Diana can't help but look at the thousand color bee. She hasn't spoken for a long time. In fact, she also understands that the thousand color bee is right.

Now my father flamencourto has died, which is an indisputable fact. I can't change anything.

And my father died in front of me, I haven't been able to avenge my father, so I must take good care of my body.

Thinking of this, Diana nodded slightly at the thousand color bee and said, "don't worry, I know to rest. I won't fall down so easily before I avenge my father!"

Speaking of this, Diana took a look at Yefeng and Charlie, then went back to the house in front of flamencourt. After taking a look at her father, Diana took out a new set of bed sheets from the devils on one side and covered flamencourt.

After that, Diana went to one side and sat down on the sofa, half lying, her eyes still looking at Charlie outside the door.

Seeing this, Ye Feng sighed a little, and then said to Charlie, "it seems that as long as Levis doesn't wake up, you can't get rid of the accusation In Diana, at least, it won't wash off! "

Charlie also sighed and shook his head. He didn't say much. He just threw away his cigarette and lit it again. After all, he was suspected to be the murderer, and he was very depressed.

Thousand color bee then came out, looked back at Diana, but saw that she had slightly closed her eyes at this time, although she slept well last night, but after all, after experiencing such a big thing, her sleepiness was even more irresistible.

See Diana so, thousand color bee side toward leaf maple way, "and I chat a few?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders, but he didn't speak. Charlie immediately put out his cigarette and said, "I'll find a stool to rest for a while, too. I'm tired!"

With these words, Charlie went to Ye Feng's room on one side. Seeing that there was a bed, he simply lay on it for a while.

Ye Feng see Charlie into his room, also didn't say anything, but listen to thousand color bee whispered asked Ye Feng way, "you already know who is the killer?"

Ye Feng lit a cigarette, then looked at the thousand color bee and said, "why do you ask this?"

The thousand color bee immediately said to Ye Feng, "you don't have to hide it from me. I can see who the killer is. You just didn't want to affect Diana, so you didn't say it!"

Ye Feng smell speech smoked a cigarette, lean the body on the window, the mouth then ask a way, "you don't mind me to know not to know, now I come to ask you, who do you think can be the murderer?"

Thousand color bee smell speech a while ponder ground looking at Ye Feng way, "so say, you are to admit that you in the mind already know who is murderer?"

Ye Feng smoking cigarettes, looking at the thousand color bee way, "now I'm asking you, who do you think is?"

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, is heart next move, Zheng Zheng ground looked at Ye Feng, this just a burst of ponder, for a long time also did not speak.

Ye Feng is not worried, just smoking cigarettes, looking at the thousand color bee.

After taking a deep breath, qianse bee looked at Levis on the bed and frowned again.

Finally, if the thousand color bee shook his head and said, "I don't know, it's hard to say!"

Ye Feng then asked thousand color bee way, "don't know, still hard to say?"

Thousand color bee then Dynasty leaf maple way, "is not easy to say!"

Ye Feng then toward thousand color bee way, "have no what not to say, how you think of, how to say!"

Thousand color bee looked at Ye Feng and said, "I had a little idea, but I didn't realize it. Until I heard the doctor say that Levi's heart is different from ordinary people, I suddenly thought of some problems!"

Ye Feng looked at the thousand color bee and said, "what do you think of?"

The thousand color bee immediately said, "normally, snipers have the habit of shooting. It's impossible to have two targets, one at the head and the other at the heart, unless there are special circumstances. But no special circumstances have been found here. In addition, Levis's heart is different from ordinary people. Is there such a coincidence in this world?"

Ye Feng smoked a cigarette and said, "maybe, but I don't believe it!"

Thousand color bee smell speech immediately also nodded a way, "I also don't believe, so I feel this matter more and more strange, but don't think too should!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "where shouldn't it be?"

Thousand color bee immediately shrugs a way, "sniper won't know Li Weisi's heart is different from ordinary people?"? If you know... "

Ye Feng smiles and knows that the thousand color bee is close to the truth, but his smile is not because the thousand color bee has seen the clue, but because if the thousand color bee thinks so, it shows that his guess is more likely.

Thousand color bee see leaf maple toward oneself smile, can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "you already saw these?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and continued to smoke, "don't worry if I see it or not, you say it's yours!"

After hearing this, qianse bee looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a while, and then said, "if the sniper knows, then there is only one possibility..."

At this point, qianse bee said in a low voice, "the sniper is Levi's man. Levi signaled him to shoot at his heart. So who is the shooter? The murderer is..."The thousand color bee said, looking at Levis lying on the bed, and said in a deep voice, "it's him!"

Ye Feng took a deep puff of his cigarette and stampeded out the end of it

Thousand color bee smell speech but a frown ground looking at leaf maple way, "very wonderful? But not the truth? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "no matter how wonderful it is, it's just inference. It's not necessarily the fact. Only the party concerned knows the fact. Now there are only two parties, one is the shooter, and the other is Levi lying on the bed. If you want to know the truth, you can either catch the sniper and pry out the answer we want from his mouth, or wait for Levi to wake up Come and get the answer from him

Qianse bee looked at Levis on the bed for a while. After a while, he came back to himself and said, "I still don't understand. If it is the result of this fact, why does Levis do it? Although his heart is different from that of ordinary people, in case the sniper's shooting skill is deviated, it doesn't mean that the sniper's shooting skill is not accurate. After the sniper shoots, whether the bullet can finally hit the target, in addition to the shooting skill and experience, there are many inevitable factors... "

Ye Feng can't help but say to qianse Feng, "you're right, so he must have found the top sniper. The top sniper who is confident of doing this is one of the few in the world, and even the top sniper, as long as the sniper is not himself, can't be 100% relieved, so this also proves that Levi is right The sniper is at ease! "

Thousand color bee can't help nodding and said, "they all dare to entrust their lives to each other. This is absolute trust!"

Ye Feng slightly shrugged, and did not continue to say anything.

But qianse bee looked at Ye Feng and said, "so what you mean by that is Do you think Levis planned this? "

At this time, Ye Feng said to qianse Feng, "no matter how wonderful the inference is, as long as there is no evidence, it's all empty talk. You don't expect us to make Levis confess everything just by pushing a cart, do you? Only Conan can do such a thing. "

Thousands of bees can't help but be surprised when they hear the words. Conan is a well-known anime character in Japan. He often uses his own reasoning to make prisoners automatically plead guilty.

Thousand color bee curious is, Ye Feng such person, unexpectedly also know Conan?

Ye Feng this time then toward thousand color bee way, "now this kind of situation, only wait for Li Weisi to wake up to say again."

But qianse bee said to Ye Feng, "in fact, I don't care about it. What I care about is, if Levis doesn't wake up in three days? Shall we stay here and wait for him to wake up? "

Ye Feng knows the meaning of thousand color bee, she is anxious to go to the island to save her mother.

Think of here, Ye Feng is toward thousand color bee way, "this although you rest assured, no matter what, even if the sky falls down, three days later we start on time!"

Thousand color bee listen to Ye Feng so say, this just slightly relieved a breath, in fact, she is still really worried about Ye Feng because of this matter, will form again to push back.

Listen to Ye Feng said so, thousand color bee this just thoroughly rest assured come down, as long as three days later can become a line, Ye Feng how all right.

At this time, qianse Feng thought, she took a look at Levis and Diana. At last, she sighed a little and said nothing more. Anyway, three days later, she just wanted to go. But after all, Diana called her sister. In three days, she could help or would help.

At this time, Ye Feng sighed, "this Li Weisi, everyone underestimated him. I hope he won't have any more accidents after he wakes up!"

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