At this time, Ye Feng went to the courtyard outside the villa. After a stretch, he took a breath of fresh air. At this time, he heard the sound of footsteps behind him. Just listening to the sound, Ye Feng knew that it was definitely not Charlie.

Looking back, he saw that qianse bee and Diana were coming out. He saw that he turned back and looked at them. Their faces were slightly moving.

Qianse bee went to Ye Feng's side and said to Ye Feng, "what are you talking about with Levis and Charlie?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said faintly, "nothing to talk about. It's just a man's topic!"

Diana came up and said, "men's topics, where do you have so many men's topics?"

But Ye Feng asked Diana, "what are you two talking about? Women's topics? "

Diana couldn't help laughing, but he didn't speak yet. At this time, someone from the window upstairs called to Ye Feng, "Satan! Come up

Ye Feng listens to Li Weisi's voice. Looking up, he sees that Li Weisi is standing in the window. At this time, the window is open everywhere. He suddenly says, "close the window first..."

"Bang" to a shot, Levis instantly fell down, and then there is a shot, Ye Feng heart suddenly a Lin.

Diana screamed in fright, but the thousand color bee frowned and looked into the woods in the distance, saying, "it should be that direction!"

Ye Feng immediately said to the thousand color bee, "you take Diana in, go up and have a look at the situation above, I'll go after people..."

With that, Ye Feng didn't wait for the thousand color bee to reply, so he ran out of the villa yard and ran towards the woods.

At this time, qianse bee quickly hugged Diana and entered the villa gate. Diana was still very scared, but she remembered that her father, Francesco, was still upstairs. She was shocked and immediately ran to the upstairs.

Seeing this, qianse bee immediately followed. Charlie was sitting in the living room. Seeing this, he said, "what's the matter? What's the noise just now? Is it gunfire? "

The two women came to the door of flamencourt, only to find Reeves lying by the window, his clothes covered with blood.

Diana then looked to one side and saw her father, flamencourt, sitting in a wheelchair, but still.

When Diana saw this, she immediately went to check. When she came to the front of flamencourt, her face changed and she immediately covered her mouth and cried.

Seeing this, qianse bee was moved. Then she went over and took a look at flamencourt. However, flamencourt was sitting in a wheelchair, but his face was covered with blood, and a blood hole had been made on his forehead. It was hopeless.

Diana sat down on the floor and began to cry, "Dad..."

Seeing this, Qian se Feng's face changed. He looked at everything in front of him and said, "what's the matter?"

Charlie went to flamenco and took a look at him. His face suddenly changed. Then he immediately took another look at Levis, who was lying in the window, and said, "who did this thing..."

Then Charlie went to Levi's side to check his condition. When he got to Levi's body, he saw that the shirt in front of him was penetrated by blood. His face could not help but move. Then he pulled off Levi's shirt collar, but he saw a bullet hole in his heart, which was still bleeding out.

Seeing this, Charlie punched the wall and roared, "who did this..."

Just as he was saying this, a faint voice came from Levi's side and said, "I don't see clearly. What's the matter with flamencourt..."

As soon as Charlie heard this, his heart suddenly moved again. He immediately looked at Levis, but he was pale, but he was looking at himself with his eyes open.

Charlie immediately took Levis's hand excitedly. "You're not dead?"

Levis coughed and said faintly, "do you really want me to die?"

Charlie immediately said with a smile, "what are you talking about?"

As soon as Diana heard this, she immediately looked back at Charlie and rushed up to him. She grabbed Charlie's clothes and beat him, "is that you? It's you... "

Charlie looked at Diana mistily and said, "what's me?"

Diana still didn't stop and said, "Levis said, you want him to die Not who are you? "

Charlie funny and good airway, "this is his joke with me..."

Levis then said coldly, "I'm not joking with you. Do you really want me to die?"

Charlie eyebrows can not help but move, staring at Levis, said, "what nonsense do you say?"

As soon as Diana heard this, she started even harder and said to Charlie, "you return my father..."

Charlie could bear it, but Diana was beating and grabbing. Charlie could not help it at last. He stood up immediately, threw Diana away, and said, "Miss, I didn't kill flamencourt!"Diana was so jilted by Charlie that when she saw her father's tragic death, her brain was a little dizzy. Then she suddenly faltered and almost fell down.

Fortunately, at this time, qianse bee came up and helped Diana. When Diana saw this, she immediately hugged qianse bee and cried again.

Charlie then squatted down and grabbed Levis by the collar. "What's the matter with you? Why frame me up? "

Levis looked at Charlie coldly and said, "here I and flamencourt have been shot, only you are OK. Why..."

Charlie was shocked and spat, "how can I know why..."

The thousand color bee then said to Charlie and Levis, "don't argue now, wait for Satan to come back!"

Then the thousand color bee said to Charlie, "you help him deal with the wound first..."

But Charlie immediately stood up and said, "it's none of my business not to deal with it I will not help those who framed me... "

But the thousand color bee said coldly to Charlie, "if he died, you can't say it clearly!"

When Charlie heard this, he was stunned. He looked at the queen bee in a dazed way. Then he looked at livis, who was lying on the ground. He was full of fog. He didn't know what was wrong with this guy. He thought he had sent someone to kill them.

With Charlie's temperament, he really doesn't want to save Levis who framed himself. However, when he thinks of the thousand color bee, and seeing that Levis is about to die, he still squats down, tears off his clothes and plugs them into the bullet hole in his chest.

At this time, Ye Feng had already caught up with the forest, but he didn't find anything. He just vaguely heard the sound of motorcycles in the distance, and his heart suddenly moved. It seemed that he was the last sniper.

Last time the sniper had a fight with himself, but this time he had no intention at all. After finishing the task, he left directly.

When Ye Feng ran out of the woods, there was no trace. Ye Feng had to go back to the villa.

When Ye Feng comes back, it's already half an hour later. When he arrives upstairs and finds that flamencourt has been shot dead, his heart moves.

As soon as Diana saw Ye Feng coming, she immediately went up and hugged Ye Feng and cried, "my father is dead, my father is dead..."

Ye Feng didn't say anything, just reached out and patted Diana on the back to comfort her, but her eyes looked at Levis who fell on the ground.

Ye Feng makes a wink at the thousand color bee at this time. The thousand color bee immediately understands and comes to pull Diana to the bedside to let her sit down and comfort him.

While Ye Feng walks up to Li Weisi, Charlie complains to Ye Feng immediately, "this boy doesn't know if he was fooled by the gun. He thinks that I'm going to kill him and flamencourt. Satan, you can judge..."

Ye Feng at this time in the eyes of Li Weisi has pale, no trace of blood on the face, Ye Feng thought Li Weisi also died.

But when Charlie said that, he frowned and said, "he's not dead?"

Charlie said immediately, "he was shot in the chest. He talked just now, but now he's not talking. Maybe he lost too much blood?"

Ye Feng stretched out his hand to press on Li Weisi's neck, then immediately said, "not dead, still have pulse!"

Say Ye Feng to see a Li Wei Si, see his appearance, immediately way, "should be to lose blood too much, temporarily fainted past!"

Ye Feng said immediately took away the blood stained cloth on Li Weisi's chest. After seeing the gunshot wound, he frowned. With this shot, Li Weisi could still talk?

Thinking of Ye Feng, he looked at Charlie and said, "what did you say just now? Levis says you're going to kill him and flamencourt? "

Charlie immediately nodded, "who said no, is this boy stupid?"

But Ye Feng frowned and stared at Li Weisi. He didn't speak for a long time.

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