When the door opened, Diana immediately reached out to hold Ye Feng, but Ye Feng seemed to have known for a long time, and immediately put out her hand to block Diana's hand.

Ye Feng grabbed Diana's hand, and the other hand hugged her tightly, and quickly walked towards the bed.

After arriving at the bedside, Ye Feng immediately pushed Diana toward the bed, then immediately lifted the bedding and covered Diana's body, and said, "OK, have a good sleep!"

After saying this, Ye Feng turned and walked away. Diana immediately sat up and looked at Ye Feng's back. She wanted to stop Ye Feng, but she couldn't say anything.

It wasn't until she heard the door open and close that Diana fell on the bed and felt dizzy.

In fact, there is a saying that Diana didn't lie. She is a little drunk now, but her brain is still clear.

Diana originally wanted to say something to Ye Feng through her drunkenness, but she didn't expect that she would be so bold later, so she took the initiative to kiss Ye Feng.

At this time, Diana was not sure whether she was drunk or not, or whether she was half drunk and half drunk. She did something she might not dare to do.

Finally, after a hiccup, Diana felt a breath of wine. She felt dizzy again and didn't want to think any more. She put on the quilt and went to sleep.

Ye Feng has already arrived at qianse bee's room at this time. He has a look at whether qianse bee on the bed has covered the quilt. Just now, she was sent in in a hurry. Diana almost fell outside the door, so he just gave her a cover. I don't know if the cover is good!

At this time came in to see thousand color bee is wrapped in quilt, sleep is sweet, Ye Feng this just turned to leave the room.

But as soon as I got to the door, I heard qianse bee murmur, "Satan Satan Mom Mom... "

Ye Feng looked back at the thousand color bee on the bed. She didn't know what she had dreamed. Then she shook her head or left the room.

Back to his room, Ye Feng is sleepless, sitting on the sofa by the window beside the bed, lighting a cigarette.

I've come up with all the ideas for flamencourt. Even the heirs have been found for flamencourt. As for what they do next, it really has nothing to do with themselves.

After a cigarette, Ye Feng is still sleepless. After all, the wine is nothing to Ye Feng, but he still forces himself to go to bed.

After sleeping until daybreak, Ye Feng looked at the time and found that it was only about six o'clock in the morning. When he got up to wash and went out, he saw that flamencourt's door was open. Then he went to have a look.

after entering the door, he saw a servant carrying breakfast for flamencourt.

Fleming saw Ye Feng enter the door and said to Ye Feng, "I heard you had a drink last night. Did you wake up so early? I specially told the servants not to wake you up! "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders at flamenco and said, "that wine is nothing. They are drunk. I'm still sober!"

Flemingo nodded after hearing the words, and then said to the servant, "send another breakfast..." Then he asked Ye Feng, "do you mind staying in my room and having dinner with me?"

After Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders, flamencourt immediately nodded to the servant and motioned her to go down and send one up.

Then flamencourt immediately said to Yefeng, "I heard from the servants about last night. Diana seems to have drunk a lot. Did you send her back to her room?"

Ye Feng immediately said to flamenco, "yes, I sent her in and went back to sleep..."

Flamenco smiles and nods. Of course, he knows that Ye Feng didn't stay in his daughter's room for long last night.

But at this time, flamencourt said to Yefeng, "I heard you talked a lot with Levis and Charlie last night?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "I've talked a little, but not a lot. They came to visit you yesterday. Didn't you say anything?"

Flamencourt said at this time, "I'm not in good health now, so I have some things to deal with with by Levis. I've just explained a few words!"

Ye Feng then looked at Franco and said, "what do you think of Levis?"

And almost at the same time, he asked Yefeng, "what do you think of Reeves?"

Two people see each other's questions and their own, are first surprised, and then a smile.

At this time, the servant came in with a breakfast. Seeing this, flamenco immediately said to Ye Feng, "drink a glass of milk to nourish your stomach first. It's bad for your stomach not to drink a glass of milk for a hangover!"

Ye Feng took a sip of the milk and ate the sandwich.

Flamencourt looked at Yefeng and asked, "why did you ask me just now? What do you think of Reeves?"

Ye Feng looked at Franco and said, "don't you ask me?"

Flamencourto said to Yefeng, "I always think Reeves is a good man, but he's not from a rash background, and he has a lot of scheming, but he's not brave enough!"Ye Feng nodded as he ate the sandwich. "It's basically the same as my opinion on him!"

Flamencourt then looked at Ye Feng and said, "so, do you think he can't bear the heavy responsibility?"

After eating a few mouthfuls, Ye Feng wiped his mouth with a tissue. Then he shook his head and said, "I'm just the opposite of you!"

Flamenco said, frowning at Ye Feng, "Oh? What's the opposite? "

Ye Feng said, "in your time, you need to be brave, because you need to fight in the world right away, but now it's different. Now your clubs have been collectivized, so you need a man to govern the world under the horse. So brave is not so important. Just arrange a brave assistant for him, and they will complement each other!"

Flamenco frowned and murmured, "fight the world now, and govern the world under the horse?"

Ye Feng nodded slightly, and then said, "since you have asked, it shows that you are also the heart of the position to Levis?"

Flemingo could not help nodding when he heard the speech and said, "it's interesting, but he's still worried that he can't control the overall situation. Besides his lack of bravery, his qualifications are also insufficient!"

But Ye Feng said to flamencourt, "I've made it clear to Levis when I was drinking last night. I think you can ask Levis at that time."

Flamencourt frowned and said, "before I ask him, I still want to hear your opinion..."

Ye Feng immediately said, "my opinion is that you pass the position to Levi, and then continue to let Charlie stay outside the group, and let Levi be a completely selfless person without his own influence. In this way, all the factions within the group feel that they can control such a boss, but once everyone can control it Then, no one can control it. According to Charlie, Levis has a good popularity among various factions, so only such people can not be involved in factional disputes, and only such people can selflessly carry forward your career and win over your previous subordinates. "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, flamenco can't help looking at Ye Feng.

After a long time, flamencourt asked Ye Feng, "what was his performance when you said that to Levis last night?"

Ye Feng smell speech but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "performance?"? No performance, seems to be hesitant, and he doesn't believe you will give him the position! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, flamenco immediately pondered, "I once wanted to give it to him, but as you said, I have too much reluctance and consideration, so I have been hesitating and observing him! This determination has not yet been fully made! "

At this time, Ye Feng drank the rest of the milk, and then he said to flamenco, "I can't help you with this problem. You have to put it down completely to get rid of it completely! This is your devil

Flamencourt sighed, "after all, he was founded by himself. I don't want him to be destroyed after I leave, so we must be careful in this matter!"

After that, flamencourt immediately asked Yefeng, "when you talked to Levis about this, Charlie was there. What's his opinion?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "of course, Charlie wants you to stay, but he also knows that you have decided to go, so he has nothing to say except regret!"

Flamencourt then nodded and asked, "what's Charlie's attitude towards you recommending Reeves?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "if you choose among others, Charlie would rather choose Levis!"

Flamencourto nodded slightly, murmuring, "so Charlie's for Reeves?"

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