Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, Li Weisi stares at Ye Feng and says, "what's up? There should be no problem? "

Ye Feng then took a deep breath, looking at Levis and Charlie, as well as Diana are looking at themselves with expectant eyes, he can not help but shrug his shoulders and said, "I also want to see what good wine your father has hidden in the end!"

As soon as Diana heard this, she immediately said with a smile, "of course, there are good wines. They have been treasured by my father for decades!"

Levis then couldn't help laughing, "it seems that we are taking the light of Satan. If he doesn't want to go, we won't be able to drink such a good wine!"

Charlie can't help laughing and saying, "yes, we are blessed with Satan. It seems that if it's you and I want to drink, Diana may not be so generous!"

As soon as Diana heard this, her face turned red and she said, "no, even if you want to drink it, you can always come here! I'm not that stingy

But Charlie said with a smile, "we don't dare. Your father's wine is reserved for his future son-in-law..."

Reeves immediately coughed a few times when he heard the speech, and Charleston said with a smile, "ha ha ha, I'm talking nonsense!"

Diana blushed even more. "It's just bullshit!"

Ye Feng then walked toward the door and said, "don't you want to drink? What are you doing standing here? "

Charlie shrugged, glanced at Diana and said, "Diana doesn't lead the way. How dare we go?"

Diana smell speech quickly also walked out of the room way, "want to drink?"? Why don't you go yet? "

Ye Feng and the three of them immediately followed Diana downstairs. When they got downstairs, Diana said to qianse bee sitting in the living room, "sister qianse bee, they are going to drink. Do you want to go with them?"

The thousand color bee can't help but frown and say, "drink? So elegant? "

Diana said with a smile, "yes, the three of them want to taste what my father has hidden for a long time. Let's go together."

At this time, qianse bee stood up and looked at Ye Feng. He saw that Ye Feng had already talked with Charlie and Levis, and walked towards the basement door.

Diana didn't wait for qianse bee to say anything. She immediately came to take qianse bee's arm and dragged her to the basement.

Thousand color bee originally thought, if only with Ye Feng, plus Diana drinking at most, it's nothing.

But with more Charlie and Levis, she didn't want to go. However, seeing Diana's warm invitation, she was embarrassed, so she had to follow Diana.

When I got to the basement, I found that the basement here was very big. I walked along the corridor towards the end, and then I saw that it was a place like a bar.

Ye Feng, Charlie and Li Weisi are already sitting there. Seeing Diana and qianse bee come in, they can't help looking over.

When Diana came in, she quickly walked to the door of the cold storage room on the side of the bar, and said to the people, "wait, I'll get help!"

Qianse bee went to the side of Ye Feng, picked up the glass on the table and said, "I'll wash the cup..."

Diana opened the door of the cold room and said to the thousand color bee, "the pool is on the right side. Do you see it?"

The thousand color bee looked at it and immediately nodded, "see..." Then he took the cup and went over.

Charlie looked at the thousand color bee for a while, then said with a smile, "this beautiful woman is also good..."

Li Weisi then white one eye Charlie way, "wrong or not bad, all have nothing to do with you..."

As soon as Charlie heard this, his face suddenly moved, and then he saw that Levis gave a look, and he immediately came to understand. He still said with a smile, "that's what I said. It doesn't matter. Women can't touch, can't say, can't see..."

At this time, Li Weisi digs away from the topic and says to Ye Feng, "just now we went to see flamencourt. You gave him advice, and he also told us!"

Charlie smell speech also converged smile, eyes also from the thousand color bee body moved to Ye Feng and Li thinking body, at this time also nodded, "in fact, we also mean that! Either flamencourt doesn't retire and leads us to continue to get rich, and we all recognize him, or he really wants to retire, and we don't stop him. After all, this is his decision and we all respect it, but Satan is right. Since he retires, he must retire thoroughly... "

At this time, Levis intended to say to Charlie, "it's useless for us to think like this. The internal problems of the group now include the former cruise problem. Although cruise repented at the critical moment, it also exposed some problems. I was worried that once flamencourt retired completely, these problems would break out in a concentrated way. Now flamencourt is here But once flamencourt really decides to leave, no one in the whole group will be able to hold the field any more. At that time, let alone John Jordan's kind of foreign invasion, that is, the internal problems of our group, it will be enough for everyone to drink a pot! "

Charlie nodded at this time and said, "yes, Levis' worry is not unreasonable. If flamencourt leaves, all kinds of interest groups in the group will have their own plans! At that time, the group may fall apart! That's hard to say! We also understand that flamencourt is worried about what will happen inside the group after he leaves! Well, what a dilemma! "Li Weisi saw that Ye Feng just listened, but he didn't speak. Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "by the way, Satan, what do you think?"

Ye Feng didn't speak yet. At this time, qianse bee had already washed the cup and put it over. Diana also took out a few bottles of red wine and whisky from the cold room. Just looking at the packaging, she knew that the price was expensive.

Diana came with a few bottles of wine. Seeing this, qianse bee immediately came to help her take the bottle and put it on the table.

Diana put the wine, see Ye Feng and Charlie, Levis, they all look a little dignified, as if to say something.

She immediately toward three humanitarian, "you drink first, I and thousand color bee elder sister to give you busy order small dish drink!"

Charlie smiles at Diana and says, "how funny is that? Do you want the eldest lady to cook in person? "

Diana laughed and walked away with the thousand color bee without saying anything.

Charlie then opened a bottle of whisky, smelling the wine, he couldn't help praising, "flamencourt's really good wine. It tastes good when you smell it!"

Then Charlie poured a glass for each of them, then raised his glass and said, "let's go first!"

Levi picked up his glass and touched it with Charlie. Then he looked at Ye Feng. Ye Feng also picked up the glass and touched it with them. After that, they each took a sip.

whisky is not stronger than red wine, and the entrance is very strong. But it is not as good as China baijiu.

Li Weisi then tut tut tongue, looking at Ye Feng Road, "Satan, how can this game be broken? That's what flamencourt is worried about

Ye Feng, holding his glass, slightly shakes the wine in it, and says faintly, "in the end, it's still flamencourt's own problem. Even if he doesn't retire, he will face the problem of his successor sooner or later."

Ye Feng took another sip of whiskey, and continued to say faintly, "the successor problem is a big problem. Flamencourt has not paid attention to it all the time, which leads to today's situation!"

Levis nodded and said, "you're right. It's really a problem, but now it's in this situation. What do you say to do?"

Charlie could not help nodding and said, "yes, it's too late for him to choose a successor. Now that we have reached the present situation, we have to find a way to do it!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders at this time and said, "it depends on flamencourt. The problems you mentioned are all problems, and they can't disappear for a while and a half. For today's plan, it's to choose a new leader recognized by all parties, and this matter will subside!"

Charlie then snorted coldly, "I don't think there is such a person in the whole group!"

However, Levis pondered for a while and took a sip of wine. It seemed that he was also thinking about the candidate for the new owner.

Ye Feng took a sip of wine and said, "it's not easy! But it's not hard! "

Li Weisi can't help but frown at Ye Feng and say, "isn't it easy? It's not hard, either? "

Charlie then immediately toward leaf maple way, "you say directly, exactly how to do?"? We all listen to you, and I don't think flamencourt will object to it! "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's not difficult to find a new master, but it's not easy for everyone. So the most important thing is whether flamencourt can use his influence to establish the power of the new master At the same time, the new master himself has to shake up his power! "

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