Flamencourt said to Yefeng, "negotiation? What are you talking about? "

Ye Feng then said to flamenco, "what is this dispute? It's because you want to retire, but you don't delegate power. If you don't make money, and you don't let others make money, then the content of negotiation is very simple, peaceful transfer of power! Retire with honor

Franco Mingo listened to Ye Feng's words, and his heart suddenly moved. Looking at Ye Feng, he said, "peaceful power transfer? Retired with honor? "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "of course, since you lack everything, what you should consider is your future life and the future of your daughter Diana. As for the affairs of the group, it's time to hand over the power and give up! It's better to abandon the past and face the new life than to be so reluctant to part with it

After hearing this, flamenco could not help saying, "give up the past? Facing the new students? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "that's right, so the negotiation I'm talking about can also be regarded as your golden basin wash hands meeting! Not only for your men, but also for your enemies! Open a golden basin wash hands meeting

Flemingo could not help but ponder when he heard the speech. He did not speak for a long time, as if he was thinking about Ye Feng's words carefully.

Seeing this, Ye Feng can't help but shrug his shoulders at flamenco and said, "I just suggest that you do it on your own! But what I want to say is that there is no solution to the problem you are facing now! "

Flamencourt looked at Ye Feng again and said, "I'll think about it. I'll think about it."

Ye Feng nodded, then turned and left the room, but just arrived at the door of the room, he heard that flamencourt on the bed suddenly said thank you to himself.

Flamencourt nodded at Yefeng and said, "whether you accept this proposal or not, I will say thank you."

Ye Feng is not polite to flamenco, but nods to him, then opens the door and goes out.

Just go out to see the end of the corridor there, Levis and Charlie are coming, two people see Ye Feng, can't help but toward Ye Feng smile.

Levis walked over quickly, patted Ye Feng on the shoulder and said, "I heard them say that you have left Michoacan. Why are you still here?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "something has been delayed. I may be here for three days. I will leave in three days!"

Reeves immediately nodded and said, "well, I didn't think I could say goodbye to you. Now, we're not drunk at night."

Charlie also immediately toward Ye Feng said with a smile, "yes, at night must be good, have a drink!"

Ye Feng took a noncommittal look at them and then asked, "are you coming to see flamencourt? He's in the room

Levis and Charlie nodded and walked towards the door. Charlie said to Ye Feng, "it's a deal in the evening!"

Ye Feng shrugged, still did not speak, looking at Charlie and Levis into the room, this is back to his room.

Ye Feng looked at the curtain of his room, then went to open it and looked at the woods not far away. At this time, the setting sun had set in the west, and the leaves of the whole woods were red under the sun.

Ye Feng took a look at the beautiful scenery under the setting sun, and then looked at the position where the sniper was hiding. After a slight sigh, he drew the curtain again.

Sitting on the window stool, after lighting a cigarette, at this time, there was a knock on the door, and Ye Feng came in immediately.

At this time, I saw the door open, but Diana came in, saw Ye Feng sitting in the window, and immediately went to sit by the window and looked at Ye Feng, "Why are you here alone?"

Ye Feng shrugged and took another puff of cigarette. Then he shrugged to Diana and said, "be quiet and think about something!"

Diana nodded and said, "just now Levis and Charlie came to see my dad. They knew you didn't leave. How happy they were..."

Ye Feng nodded to Diana and said, "I've seen you in the corridor just now!"

After hearing this, Diana suddenly nodded, then looked at Ye Feng and said, "in fact, I know you must think of some way to help my father, right?"

On hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking up at Diana. Instead of answering Diana's question, he asked her, "your father's line of work is full of worries and worries every day. Have you ever thought of persuading your father to stop and live a normal life from now on?"

When Diana heard this, she immediately said, "my father has decided to retire? Don't you just want to live a normal life? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng said, "if your father really planned to retire, he would not encounter so many things. Now he is a man who refuses to retire. This attitude is wrong. Sooner or later, there will be problems."

Diana can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "I don't understand what you said. I just want my father to be well. What can you do? Just help him, even if it's only for three days!"

Ye Feng looked at Diana and said, "I've just said what I should tell your father! If he can figure it out, I believe there will be a solution soon, but if he can't figure it out, there will be no result! "As soon as Diana heard this, she suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said happily, "have you talked to my father about this?"

Said immediately stood up, looking at Ye Feng Road, "thousand color bee really said right, you actually have ideas and methods in mind!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "thousand color bee? Is that what she said? "

Diana immediately said, "that's right. In fact, I'm still a little worried. Qianse bee told me not to worry. She said that you must have a way in your heart. She really said it!"

Ye Feng hears speech for a while to ponder, didn't speak, but didn't say anything more.

Diana looked at Ye Feng with a slight sigh and said, "in fact, sister qianse bee knows you very well!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he hears the words, and then he says to Diana, "it's true!"

Diana then sighed, "I don't know you as well as she does!"

Ye Feng said to Diana, "that's because we don't spend a long time together. It's normal!"

Diana shook her head and said, "no, I heard sister qianse bee say that it's not long for you to know each other. Sometimes you need time to know someone, but sometimes you don't need time, just rely on your heart!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help but a wrinkly ground looking at Diana way, "depend on heart?"

Diana nodded and said, "yes, it depends on your heart. I think sister qianse bee must love you very much, so she will always pay attention to you, understand your words and deeds, and approach your heart from your words and deeds!"

Ye Feng listened to Diana's words and looked at her thoughtfully for a long time.

Diana shrugged and said, "maybe I said too much! I just said what I thought! "

Speaking of Diana's desire to talk and stop, what she wants to say is that she may not really love her very much, so she can't do this.

But after thinking about it, Diana didn't say it.

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng finished smoking his last cigarette. After he put out the cigarette, he stood up and shrugged, "maybe!"

Although Ye Feng said so, in fact, her heart has been moved by Diana's words.

Yes, qianse bee must love herself very much. That's why qianse bee pays attention to her words and deeds and understands her thoughts.

The more so, the more Ye Feng felt sorry for qianse bee, as if he owed her a lot.

But on the contrary, it seems that I am sorry for Dixie. In this age of monogamy, only one woman is normal in my heart.

One more person in my heart is not allowed by the world. Now that I have Dixie in my heart, I have been offended by qianse bee, which is tantamount to betraying two women at the same time.

Diana saw that Ye Feng didn't speak. She couldn't help saying, "I'm so talkative!"

Ye Feng smell speech this just returned to God, hurriedly toward Diana way, "nothing!"

Just as she said that, there was another knock outside the door. Diana hurried to open the door and saw Levis and Charlie standing outside.

Seeing that Diana was in the room, he nodded to Diana and walked inside.

At this time, Leavis said to Yefeng, "come out with us for a drink?"

But Ye Feng shrugged, "forget it, don't go! You go

Charlie said to Ye Feng, "it won't take much time to have a drink..."

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I'm not afraid of drinking, I don't want to go out..."

As soon as Diana heard this, she immediately said, "there's a bar in the basement. Why go out for a drink? If you want to drink, drink here? "

Reeves said with a smile, "I knew flemingo had a lot of good wine. Is it all right?"

Diana shrugged and said, "it's not for others! It's OK. I'll drink with you too... " Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "I'll call sister qianse bee, let's drink together I'm not used to saying that. I'm also sad together... "

As soon as Charlie heard this, he immediately laughed and said, "in fact, I've long wanted to say that I've been drinking here. I'm worried that flamenco won't let go of his words for a long time. I don't want to talk. I'm relieved to have Diana's words!"

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