At this time, Charlie looked at Levis, who was walking far away. Then he looked at Ye Feng again. Then he sat down, took out his cigarette and handed it to Ye Feng.

After lighting a cigarette, Charlie said to Ye Feng, "what did you just talk to Levis alone?"

Ye Feng also lit a cigarette. After taking a look at Charlie, he said, "since Levis talks to me alone, his purpose is very obvious. He just doesn't want anyone else to hear him!"

Charlie a listen to this, immediately a Leng, Zheng Zheng ground saw a leaf maple after, this just ask a way, "meaning also say, you won't say?"

Ye Feng shrugged and didn't say a word at all. The answer was obvious, but after seeing Charlie staring at him, Ye Feng said, "that is to say, if you want to say something to me and need me to keep it secret for you, anyone will ask me, and I won't say it!" For a long time, I didn't speak again.

Seeing Charlie's frowning, Ye Feng shrugged at him and said, "if you don't have anything to say to me, then I..."

Before Ye Feng finished speaking, Charlie immediately said to Ye Feng, "don't hurry, sit down first, I'll sort out my thoughts!"

After listening to Charlie's words, Ye Feng frowned and sat down slowly and said, "in other words, do you really have something to ask me?"

Charlie immediately nodded and said, "I have something to ask!"

But Ye Feng immediately said, "first of all, I will state that I will not answer any questions about spying. I will only answer questions related to yourself!"

Charlie heard Ye Feng say so, immediately nodded and said, "I'm just asking questions about myself. Don't worry, you're talking about this, can't I understand?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and shrugged, "if so, you ask Oh, think about it first, and put your mind in order! "

Charlie nods as he smokes. After one cigarette is finished, he forcefully extinguishes the cigarette and says to Ye Feng, "if Levis really becomes the successor I mean if, if so, how can I maintain my advantage? "

Ye Feng smell speech is brow a wrinkly way, "your advantage?"? If Levis really becomes the successor in the end, you are the biggest advantage? "

Charlie immediately said, "I know what you mean. You mean I have a good relationship with Levis I mean, if, as you say, I don't go back to the group and continue to float outside, then I won't be responsible for the internal interests of the group. I'm a little reluctant What's the point of having a good relationship with Reeves? He's in the group, I'm out of the group. No matter how good he is to me, he serves the group, and he only considers everything for the group. I'm just an outsider! "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, this just suddenly, Charlie is originally worried about his own interests can't maximize.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng asked Charlie, "did you talk to Levis about this idea?"

Charlie immediately shook his head, picked up the cigarette box, and lit a cigarette again. Then he said to Ye Feng, "I want to say it, but I haven't had a chance. Last night, I had a lot of friends. Today, he took you to have a private chat. Now I think I'm going to have a private chat with flamencourt. How can I have a chance to talk! But that's fine. I just want to hear from you now! "

After listening to what Charlie said, Ye Feng said, "first of all, I think your worry is superfluous!"

As soon as Charlie heard this, he said, "I know. You want to say that since I'm the biggest foreign aid of Levis, Levis will not treat me badly But you may not know that the market share of the whole Michoacan state and even the whole Mexico is so large that it is almost occupied by the group. Although I was released by flemingo de France, no matter how good my development is, it will be limited by the group. No matter what good opportunities I have, I can't act recklessly. I still need to go through the negotiation with the Buddha The consultation of longmingo.... "

Speaking of this, Charlie immediately shook his head again and again and said, "no, it's not negotiation. I'm a little suspicious of self promotion. In fact, it's just reporting. I can only do it with flamencourt's consent! In other words, although I am no longer in the group, I am still restricted by the group and flamencourt. My development has an upper limit And even if I reach the upper limit, compared with my interests in the group, it's just a drop in the bucket. "

At this time, Ye Feng said to Charlie, "everything has its advantages and disadvantages. You only see this, but you don't see the advantages at that end!"

However, Charlie frowned and sighed, "maybe it's my shallow knowledge. I really can't see what's good for me at all!"

Ye Feng then said, "first of all, if Levis becomes a successor, he will never suppress you, an external force..."

As soon as Charlie heard this, he immediately interrupted, "now flamencourt hasn't put any pressure on me..."

Ye Feng immediately said, "listen to me first. Although flamencourt didn't suppress you, you just said that you have an upper limit when you are outside. What's the upper limit? In fact, everyone knows that no matter how well you develop, you also have an upper limit. Why? This is repression and control. No matter how good your relationship with flamencourt is, no matter how well you leave the group, flamencourt instructs you to set up your own house, and the inside of the group knows it, but the outside is the outside, and the interests of the group always come first. This is the unchangeable iron law! "Charlie can't help nodding and admitting, "you're right. This is the situation now. So when I heard you say last night that Levis was going to fight for a successor, I thought, can I take this opportunity to go back to the group, but last night you suggested that I stay outside and echo with Levis. I didn't think much about it at that time, but I woke up early this morning and went home I've been thinking about it in bed... "

Ye Feng said to Charlie, "it's normal for you to think so, but you haven't understood the core problem yet!"

But Charlie frowned and said, "the core problem? What's the core problem? "

Ye Feng asked Charlie, "what has flamencordo been doing in the group all these years?"

After hearing this, Charlie said, "wash white..."

Ye Feng immediately pointed out, "now we don't know who flemingo will choose as his successor, but no matter who flemingo finally chooses, his requirements are very simple, that is, who can carry out his line..."

As soon as Charlie heard this, his face suddenly moved and said, "do you mean If Levis takes office, he will continue to wash the white group? "

Ye Feng shrugs his shoulders and says," this is the trend of the times. A country is controlled by a group of drug lords. Do you think this is normal? "

After a while, Charlie said, "what you said seems to have some truth..."

Ye Feng said solemnly, "this is not truth, but truth. I tell you, even if the Mexican government does nothing, the world will not let Mexico do so, because what you spread is not Mexico itself, but the whole world. Don't you know how the golden triangle was destroyed? If you go on like this, Mexico will be the second golden triangle... "

As soon as Charlie heard this, his face moved and he looked at Ye Feng. Of course, he knew how the golden triangle was destroyed, and if it had not been for the complete destruction of the golden triangle, they would not be today.

At this time, Ye Feng continued to say to Charlie, "I believe you can understand my words, so you just seize the immediate interests, but don't see the long-term interests!"

Charlie stared at Ye Feng and said, "long term benefits?"

Ye Feng said to Charlie, "what you people don't like to hear is that every cent you earn is dirty. Maybe it's because it's the same in Michoacan and even the whole of Mexico, so you can't feel it at all. But after Mexico is eliminated by the international community? All people will wake up, and all people will realize that your existence is harm. At that time, you will not be able to be white if you want to be white! "

Charlie listen to Ye Feng so a say, can't help asking Ye Feng way, "but this and I stay outside the group what relationship?"

Ye Feng eyebrows a wrinkly way, "so obvious, you still ask?"

Charlie looked at Ye Feng mistily and said, "I really don't understand!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "there is an old Chinese saying that it is difficult for a ship to turn around."

As soon as Charlie heard this, he couldn't help saying, "is it difficult to turn around?"

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