After listening to what flamencourt said, Ye Feng couldn't help saying to flamencourt, "this is a matter within your group. I don't say much, just give you a suggestion! As for who I support and who I don't support, it doesn't matter at all. What matters is that you think so yourself! "

After listening to what Ye Feng said, flamenco immediately looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully. He didn't speak for a long time. Finally, he sighed, "I'd better think about it again."

Ye Feng shrugs his shoulders. What he should say is as clear as that of flamencourt and Levis. There is so much he can say. As for how they will decide in the end, it's up to them.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng asked flamenco, "what's the matter with the warship?"

Flemingo said to Ye Feng, "I've already contacted you there. Many warships are overseas, and several of them in the port are training!"

At this point, flamencourt immediately added, "but don't worry, there are already ways to free one for you. You also need to know that the warship they free is not only for you, but also for the staff on board, and you can ask them to help you if you need it!"

Ye Feng can't help but say to flamenco, "the army doesn't need it?"

After hearing more about the words, flamenco immediately said, "you should know that the warships are going out or coming back. If there is any problem on your side, an army will help you. No matter what the specific problem is, at least in terms of momentum, you will lose! You can think about it! "

Ye Feng hears speech for a while pondering, for a long time did not speak, he also thinks in his heart, if he is only a lone hand, it is really a weak one in momentum.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't say a word, flamenco immediately said, "I'm just suggesting. You can see for yourself what the specific situation is. Anyway, three days later, I will give you a warship! As for whether you want an army or not, in a word, if you don't want one, you don't need one. If you want one, you need one. That's simple! "

Ye Feng listened to flamenco's words, and immediately said to flamenco, "OK! I'll wait. I'll just say, I have to go in three days, no matter what

Flamenco heard more and was stunned. After looking at Ye Feng, he nodded and said, "don't worry! Three days later, I'm sure you'll be safe on your way! "

Ye Feng just stood up, nodded and said, "then don't disturb your rest!"

Fleming saw Ye Feng turn to go, and immediately said to Ye Feng, "in fact, you can think about the advice I gave you!"

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "what advice do you give me? What advice? What are you thinking about? "

Flamencourt frowned and said, "didn't I tell you before? You also want to retire. I also want to retire. Let's go together and find a place to live in seclusion. We can count each other as partners! "

Ye Feng listened to flamenco's words, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "I haven't thought about it. You are planning to find yourself a free bodyguard after retirement, right?"

Franco said with a smile, "you can think so, but what I updated Wang is that I can find a good son-in-law!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears that from flamencourt. Then he says to flamencourt, "I don't think you can realize this wish."

Flemingo said to Ye Feng, "I know something about you. You have a childhood assistant. And the strange name of qianse bee who has been around you recently should be your confidant, right?"

Ye Feng can't help frowning slightly when he hears the words, but he can't help saying, "what do you mean?"

Flamencourt immediately explained, "don't get me wrong. I'm not investigating you. What I'm saying to you is that I'm an open father. If I know that my son-in-law is you and a strong man, it's not a question of how many women you have!"

Ye Feng frowned more tightly when he heard that. He didn't want flamencourt, but immediately said, "I mean, I don't mind your polygamy. Besides, even if you're monogamous, it's just a common thing to hide a few women outside. It's better to let Diana know this in advance than to make such a fuss. If she can accept it, it's best If you can't accept it, it can only show whether you are predestined or not, and let her give up completely on you. Isn't it a matter of getting both at one stroke? "

Ye Feng was shocked by what flemingo said. He could not imagine that a father could accept his son-in-law's polygamy?

Fleming saw Ye Feng looking at himself and immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "don't be surprised. We are all men. I used to be young. I was carrying Diana's mother outside. I don't know how many women there were. At that time, her mother also made trouble with me. Although her mother knew that I was like this before marriage, she didn't say much before marriage, but after marriage, it was totally different It's two different ways. It's very noisy Alas So I thought at that time, if I could have several wives, there would not be such a thing, right

Ye Feng said to flamenco, "unfortunately, there is no such law in Mexico!"Flamencordo said with a smile to Ye Feng, "no matter whether there is such a law in Mexico, it can be operated. What's more, you and I are all people who walk outside the law. What laws do we need to abide by?"

Speaking of this, flamencourt said to Yefeng, "I bought an island overseas many years ago. It has been built for more than ten years. No one knows. I plan to live there after I live in seclusion. No one in the group knows. So if you want, you can live with us. It's a desert island on the high seas. It doesn't belong to any country, it belongs to me Of course, if you are willing to go, it belongs to you. The law there is you and me. What else to worry about? "

Ye Feng can't help but be stunned when he hears the speech. He looks at flamenco and says, "did you buy an island many years ago?"

"I started looking for people all over the world as soon as I was well-developed. I knew that people in this field would either be killed in the streets. Even if they could live forever, there would not be any good end. After all, there were too many immoral things to do. It was no surprise that any outcome would come to me. But even so, I had to prepare for my old age, So I just met such a suitable island at that time, so I bought it. After that, I would take out a part of the money I earned every year to decorate the island. Although it is small in area and surrounded by the sea, after more than ten years of operation, it is not convenient to go to major cities, but it is completely self-sufficient. I even bought a science and technology company Division, there are also deployed electricity and network, in addition to isolation, completely and now no difference! There are all kinds of things you can imagine, and I have arranged some people to live there for more than ten years! It won't be too lonely then! "

Ye Feng can't help but frown when he hears that. It turns out that flamenco has been deployed more than ten years ago, and is still modernizing the island?

This can't help but let Ye Feng ring the sunshine island he came to before. In fact, at that time, he and Dixie thought about going to live in seclusion on that island when things are over. The welcome and facilities there are already very good.

I didn't expect that flamencourt's business was more perfect than Rizhao's, and it had been deployed for such a long time.

But think of these, Ye Feng can't help but frown a way, "secretly say, you ahead of time so long deployment, should have already done the plan of retiring, why still don't leave?"

Flamenco sighed, "there are many things I can't say. Maybe I can't give up my foundation, or I think I'm still young and haven't found a suitable successor. All kinds of reasons lead to my plan being delayed again and again."

Speaking of this, flamencourto didn't wait for Ye Feng to speak. He immediately said to Ye Feng, "maybe Diana is the one I've been worried about for so many years. You say I'm a bad old man and I'll die on a desert island. If I leave, I won't let Diana go. You let her catch me It's unrealistic to be a man, so this should be the reason why I'm so late. Now that I meet you, I think even if Diana goes to the island with me, she won't be lonely, will she? Really, you think about it, don't worry to give me a reply, I sincerely say these words with you! Think about it

When Ye Feng heard what flamencourt said, he immediately pondered. In fact, he could see that flamencourt sincerely invited himself, but he really couldn't make a choice for a moment.

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