Thousand color bee also hurriedly toward Ye Feng way, "I think Diana is not this meaning, she is just worried about her father's safety!"

Ye Feng took a few puffs of cigarette and didn't say a word. Then he took another puff. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "your father is from the lake. Once he entered the lake, he should have expected today. Even if I can save him for a while, I can't save him for a lifetime!"

As soon as Diana heard this, her face suddenly moved. She looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you mean you don't want to take care of this anymore?"

Ye Feng shrugged at Diana and said, "as you said just now, if the other party doesn't show up in hiding these three days, we'll leave after three days, and he'll come out again, I can't help it!"Speaking of this, Ye Feng immediately added before Diana spoke, "three days later, your father flamencordo helped me prepare the warship, and I'll start. Even if I'm not ready, I'll start. I can't delay for a moment!"

After saying this, Ye Feng looked at the thousand color bee and said, "you can wait three days, and then wait three days, but how many three days can your mother wait?"

After hearing this, qianse bee's face suddenly sank. After staring at Ye Feng, she nodded and said, "I understand that the departure time can't be changed in three days!"

Diana said to Ye Feng, "I'm not asking you not to leave in three days. I mean..."

Thousand color bee smell speech then toward Diana way, "do you want us to help you solve this person in three days?"

Ye Feng didn't wait for Diana to speak, and immediately said, "it's impossible. Even if I kill the shooter in three days, what's the point? Your father didn't offend the shooter. He was just employed by someone else. If this matter is not solved thoroughly, let alone for three days, three months, three years, thirty years, your father will spend all these days in fear! "

Diana a listen to this, eyebrow slightly move, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng after a long time, this just slightly sigh, she really want Ye Feng to help herself.

But she also saw that Ye Feng had decided to leave in three days, and obviously did not want to go to his father's muddy water again.

Thousand color bee saw Diana's look, heart is also a little sigh, then looked at Ye Feng.

But see Ye Feng at this time is smoking cigarettes, also don't look at themselves and Diana.

Ye Feng knows that qianse bee is looking at himself. He also knows that qianse bee is soft hearted and wants to help Diana.

And Ye Feng does not want to help, but after all, this matter involves too much, too complex, once you get into trouble, you can't solve it within three days, you can't leave.

When the time comes, I will do half of my work and the time is up. Will I go or not?

The thousand color bee looked at Ye Feng for a long time, and saw that Ye Feng didn't look at her and Diana at all. She sighed a little, and then shrugged her shoulders to Diana, totally helpless.

Diana also saw that qianse bee wanted to help herself, but as long as Ye Feng didn't let go, she really wanted qianse bee alone, which could not help them at all.

Thinking of this, Diana sighed, then nodded to Ye Feng and said, "thank you anyway. If you didn't find a shooter outside today, I think my father would have been more or less unlucky!"

Ye Feng shrugged, snuffed out the cigarette, stood up and walked out of the villa, went to the yard to breathe the fresh air, and didn't say anything to Diana before going out.

The thousand color bee comforted Diana and said, "it's useless for you to force him. If you delay saving Dixie, he will regret it all his life! I don't think anyone's life is more important than that of Dixie! "

When Diana heard this, her face moved slightly, and then she said with a wry smile, "I understand that I didn't force him either. I just wanted to ask him, but you are right. If I want to save my dad and delay his rescue of Dixie, maybe he will feel guilty all his life. Although he may not say anything, he will certainly annoy me all his life!"

After taking a deep breath, qianse Feng said to Diana, "but you can rest assured that Satan I know is not such a heartless person. Although he didn't say anything, it's because he can't give you any promise, but I believe he must be thinking about how to help you and your father!"

As soon as Diana heard this, she immediately looked at the thousand color bee with a happy face and said, "really? Are you sure? "

The thousand color bee shrugs slightly at this time and says, "anything, anyone can't be sure, and I just make a judgment based on my understanding of him!"

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