Diana looked at the thousand color bee and Ye Feng with suspicion. Although she still had some doubts, she didn't say anything in the end.

Ye Feng then said to Diana and qianse bee, "you all have a rest. I'll go out and see what's going on outside."

Thousand color bee smell speech immediately toward leaf maple say, "I help you!"

Diana immediately got up and said, "you all go out and leave me and Charlie here? In case... "

As soon as Charlie heard this, he immediately stamped his foot and said, "since you don't believe me, miss, I'll just leave..."

Having said that, Charlie immediately walked towards the door, but did not want Diana to stop Charlie immediately. "You can't go, you are a suspect. What if you leave here now and run away?"

Charlie had been talking to Diana in an excuse all the time. At this time, he could not help a little angry and said to Diana, "Miss, I was thinking that your father had just passed away, so I didn't care with you. You are obviously aiming at me now!"

Diana immediately said, "I'm aiming at you? If Levis didn't say that, why should I aim at you and say that you are wronged? Then explain why Levis said that and why didn't he say other people? "

Charlie was angry and anxious, but he couldn't find any excuse for a moment. He looked at Diana in a daze, and finally sighed, "OK, I won't go. I'm not going anywhere today. I'll stay here and wait for Levis to wake up. I want to see what this guy says when he wakes up!"

Ye Feng then said to the thousand color bee, "you stay here with Diana!" Then he said to Charlie, "you and I are going out for a walk!"

Charlie and Diana can't help but be shocked when they hear the words. Charlie looks at Ye Feng and says, "I'll go with you?"

As soon as Diana was ready to say something, Ye Feng immediately assured Diana, "I promise he won't slip away from me. If he slips away, and it happens that he is really the murderer, I will pay for his life!"

Listening to Ye Feng's words, Diana was speechless for a moment. She just sat there and stopped talking.

Ye Feng then called to Charlie again, "come downstairs with me!"

Charlie just listen to Ye Feng so a say, the heart also can't help but move, but still followed Ye Feng downstairs.

All the way, Charlie didn't speak, and his face was full of depression. How could he come here today? That's what happened.

The most depressing thing is what Levis said before he fainted. Up to now, Charlie can't understand why Levis thinks he did it.

After arriving downstairs, Ye Feng sits on the sofa in the living room smoking cigarettes. Charlie also walks over depressed and falls down on the sofa, looking at the ceiling.

After a long time, this just scolded a dirty word, sat up straight body, lit a cigarette, see Ye Feng is staring at himself, can't help but frown a way, "in the upstairs you said believe me, you won't now start to doubt me?"

But Ye Feng shook his head, smoked a cigarette, and then said, "I know the killer is not you!"

But Charlie frowned at Ye Feng and said, "you just said it shouldn't be me upstairs. Now you're so sure it's definitely not me?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course, when I was upstairs, I still had some doubts about you, but after a few things, all my doubts about you were dispelled!"

Charlie can't help but frown at Ye Feng and say, "a few things?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "first of all, you tore your clothes to help him stop bleeding after Levis said you were the murderer, which shows that you really want to save him!"

Charlie immediately nodded and said, "of course, I don't know why Levi would say such nonsense, but after all, I still regard him as my friend so far. Besides, I also want to know why Levi said so, and I want him to wake up and give me a clear mind!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help nodding a way, "just this point, give you wash more than half of the suspect!"

Charlie can't help but frown and say, "more than half? Why not all? Is there any doubt? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "Levis' gunshot wound is the heart part. In other words, whether he can be saved is a problem. If you know that he will die, you can get rid of your suspicion by doing an action to save him. Why not?"

Charlie couldn't help nodding and said, "you're right. Levis was shot in the heart. It's all a question whether he can survive. I can really pretend to muddle through!"

Ye Feng then said to Charlie, "so after I help Li Weisi take out the bullet, let you help Li Weisi go to bed to have a rest, you didn't immediately agree, but it seems very repulsive!"

Charlie immediately said, "at that time, I was thinking, this guy framed me, why should I save him, but if I don't save him, I will be more suspected, so I have to do it!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, but if you picked up Levis without hesitation at that time, it would only deepen my doubt about you. Your hesitation reaction is the logic of normal people's thinking, so at that time, I basically ruled out my doubt about you!"Charlie smell speech can't help but Zheng Zheng ground looking at leaf Feng way, "all like this, still just basically ruled out doubt?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, until Diana said several times that you are the murderer, your impatient but helpless appearance, let me completely rule out the doubt about you!"

Charlie sighed, "although Diana misunderstood me, she is the only daughter of flamencourt, and now she has just lost her father. What's more, she has doubts about me because she heard what Levis said. I don't know her in general!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help nodding a way, "strange is strange, Li Weisi why say you are a murderer?"

Charlie immediately said, "yes, I'm also puzzled. At that time, when the gun was fired, I was still sitting here in the hall. I also saw Diana and qianse bee running upstairs. Then I realized that something had happened. I followed up. I couldn't be sure of the previous gunshot."

Ye Feng said, "there's another problem. Have you found it?"

But Charlie frowned at Ye Feng and said, "what's the problem? If you have something to say, just tell me. I'm in a mess. I can't guess your riddle! "

Ye Feng was smoking a cigarette and looking at Charlie, he said, "you can see the body of flamencourt. How did he die?"

Charlie immediately said, "shot in the middle of the brow, should be a shot! What's the problem? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately said, "the death of flamencourt is basically certain. That's what you said. One shot to death..."

Speaking of this, Ye Feng smoked a cigarette and said, "what do you think of the shooting method of the shooter who killed flamencourt?"

Charlie shook his head and said, "I don't know where he shot. If he's hiding outside and sniping from a long distance, the shooter's shooting method is OK!"

Ye Feng immediately said to Charlie, "it's not that easy. I went to find out. The distance between the place where the shooter was hiding and flamencourt's room was just about the limit distance of the bullet's range! That is to say, his shooting skill can be regarded as the first-class level! "

Charlie smell speech brow can't help a wrinkly, Zheng Zheng ground saw a leaf maple way, "even if be like this, can just what?"

Ye Feng then said to Charlie, "the purpose I said so much is one. Since the other side can hit flamencourt's eyebrow so far, within the limit distance of the bullet, why does Levis hit the center of flamencourt's eyebrow, but not the eyebrow, but the heart?"

At this point, but see Charlie face suddenly move, Ye Feng immediately added, "at that time should be Levis first shot, flamencourt after the gun!"

"What's the difference?" Charlie asked

Ye Feng immediately said, "there's a big difference. There's another problem. At that time, Levis was standing at the window, while flamencourt was sitting in the room!"

The more Charlie listened, the more confused he became. "What's wrong with that?"

Ye Feng reminded Charlie, "as I said just now, the distance between the sniper and the target is already at the limit of the bullet's range, but after one shot hit Levi's heart, the second shot immediately hit flamencourt's eyebrow. From your point of view, is it easy to aim at the heart or the eyebrow, and you should not forget that flamencourt's distance from the shooter is shorter than that of Lee Weiss is still far away

After listening to what Ye Feng said, Charlie can't help but move. He looks at Ye Feng in a dazed way. He seems to understand what's going on, but he always feels like a lump in his throat, just can't say it.

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