Ye Feng said immediately, "what do you think of flamencourt?"

Charlie frowned and said, "it's not bad. He has courage and responsibility..."

Ye Feng immediately said, "generally, a person with such courage and responsibility will be able to do whatever he wants. But why does flamenco have been doing it for so many years, but he doesn't feel any effect? It's because there are too many interest groups and factions in the group, and it's difficult for the ship to turn around. But you are a person outside the group, so if something happens, you have nothing to do with the group. Although you lose a little bit, you avoid the biggest risk! "

Charlie can't help but be stunned when he hears the speech. He looks at Ye Feng for a long time and then comes back to himself. "Do you mean it's the best way for me to stay away from the group?"

Ye Feng shrugs his shoulders and says to Charlie, "is that ok? Can't you see such a simple form? "

Charlie is a while tangled to smoke cigarettes, looking at Ye Feng after a long time, this just long spit a cigarette cloud way, "you this is to advise me to wash white ah?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's not advice, it's just advice, just like what I told Levis, it's advice. It doesn't mean advice. You can listen to it, or you can't listen to it. It has nothing to do with me, and I won't pay any responsibility afterwards!"

when Charlie heard this, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "I'm talking to you about my interests, but you're talking to me I said, "the situation and the future situation..."

Ye Feng said with a sneer, "in my eyes, the situation and the future situation are the biggest problem of interests."

Charlie looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a while, but he didn't say anything.

At this time, Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "if you earn more money and have no life to enjoy it, then you are just the wallet of the pile of money. The money is only deposited in you for the time being, and then it is someone else's. only when the money is yours and you can enjoy it at any time, the money is really yours!"

After listening to what Ye Feng said, Charlie looked at Ye Feng again. After a while, he nodded and said, "what you said is right, but..."

Ye Feng did not wait for Charlie to finish, immediately followed his words and said, "but you are still a little reluctant!"

Charlie sighed, "I'm not willing to give up, but I'm not willing to. I didn't make much money. When I made the most money, I had problems with the group and came out. A lot of the money I made in the early days was used outside to buy people's hearts and start my career. I just got back in the past few years. I'm going to make a lot of money this time, alas ……”

But Ye Feng looked at Charlie and said, "you've paid back, which means you have a lot of money. You're right. You just want to earn more So why don't you make a deal with Reeves? "

On hearing this, Charlie frowned at Ye Feng and said, "deal? What's the deal between me and him? "

Ye Feng couldn't help looking at Charlie and said, "the connection between everything in the world is just a trade. Why can't you trade with Levis? You have to rely on him, and he needs you, too. It's just a trade, isn't it? "

Charlie nodded and said, "it's right for you to say that, but when it comes to trading, it seems that it's not like that..."

Ye Feng then said to Charlie, "I'm afraid you still don't understand. The purer the relationship between people, the longer it will be. You and Levi, but now they are in line with each other's interests, so they can get together. Have you ever thought about a question, once Levi has secured the head of the group in the future, he doesn't need you. Do you think you and he can still be so pure? ”

after hearing this, Charlie looked at Ye Feng and said, "can't Levis?"

Ye Feng said with a sneer, "then I'll turn it around. If the group is really like what I said, when it's hard to turn around, when it's really despised by the international community, you are not a member of the group. At this time, do you choose to protect yourself? Or lend a helping hand to help the group tide over the difficulties That's not right. At that time, even if you lend a helping hand, it won't help. Even so, will you help? "

Charlie smell speech can't help but is a stunned, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng for a while, also didn't answer this question.

In fact, Charlie has been clear about his heart. Once the problems mentioned by Ye Feng really happen, he will never be so stupid as to fall into the trap. Originally, no one may doubt what he and the group have. When he reaches out his hand, it is not equal to putting himself in?

Ye Feng saw that Charlie didn't speak, and immediately sneered, "you already have an idea in your heart, don't you? You don't need to say it, and I know it. So, in the final analysis, the connection between people is all about interests, even the closest father and son, the same truth! "

At this point, Ye Feng lit a cigarette again, then looked at Charlie and said, "so, instead of waiting until things change at last, you can feel that the other party has changed. It's better to make sure that you are only interested in the other party at the beginning. Now he needs you, but you still have interests. The other party doesn't need you in the future, which means that at least you are already in his mind It's just that there is no profit value, so it's safe to make the transaction that has been explained in advance and the interpersonal relationship that is in front of usYe Feng slowly smoked a cigarette, then said, "so the final decision, you see, I'm still saying that, everything I say is advice, listen to it or not, it's up to you!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Charlie said, "I understand what you said. I just want to know, even if it's interest trading, how to maximize my interests when I'm outside the group!"

Ye Feng smell speech a smile way, "I was not to say before?"

But Charlie frowned, "you're asking me to wash white!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "only clean money is safe. You can't enter the group now. In a way, you can't, but in another way, it's not your luck."

Charlie looked at Ye Feng in a daze for a while. He didn't say anything for a long time. Then he sighed, "maybe it's my friendship with you that doesn't agree with Levis. I still don't know what I should do!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "you misunderstood me. I have no friendship with Li Weisi. You forgot what I just said to you. The relationship between people is the relationship of interests!"

Charlie frowned. "What's in between you and Reeves? You are his interest. It's good for him to flatter you, but is there anything else in him that you should pay attention to? "

Ye Feng said to Charlie, "of course, I need something, but you don't need to know about it..."

Charlie smell speech brow is slightly a frown ground to looking at Ye Feng way, "so say, by analogy, you now say these to me, also not because of our previous friendship, is also benefit?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course, it's benefit. It's no good nonsense for me. I don't want to say more!"

Charlie was confused and said, "Levis may at least be the leader of the next group. What am I? I really can't think of what's worth your doing to me! "

Ye Feng looked at Charlie and said, "it's just that you haven't found out. I don't think what I said to you is nonsense! But the premise is whether you can listen to what I say, this is my kind of venture capital. If you listen and do it, then I will invest right. If you run counter to the trend, then I will lose! Very simple rules of the game

But Charlie asked Ye Feng straightforwardly, "if you win the investment, you won't get any benefits."

Ye Feng choked out the cigarette, stood up and said, "your so-called benefits are money, the benefits I value may not be the same as you think! It's just a personal point of view! "

Charlie was still at a loss when he heard that he didn't want to talk to Ye Feng. He still felt that he was quite sober. Now after listening to Ye Feng's words, he felt that he was completely confused, and he couldn't figure it out.

Ye Feng then looked at Charlie and said, "you don't understand now, because you are still in the game, but when you jump out of the middle, you will understand!"

Having said this, Ye Feng immediately walked towards the villa gate and said, "I'll go out for a breath!"

Charlie sat in the same place, looking at Ye Feng's back. He felt that there was some truth in Ye Feng's words, but when he thought about it carefully, it seemed that there was something deep that he hadn't dug out.

The most important thing is that Ye Feng always talks about the half above the water and the half hidden under the water. He has to reach out to touch the water by himself.

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