Ye Feng thought for a moment, and immediately asked qianse bee to find a knife and a bottle of liquor. Now it's not the time to think about it. The most important thing is to save Reeves first.

After the thousand color bee brought the fruit knife, Ye Feng immediately heated the blade with a lighter, then soaked the knife in the wine, and immediately pulled Levis' chest open and made a cut in his chest muscle.

Suddenly, another blood arrow shot out. Ye Feng immediately pressed the edge of the knife with one hand, and put his finger in the other hand to buckle the bullet. Even Charlie could not help frowning.

For a moment, Ye Feng came out with a bullet between his bloody fingers. He threw the bullet on the ground and wiped the blood on the cloth. The exception was to cover the wound of the thousand color bee with one hand.

Then Ye Feng asked qianse bee to find disinfectant cotton, gauze and needle and thread. Where did qianse bee know? She immediately asked Diana that Diana was still immersed in the pain of flamencourt's death.

The thousand color bee called Diana several times, and then she came back and told the thousand color bee to go to the servant.

Thousand color bee immediately went to find the servant, found the servant, found these things, immediately and quickly ran back upstairs, will give things to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng took the needle and thread, first helped Li Weisi's chest wound to start sewing, watching the needle and thread swimming in the flesh, Charlie frowned more tightly.

After Ye Feng sewed up Li Weisi's wound, he quickly pressed the wound with disinfectant cotton, and then wrapped the wound with gauze.

After everything was taken care of, Ye Feng said to Charlie, "take him to bed first and have a rest!"

Charlie frowned when he heard that it was unnecessary to say such a small thing, but Levis just framed himself, which made him feel a little reluctant.

But seeing what Reeves looks like now, Charlie picked him up and put him on the bed.

Ye Feng went to the bathroom and washed the blood on his hands. Then he went back to the bedroom and looked at flamencourt in the wheelchair. He couldn't help sighing. He didn't expect that he was still dead.

Diana's face at this time was as pale as death, with a face of despair. It was obvious that she had not fully accepted the fact that her father had died.

At this time, Ye Feng walked over and patted Diana on the shoulder. Then he comforted her and said, "if you die, you can't come back to life

Diana sat there, still in a daze. She didn't seem to hear what Ye Feng said. She just looked at her father sitting in a wheelchair in front of her, but it was impossible to say a word to her father.

Ye Feng then pulled a sheet from the bed and went up to cover the body of flamencourt.

Seeing this, Diana quickly went over and pulled open the sheets and said, "my father is not dead yet. He won't die. How can he die so easily for such a strong man?"

Ye Feng's brow moved slightly when he heard the speech. Charlie then said to Diana, "flamencourt is dead. Diana, don't be silly any more..."

As soon as Diana heard this, she immediately glared at Charlie and said, "I still remember what Levis said just now. I'm not sure now, but if Levis wakes up and insists on saying that, how can you explain it then?"

As soon as Charlie heard this, he frowned at Diana and said, "Miss, don't listen to Levis..."

But Diana said to Charlie immediately, "everyone knows that you have the best relationship with Charlie. He is so good with you. If you didn't do it, he would say so?"

Charlie also looked at Diana in a daze and said, "how do I know? I'm confused now. You're right. Charlie should not frame me. I still don't understand!"

Diana sneered and said, "he really shouldn't frame you, so the only result is that he didn't frame you and said the truth..."

Charlie said anxiously, "I'll do this What do I want? "

Diana looked at Charlie and said, "I don't know. I don't want to know what you're up to. My father never asked me to intervene in the affairs and disputes within the group. I don't know what your grudges are."

Before Diana finished speaking, Charlie immediately said, "I'm not a member of the group. I've been driven out for a long time, and I don't know what's going on inside the group..."

Diana couldn't help looking at Charlie and sighed, "I don't know about you, and I don't want to know..."

Charlie quickly explained, "no I don't understand what I said. I don't know at all... "

Just then, Diana's phone rang. She picked up her cell phone and looked at it. Then she got through.

As soon as the phone was put through, Diana didn't speak. Her face suddenly changed. Then she said she knew and hung up.

Ye Feng knew that something must have happened, and immediately asked Diana, "what's the matter?"

Diana looked at Ye Feng in a daze, then looked at the thousand color bee again, and then said, "cruise was found dead in her bedroom..."

As soon as Qian se Feng heard this, her face suddenly changed. She also looked at Diana in a daze, but she didn't come back for a moment.Ye Feng then frowned slightly and murmured, "cruise is dead, too? How did you die? "

Diana shook her head at Ye Feng and said, "I don't know, but he said on the phone that she was shot..."

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the facial expression immediately is to move again, the mouth murmurs to say again, "shoot?"

Charlie could not help but frown and say, "cruise also died of shooting? It can't be this coincidence, can it? "

But Diana snorted coldly, "it must be your masterpiece again?"

Charlie can't help but frown, "what do you mean? Why do you start to doubt me? Why do I do this? "

When Diana wanted to say something else, Ye Feng said, "don't doubt anyone for the time being. Now it's a bit strange. Since it's Levi's words, let's wait until Levi wakes up!"

Then he said to Charlie, "you should have a familiar barefoot doctor friend. Let him come and show him. I just helped him take out the bullet and stop the bleeding. It's still up to him how to keep Levi's life after that!"

Charlie immediately said that he had an acquaintance. As soon as he picked up the phone, Diana said, "Levis suspects him and can't let him go to the doctor. What if he wants to kill someone?"

Diana immediately took out her cell phone and said, "I have a doctor's acquaintance. I'm looking for someone!"

Charlie sighed, punched the wall again, and said angrily, "who's bothered me?"

After Diana finished calling, Ye Feng said to Diana, "from now on, until Levis wakes up, you don't have to doubt Charlie any more. My intuition tells me that this has nothing to do with him!"

As soon as Charlie heard this, he immediately said with a smile to Diana, "listen, listen, Satan says it has nothing to do with me!"

Diana frowned at Ye Feng and said, "if it doesn't matter, then why does Levis say that? Is Levis Charlie's only friend in the group? Even his friends say that. There must be something wrong... "

Charlie smell speech complexion immediately move a way, "how do I know Li Weisi is not someone else a shot to hit silly?"? Say this nonsense... "

Ye Feng Wen Yan brow slightly a wrinkle to look at Levis, and then looked back at the body of flamencourt, suddenly a ponder.

After hearing the news of Cruise's death, qianse bee has been in a trance until now. At this time, after slowing down, she immediately looks at Ye Feng and says, "did you find anything?"

Ye Feng didn't speak at this time, but stared at Li Weisi lying on the bed and pondered for a while.

After a long time, he shook his head and said, "I haven't found anything yet!"

Thousand color bee smell speech heart is a move, she clearly feel Ye Feng has seen what, but he did not say.

But think of here in addition to their own, there are Diana and Charlie, it must be Ye Feng has something to hide, so even if found something, will not say now.

Diana didn't feel anything at all, but at this time she saw the thousand color bee looking at Ye Feng, and immediately asked Ye Feng, "do you know anything? But didn't say? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I just went out to chase the shooter. I didn't even see the shadow. Now the murderer and the people behind have no clue. What can I know?"

Diana said at once, "but the look in your eyes is obviously different. There must be something hidden from me!"

This time, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, qianse bee immediately said to Diana, "how can it be? We also want to help you find the murderer. How can we know what not to tell you? "

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