Although qianse bee has said so, Diana seems willing to believe that although Ye Feng doesn't speak, she is willing to help her and her father flamencourt.

Diana then went to the window and looked at Ye Feng's back in the yard. Although she had made a confession with Ye Feng before, and although she had said everything, now when she looked at Ye Feng's back, she felt a ripple in her heart.

After smoking a cigarette in the courtyard, Ye Feng immediately went into the villa. Instead of staying in the living room, he went directly to the third floor and went to flamencourt's room.

When flamenco saw Ye Feng, his brow moved slightly and said, "how about it?"

Ye Feng moved a stool to sit in front of flamencourt and said, "if you want to be once and for all, you must find the other party to negotiate!"

Flamenco heard more, but his brow was even tighter. "Negotiation? How to negotiate? "

Ye Feng said to flamenco, "Mexico, especially Michoacan, has become a real white city under your management for so many years, and there are countless people who live on it. Now you plan to pat your ass and leave, but what about others?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, flamenco immediately said, "I've already thought about it. After white washing, I'll open a large number of factories and create countless employment opportunities..."

Ye Feng looked at flamenco and said, "do you think about it, but have other people thought about it?"

Flemingo could not help frowning when he heard the words. He looked at Ye Feng in a dazed way. For a moment, he didn't speak.

But Ye Feng continued to say, "I think the whole state of Michoacan must not have been used to being arranged by you, making Michoacan become a drug trafficking paradise now. But after so many years, you arranged it for them again, twice without asking them what they really thought. Many years ago, you forced some ordinary people to get involved in the underworld. At that time, you were OK, as long as you could Your fists are hard enough and you can only have money in your hands. But now you are forcing some people who are hard fisted, have money in their hands and even have guns to wash white again. Which time do you think is more difficult than last time? "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, flamenco immediately looks at Ye Feng with deep thought. After listening to Ye Feng's words, he has fully understood Ye Feng's meaning.

In the past, he had the power, power and gun to deal with some ordinary people. Even if those people had any complaints, they were also hindered by his own obscene power, so they did not dare to say anything.

But now the whole Michoacan state is full of drug dealers. Almost half or even more than half of the people depend on white powder for a living. They also have money and guns in their hands. However, these people are already outlaws. Some are for money, some are addicted to drugs, and they have no choice.

How many people's livelihood will be affected if we have to clean up the whole group at this time? It's very likely that the whole state of Michoacan will turn into Purgatory that night.

After thinking of this, flamenco sighed, "I know it's very difficult. I knew it from the beginning, but I never thought about these deep-seated things. Now that I hear what you say, I know why so many people oppose it!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "in China, there is an old saying that cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents. Now what you have to do is to cut off a group of outlaws' wealth. Do you think these people will try their best to find you? Even though you know it may not be your opponent, you still decide to take a risk. That's why! "

After pondering for a while, Franco nodded to Ye Feng and said, "I understand. I'm also reflecting on my own mistakes in decision-making."

Ye Feng said at this time, "these are not necessary. Now that they have happened, it's useless to reflect on them again!"

Flamencourto then stared at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean by talking to them?"

Ye Feng then looked at foangmingo and said, "before answering this question, I'll ask you a few questions first!"

When flamenco heard more, he was shocked and immediately nodded, "you ask!"

At this time, Ye Feng lit a cigarette first. Then he looked at Fleming and said, "you've earned money for so many years. Should it be enough in your life?"

Flemingo was shocked again, and immediately said with a smile, "don't mention this life, the next life, the next life, it's enough to live a life like a top millionaire!"

Ye Feng was not surprised at all when he heard the speech. He just asked flatly, "where can people have next life, next life? Besides, even if there is one, it will be unknown in the future. It's good to understand this life! "

Hearing this, flamenco could not help nodding at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean by that..."

Ye Feng immediately said, "my meaning is very simple. Since you have no worries in your life, at least economically, what are you dissatisfied with?"

Flamencourt murmured again in dismay, "dissatisfied? dissatisfaction? Well It doesn't seem like much more! "

Ye Feng immediately nodded, and asked, "what regrets will you have in your life, what you want to do, but you don't do, you can't aspire to be a drug lord since you were a child, can you?"Flamencourt frowned at Ye Feng. To be honest, flamencourt is a famous drug lord in Mexico, South America and even the world.

Moreover, he knows that he is notorious, but few people really dare to say that he is a drug lord in front of him. After all, his career has been collectivized, and he prefers to be called "boss" rather than boss.

However, when Ye Feng said that, flamencourt was not angry. He was just thinking about his ideal. After thinking about it, he said to Ye Feng, "when I was a child, I was too poor. I wanted to make money. If I had to say an ideal, I would be rich..."

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately nodded to flamenco and said, "in this case, your wishes and ideals have been realized. What else can't you let go?"

Flamencourt looked at Ye Feng and said, "you mean..."

Ye Feng shrugged at this time and said, "I'm just a personal suggestion. If I were you, I would have been so rich, and I grew up for money, and I can't use up my money for several lifetimes now. Why do I work so hard?"

Then, without waiting for flamencourt to speak, he immediately said, "besides, I'm old now, and I can't do a lot of things. The people below are going to come up, and I've become a stumbling block in other people's career. At this time, I'll leave wisely!"

Flamencourt was just about to speak at this time, but Ye Feng waved his hand and said, "listen to me first

Flemingo heard the words, then nodded slightly and said, "OK, you go on!"

Ye Feng continued, "nothing is eternal in this world. If I don't eliminate myself, I will be eliminated by others."! Moreover, a person's energy is limited. It's great to be able to manage the affairs of himself and some close relatives around him. As for the so-called brothers and subordinates, they all have their own lives. No one can be responsible for them for a generation. They are all adults, and they don't need others to be responsible for them for a lifetime. It's time to let them go They're going to make their own decisions! "

Although Ye Feng's words are all about "me", in fact, flamencourt knows that Ye Feng is talking about flamencourt, not others.

After hearing what Ye Feng said, flamencodo pondered for a long time and did not speak. He just looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng then smoked a cigarette and said, "this is what I say from the bottom of my heart. You are also a person with countless experiences. You must be able to understand what I say!"

Franco heard a lot of words, but he sighed, "yes, I don't know what you said. But it's easy to know and difficult to do. It's easy to say, and it's hard to do it!"

Ye Feng is a sneer way, "excuse, all the problems are excuses!"

Flamenco heard a lot, but he frowned and said, "excuse?"

Ye Feng said, "everyone is independent, as long as they want to do things, there is nothing they can't do! After all, it's just that I don't want to give up the past! "

Flemingo can't help looking at Ye Feng, but listening to Ye Feng continue to say, "I'm similar to you. If I don't give up the past glory as you are, zhuomus and I won't have these disputes!"

Flemingo couldn't help staring at Ye Feng for a moment, and then said, "yes, maybe I just don't give up! So what do you think I should do? "

Ye Feng, on the other hand, said, "I said just now, negotiate with the other party! Let's make things clear and open up! Everything is easy to do! "

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