After Ye Feng and Li Weisi touched a cup, Li Weisi looked at the time, then got up and patted Charlie on the shoulder and said, "almost, it's time to go!"

Charlie was surprised, "isn't it drinking? I'm leaving now? "

And Levis said, "what? Are you going to have another night? You don't know much about your yard? You always have accidents at night! Let's go

After hearing this, Charlie had to get up, but he said to Ye Feng, "tomorrow Continue to drink tomorrow... "

Ye Feng nodded and waved to them, "be careful on the road!"

Charlie and Levis nodded, then turned and left. When they came to Diana and qianse bee, Diana saw that they were going to leave, and immediately said to them, "so soon?"

Charlie said with a smile to Diana, "yes, miss. I'll have time tomorrow. Continue to drink..."

Levis smiles at Diana and says, "we have something else to do in the evening. Let's go first!"

Diana nodded and watched Levis pull Charlie away. Then she took a look at Ye Feng. She saw that Ye Feng was sitting there with a wine glass, as if in a daze.

The thousand color bee is also looking at Ye Feng at this time, and then he says to Ye Feng, "did he drink too much? Would you like to go and have a look? "

Diana nodded, then stood up on the table and walked unsteadily towards Ye Feng.

The thousand color bee also stood up, but felt dizzy. Unexpectedly, the whiskey had so much stamina, so he immediately sat down on the stool and lay on the table, his head was dizzy.

Diana then walked to Ye Feng's desk, and then sat opposite Ye Feng. Looking at Ye Feng, she said, "what is one thinking?"

Ye Feng came back and looked at Diana with a blush on her face and said, "you've drunk a lot. Where's the thousand color bee?"

Say to see to thousand color bee there, but see thousand color bee already lie on the table, seem to have fallen asleep.

Diana then said to Ye Feng, "I didn't officially start drinking. I saw you and Charlie and Levis drinking just now. I've been keeping my stomach!"

Then Diana picked up a glass of wine on the table, touched it with Ye Feng's glass and said, "come on, let's have a drink!"

Ye Feng can't help but move his eyebrows. Most girls are a little bit addicted to cleanliness. Even if they don't have it, they won't easily drink from other people's cups.

Diana is obviously not the kind of careless woman who can casually use the cup used by other men, so in Ye Feng's opinion, Diana should also drink too much.

Think of here, Ye Feng and Diana did not clink a cup, but toward Diana way, "you drink too much, can't drink!"

But Diana waved her hand and said, "I'm not drunk. I just stopped talking. I'm saving my stomach to drink with you."

With that, Diana finished the wine in Levis's glass. After putting down the glass, she looked at Ye Feng and said, "why don't you drink?"

Ye Feng sighed when she saw that Diana was like this. She had to take up her glass and drink the remaining half of it. Then she said to Diana, "OK, it's finished. It's OK. The time is almost up. It's time to have a rest!"

Diana then chuckled, covering her mouth. "Time to rest? Are you suggesting something to me? "

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but a consternation, she this is to think that she is in allusion to her, want to sleep her.

He glanced at Diana and sighed, "what can I suggest to you? It's time to go to bed

Diana said with a smile, "sleep?" He said with a smile, pointing to Ye Feng, "you're usually pretty. You're also full of bad water. You want to sleep with me!"

Ye Feng can't help sighing and shaking his head. He knows that Diana has drunk too much. At this time, whatever she says, she will feel that she is not serious.

Thinking that Ye Feng didn't say much, he first walked towards the thousand color bee, then patted the thousand color bee's face and said, "asleep?"

Thousand color bee lying on the table, humming, want to raise his head, but feel the head heavy can't, can't move.

Ye Feng sighed, then took the hand of the thousand color bee, squatted down, and carried the thousand color bee.

Diana looked at it and said to Ye Feng, "what are you doing? Put down my sister... " Said also to sway leisurely toward the leaf maple walked to come over.

Ye Feng said to Diana, "I'll send her upstairs to sleep first. You sit for a while, and I'll ask someone to help you!"

