Flamenco saw Ye Feng so much that he couldn't help saying to Ye Feng, "you don't have to think about it any more. After you solve your problem and I solve my problem, if you think what I said is right, come back to me. If I see the warship coming back and you don't come, I'll take it as if you refuse me, and I'll do something else!"

Ye Feng listened to flamenco's words and nodded, "that's it. If I don't come back from the warship, you can make your own plan."

Francesco said with a smile, "before you refused, this time I'm very satisfied! I look forward to your reply

At this time, Ye Feng said to flamenco, "if I promise you, I'm not going to be your son-in-law, but I think the island you said should be good. I'll rent your island!"

"If I were you, I would agree without hesitation. It's not my self-confidence. As a woman, I think my daughter's overall quality is good. Although she may be a little high-ranking, she won't let you look down on her at all, will she?"

Ye Feng said to flamenco, "you are also a man. Sometimes men and women are direct. It's not just a matter of looking up or not looking up. I hope that this matter will not come out of your mouth in the future. In your own words, if it's really predestined, it's useless to say anything. If it's really predestined, if you don't say it, there's nothing special to say!"

"I understand, I understand," said Franco with a smile! I'll never talk about it again. I'm a half cut old man. What do you do with your young people's love? I'm too busy! "

Ye Feng just nodded, nothing to say, directly left the room.

After watching Ye Feng leave the room, flamenco sighs slightly and says in his heart, "Diana, Dad, I can only help you here. Next, it depends on whether you are charming enough. Dad has too many enemies in his life. If Satan really wants to live in seclusion with us, dad will be safe for the rest of his life!"

Ye Feng had just walked out of flamencourt's room when she saw Diana open the door, covering her head with one hand and supporting the doorframe with the other hand. She was still humming and groaning. She looked very uncomfortable.

Seeing Ye Feng coming out, Diana's face suddenly moved, and then she said with a smile, "do you get up so early? You didn't drink much last night, did you? "

Ye Feng takes a look at Diana. To tell you the truth, flamencourt just said that he has absolute confidence in his daughter for no reason.

Diana, no matter from any point of view, is considered to be a top-notch beauty. She should have a figure and a face.

To tell you the truth, even flamencourt said that Diana was a high-ranking man, which Ye Feng didn't agree with. Don't say that Diana was such a beauty, what kind of man could he find?

Diana saw Ye Feng staring at herself, her face suddenly moved, and her face also turned red. She looked at Ye Feng and said, "what's wrong with my face?"

Ye Feng this just returned to God, immediately toward Diana shook his head way, "nothing! I wasn't drunk last night, but you drank a lot! "

Diana touched her head and said, "did I drink too much last night? I don't remember much! "

When she said this, her eyes obviously twinkled. Diana was thinking that she had drunk a lot last night, but she was also three times drunk. Many things have the effect of alcohol, and many of them want to express her heart through alcohol.

But this kind of thing must not let Ye Feng see, even if he admitted that he had drunk too much last night, also can't admit that he still remember last night's thing, how shameful to say it?

But think of their own last night have been so active, Ye Feng was not moved, this is really let his feelings how embarrassed.

But Diana didn't say anything, just shrugged at Ye Feng and said, "is my father awake?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "wake up, just had breakfast with me!"

Diana nodded, then looked at the door of qianse bee and said, "I don't know how sister qianse bee drank last night!"

Ye Feng said to Diana, "don't you remember?"

Diana was shocked to see Ye Feng staring at her. She felt guilty again and said, "I don't remember much! I drank a lot last night

Ye Feng saw in the eyes, in fact, the heart of a belly of number, but he did not expose, in fact, there is no need to expose, after all, Ye Feng also understand Diana's mentality.

Ye Feng immediately said, "Oh, maybe you were drunk last night, so I don't remember. She was drunk earlier than you last night!"

When Diana heard the message, she said, "Oh? I seem to have a little impression... " My heart is empty.

Unfortunately, at this time, the thousand color bee also opened the door, saw Ye Feng and Diana were standing in the corridor talking, eyebrows can not help but also a wrinkle, "you so early?"

Diana immediately turned away from the topic and walked to the thousand color bee. "Sister, are you awake?"The thousand color bee nodded, then touched his head and said, "yes, this wine has too much aftereffect. I didn't feel anything last night, so I don't remember what happened. It seems that I can't drink too much wine in the future. I didn't make a fool of myself last night, did I? "

Diana said in her heart, do you still have me making a fool of herself last night, but she didn't say that. Instead, she said to qianse bee, "no, no, you lie on the table when you're drunk. I'm drunk soon. It's Satan who sent us back to our room..."

Just said here, the heart suddenly move, feel oneself completely said wrong words, oneself if really drunk what all don't know, how can know is leaf maple send them back to the room?

But although Ye Feng heard it, he didn't say anything on his mouth. He just asked the thousand color bee, "are you OK, better?"

After hearing this, qianse Feng shook his head and said, "it's nothing, but his head is still a little uncomfortable. It's estimated that he will be OK by noon!"

Diana immediately took qianse bee by the back of her hand and said, "let's go down and have breakfast. Just drink more milk to nourish your stomach. You're empty now. There's residual alcohol in your stomach, so it's not very comfortable!"

The thousand color bee didn't say anything, but she was pulled away by Diana. After pulling the thousand color bee away, Diana just deleted a breath. If she talked with Ye Feng, she would be completely exposed.

Ye Feng looks at Diana and qianse bee walking downstairs. She can't help but hear the polygamous words of Lang Mingo.

If Diana can really get along with qianse bee in this way, it's not a problem. Unfortunately, they are not the main problem. I don't know how Dixie feels when she knows how to regret.

Thinking of Ye Feng also followed downstairs, at this time Diana and qianse bee have been eating in the restaurant, qianse bee see Ye Feng down, quickly asked, "don't you have breakfast?"

Ye Feng did not speak, Diana immediately said, "he got up earlier than us, and ate with my father!"

Thousand color bee smell speech this just nodded, immediately ask Ye Feng way again, "you didn't ask Franco Mingo much, how is the thing that prepares for us?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "it's decided to start on time in three days! Flamencourt, too

Ye Feng goes back to qianse bee and is anxious to save her mother. But Ye Feng thinks qianse bee's anxiety is superfluous. The longer it takes, the more Ye Feng feels that the one who impersonates Dixie is qianse bee's mother.

Over the past few days, Ye Feng has been thinking about this. He really can't think of anyone whose face changing skill is better than that of qianse bee, and it comes down in one continuous line with qianse bee.

In addition to qianse bee's mother, Ye Feng can't think of any other candidates. Of course, Ye Feng is not 100% sure, but thinks there is a great chance.

Ten thousand steps back, even if not, zhuomus would not move her mother until qianse bee went back to find him.

As Ye Feng and peck have been together for so many years, zhuomus will have a back hand in everything, so he will never be stupid enough to kill qianse bee's mother and let qianse bee out of control.

So Ye Feng then said to qianse bee, "don't think about it any more. We'll sell you on time three days later. Your mother will never have any problem, at least before we land on the island. Zhuomus will certainly use her to coerce you!"

Thousand color bee smell speech eyebrow tiny move, stare at Ye Feng to see after a long time, this just nodded, drinking milk didn't speak.

Diana then said to qianse bee, "sister, last time I heard you say that andali and you are half brothers, did you tell cruise about your mother?"

The thousand color bee then said to Diana, "don't tell him, he can't help me, and even if he does, my mother doesn't want to be involved with him any more. Tell him what to do? Don't say it

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