Charlie also wanted to persuade Levi, but he heard Ye Feng say to Charlie, "you don't have to persuade. This kind of thing is very personal. Levi can't go up, and flamencourt can't go down. It's the same truth. It's mainly up to you. Other people can only suggest, not persuade! Then I'll take over the job! "

After listening to what Ye Feng said, Charlie immediately pondered, then nodded and said to Levis, "you're right. I'm also a personal suggestion. I think it's better, but you'd better consider it yourself!"

Li Weisi nodded his head after a while of hesitation. He really needs to think about it carefully. Although Ye Feng's words are very reasonable, there are still many twists and turns in it, and the risk is not small, so we should not be impulsive, we must be careful.

At this time, Ye Feng picked up the bottle to pour wine for Charlie and Levis and said, "don't you mean to drink? How did you say that? "

Then he sat not far away, but from time to time he paid attention to the thousand color bee and Diana on their side and cried, "don't sit so far away, come and sit together!"

Diana said to Ye Feng, "aren't you talking about something? We're afraid we'll disturb you! "

Charlie then said to Diana with a smile, "it's nothing serious. The old men are sitting together and talking rude words that girls can't hear!"

Diana frowned and spat, "go on, then. Our sisters are sitting here. We're also talking about our daughter's house. We don't interfere with each other."

Charlie said with a smile, "come here. I also like to listen to the whispers of my daughter's family."

Diana spat again immediately. "You want to treat us as the wine girls in the bar! Save it

Charlie was shocked and said, "who dares to treat you as a wine girl in a bar?"

Diana immediately clinked her glass with the thousand color bee on the other side and said, "don't pay attention to them. Let's talk about ours!"

Charlie's face turned red when he had a bite. Levis patted him on the shoulder and said, "let's drink ours. What are you doing?"

Charlie shrugged, drank a mouthful of wine, then shrugged and said, "just kidding with the little girl..."

After having a drink with Diana, qianse bee said, "did you say you talked to Satan just now? What did I tell you? "

Diana immediately said, "yes, she did." Diana then had another drink. Her face turned a little red, and her mouth murmured, "I told him that you went into his heart No, no, on the contrary, he has entered your heart. You pay attention to his words and deeds, and even begin to understand his heart. That's why you know him so well! "

As soon as Qian se Feng heard this, her face suddenly moved, and she looked at Diana in a daze. Then she glanced at Ye Feng, and saw that Ye Feng was also pushing a cup with Levis and Charlie, and they were drinking happily.

Thinking of qianse bee, she asked Diana, "what else did you say about me?"

Diana shook her head and said, "nothing more. That's what I said. I said a lot, but that's the general meaning. Later, Charlie and Levis came to ask him to drink..."

Thousand color bee heart slightly with a trace of loss, then drink a mouthful of wine, and then continue to ask, "what about him? He didn't say anything after listening to you? "

Diana held her glass in her arms, narrowed her eyes and pondered for a long time. Then she shook her head and said, "it seems that she didn't say anything? I don't quite remember Oh, didn't I just say that? Later, Levis and Charlie came to call him to drink. He thought he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it in front of them! Or I'll ask for you! "

As soon as qianse bee heard this, he said to qianse bee, "no, don't ask. It's ok if you don't ask. It's hard for him to ask!"

But Diana drank the wine and asked qianse bee, "what's the trouble? Because of the woman named Dixie? "

The thousand color bee said to Diana, "you don't know, Dixie and he are childhood sweethearts. They are very affectionate. Even if they are not lovers, their position in each other's mind is better than everything else!"

Diana pondered for a while, drank a mouthful of wine, and then looked at Ye Feng not far away, then looked at the thousand color bee, and then sighed slightly, "today is so happy, I don't want to talk about such a disappointment. No matter what happens in the future, you are my sister. No matter where you go, you are my sister. No matter where you go, don't forget that you are in Mexico Brother, there's a sister like me in Michoacan! "

Hearing what Diana said, qianse bee couldn't help staring at Diana. Although she knew very well that she would leave here in three days, maybe there would be no future in the future, and probably she would never meet Diana again in her life.

Think of here, thousand color bee can't help but some sad nod, holding a glass and Diana clink a glass, said, "OK, we will be sisters from now on!"

Diana also touched the thousand color bee with her glass and said, "for our sisterhood, forever!"

Qianse bee didn't say much, just drank the wine.

Diana had only drunk half of it. Seeing that qianse bee had drunk it, she immediately drank the remaining half of it.At this time, Ye Feng, Levis and Charlie were drinking. Charlie looked at Ye Feng with a slight sigh and said, "it's a pity that you will leave in three days, or you will stay here. Let alone the group, the whole state of Michoacan, the whole Mexico No, the whole of South America is ours... "

Reeves smell speech face move, immediately toward Charlie way, "you drink too much, why don't you say the whole world is ours?"

Charlie's face also moved when he heard this, and then he immediately said with a smile, "yes, yes, yes, Levis, you're right, that's the whole world. As long as the three of us join hands, the whole world is ours..."

Reeves muttered, "you're drunk!" He is also slightly drunk now, but he is very sober. He and Charlie are just two men under the drug lord flamencourt. What is Ye Feng, the agent of world civilization, who will stay in Michoacan with you for drug trafficking?

Li Wei Si thinks to also immediately toward leaf Feng way, "you don't listen to his nonsense! He's drunk

Ye Feng shrugged, but did not say anything, just drank a mouthful of wine, smile.

In fact, he didn't want to drink, but he really had a lot of thoughts recently, so he also wanted to get drunk with a few bottles of good wine from flamencourt tonight.

In the evening, Diana was right in saying that if she couldn't figure it out for the time being, she would not think about it and let go of all the thoughts in her mind.

It's not easy to do it just by thinking, but it's easier to do it with the help of alcohol.

Ye Feng drinks one cup after another. Originally, Li Weisi didn't pay much attention to it. Seeing Ye Feng like this, he seems to see that he has an idea. He can't help frowning, "what's the matter? Let's talk about it and we'll help you out! "

But Ye Feng said to Li Weisi, "my question is much more difficult than yours! You at least have me to give you advice. No one can help me with my problems. I have to face them on my own! "

Charlie was already half drunk, and his head was a little heavy. When he heard what Ye Feng said, he immediately sat up straight and looked at Ye Feng and said, "why should we face it independently? Tell us, I'll help you with it with Levis!"

Li Weisi also nodded to Ye Feng at this time and said, "it's really not sure if I can help you. After all, the things you encounter must be more complicated and more difficult than we thought, but at least we can help you out with ideas!"

As soon as Charlie heard this, his face also moved. Then he patted the table hard and said, "that's right, that's what I mean!"

Ye Feng picked up the wine cup and touched the wine cup in front of them. "Don't say anything. Just have a heart and drink!"

Charlie frowned and said, "you look down on us..."

Before Charlie finished, Levis immediately kicked Charlie, and said to Ye Feng and Charlie, "drink, drink!"

Charlie was at a loss. As soon as he was about to say something, he saw Levis wink at him. Although he was a bit drunk, he knew that he must have said something wrong. He didn't say a word. He took a drink with Ye Feng and Levis.

When Ye Feng finished his drink, he took a look at Levis and Charlie, especially at Charlie. He nodded at him and said, "I don't look down on you. It's the industry that specializes in. You don't understand my business, just as I don't understand your business!"

Before Charlie spoke, Levis immediately nodded and said, "that's right, that's right. Each industry has its own specialty. Just take care of their own affairs. We can't help. We can only bless you. I wish you success!"

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