Diana waved her hand and said, "no, I don't need help. I'll take my sister upstairs with you."

Said has already walked to the leaf maple and the thousand color bee side, also reaches out to want to support the thousand color bee.

However, as soon as Diana's hand was put on qianse bee, Ye Feng felt a heavy feeling on her body. Where did Diana come to help qianse bee? Instead, she completely relied on herself.

Ye Feng side head looked at Diana, but see her eyes have begun to some tiny squint, is completely drunk.He immediately moved his body and said to Diana, "lie down here and have a rest. Someone will pick you up later."

Diana immediately opened her eyes, rubbed them and said, "no, I said I'll take my sister upstairs with you."

With that, Diana had already begun to walk towards the front.

Ye Feng saw that Diana's feet had begun to wobble, and immediately followed him with the thousand color bee on his back. He was worried that if he could slow down, Diana would immediately fall into a somersault.

In this way, Ye Feng carried the thousand color bee on his back and let Diana lean on one side of his body, so he walked out of the basement.

There are several servants in the living room. Ye Feng immediately asks them to help Diana.

Seeing this, the servant immediately came to help Diana, but she said to the servant, "I'm not drunk. Don't help me. I'll fire whoever helps me..."

On hearing this, the servants were afraid to move. They could only stand on one side and look at Diana.

Ye Feng sighed helplessly. She didn't expect that Diana would be like this after drinking.

No way, Ye Feng can only carry the thousand color bee, let Diana rely on her body to go upstairs.

Although the servants dare not really come up to help Diana, they can't sit back and ignore her. They can only follow Ye Feng, and they all stretch out their hands for fear that Diana will fall down the stairs.

Fortunately, there was no danger along the way, and Ye Feng deliberately didn't walk fast, so she let Diana follow her. Only then did she get to the third floor, and Diana was OK.

After arriving in the corridor, the servants were relieved, but they still followed Ye Feng and Diana to the door of qianse bee's room.

Ye Feng asked the servants to come up and help Diana first. But she did not want Diana to stare at the servants. "Who dares to Who told you to follow? Hurry down! "

The servants instinctively stepped back and looked at the young lady.

Don't want Diana to look at the servants or stand there, immediately and loudly, "you don't want to do it? Is my words so useless? "

The servants immediately turned angrily and went downstairs. None of them dared to stay here.

Ye Feng has no choice but to push Diana against the wall with his body. He opens the door of qianse bee and carries qianse bee to the bed. He arranges her to go underwater and covers her with bedding. Then he breathes a sigh of relief.

However, seeing that Diana was leaning against the wall at the door, her body had begun to slide to the ground gradually. With a slight sigh, she arranged one and another. She couldn't drink and had to drink anything.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately went over and pulled up Diana, who was about to collapse on the ground. Then he put one of his hands on his shoulder and one of his hands supported Diana's waist and walked towards the door of Diana's room.

Diana looked at Ye Feng and felt her heart beat faster. She immediately stepped forward with a vigorous stride. Then her other hand hooked Ye Feng's neck and immediately kissed Ye Feng's mouth.

Ye Feng frowned and pushed Diana's waist with both hands. With a little effort, she pushed Diana away and said, "you drink too much!"

Diana was so pushed by Ye Feng that she immediately began to fall back.

Ye Feng sees this, is a brisk step forward again in a hurry, hugged Diana's waist, don't let her fall to the ground.

Diana seized Ye Feng's collar at this time, and her other hand continued to hook Ye Feng's neck, which was like a Xing holding a dumb girl in Stephen Chow's classic movie Kung Fu.

Diana looked at Ye Feng in front of her, her eyes were confused, and she said to Ye Feng, "I really love you..."

Ye Feng nodded, immediately pulled Diana to stand up, then put her arms around her and forced her to the door of her room, and said, "I know, you drink too much, it's time to have a rest!"

But Diana said, "I know I'm not drunk. I'm just slightly drunk. I'm still very sober!"

But Ye Feng said to Diana, "if you're still lucky, you won't say such things!" She had reached the door of Diana's room and opened it immediately.

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