The thousand color bee then looked at Ye Feng and said, "accident? What can happen? "

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time, "I hope there is no accident! But who knows? Have we had fewer accidents recently? "

Listen to Ye Feng so, can't help but also nodded, indeed this period of accident is one after another, not many, but there is no interruption.

Thinking of this, the thousand color bee took a deep breath and sighed, "I don't know when this kind of life will pass!"

Ye Feng immediately said to the thousand color bee, "we'll start in three days. No matter what happens here, it won't affect the formation of this time. I'm tired of staying here in Mexico!"

Thousand color bee listen to Ye Feng so a say, can't help but toward Ye Feng point head way, "good, three days later we set out!" Then he asked, "but with flamencourt's death, is our warship business left behind?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "flamenco should have been arranged before he was born, but I don't know the details. Anyway, three days, three days at most. If not, we can rent or buy a boat temporarily."

The thousand color bee can't help hesitating. Ye Feng sees it in his eyes and says to the thousand color bee, "don't worry. As long as you have money, there's nothing you can't do. We can buy one at a high price at that time!"

Thousand color bee listen to Ye Feng say so, this just nodded, didn't say anything more.

After a long time, the doctor who left before came back again. This time, he brought plasma to help Levis hang him.

I saw Diana fall asleep, but the doctor didn't call her. She was ready to leave after finishing, but Diana still woke up.

Seeing that the doctor was lifting Levis' plasma, he immediately got up and said, "are you here? Why don't you wake me up? "

The doctor said to Diana, "it's not a big deal. I'll leave after hanging. Come back tomorrow!"

Diana could not help nodding when she heard the speech. At this time, the doctor checked Reeves again, and then said to Diana, "he's really lucky. Now he's much better than when I came here just now."

As soon as Diana heard this, she immediately asked the doctor, "so, is he OK? Will you wake up? "

But the doctor sighed, "just now I made it very clear to you that he is much better. It's all his physical functions, but whether he wakes up or not is another matter. That is to say, he may recover quickly, but he has been sleeping all the time. It's not sure!"

When Diana heard this, she sighed and looked at Levis in bed, but she didn't speak any more.

Seeing this, the doctor immediately said to Diana, "but you don't have to worry too much. He just lost too much blood before, and the influence of his brain is not very big. Although I can't say he will wake up or when he will wake up, I can only tell you that the probability of him waking up is still very high!"

Diana didn't show much joy at what the doctor said. She hopes Levis will wake up now, but she also knows it's unrealistic.

Diana nodded to the doctor, said a thank you, sent the doctor out of the door, the doctor did not let Diana send himself, he went downstairs to leave.

Diana then went back to the window, looked at Levis on the bed, and murmured, "can you wake up or not? I expect you to wake up and tell me if Charlie is the killer or not! "

The thousand color bee then walked toward Diana and said, "do you trust him so much?"

Diana can't help but frown and say, "what do you mean?"

Thousand color bee immediately said, "I want to say, even if Levis wakes up, he says Charlie is the murderer, you believe it?"

Diana looked at the thousand color bee and said, "why don't you believe it? You mean Levis lied? "

Thousand color bee shrugged and said, "I don't mean that. I just said that we should have evidence to find the murderer, instead of listening to anyone say who is the murderer, we can determine that he is the murderer!"

Diana looked at the thousand color bee for a long time, then immediately looked at Ye Feng at the door, and said, "is there something you're hiding from me?"

The thousand color bee said immediately, "how can it be? What are you doing behind your back? "

Diana immediately said, "why do you say that? Levis himself almost died. A person who wants to die can't frame a person before he dies? "

But qianse bee said to Diana, "you said, he almost died, but after all, he didn't die..."

Diana frowned more tightly and looked at the thousand color bee with a puzzled look on her face. "What do you mean by that? You're not trying to tell me that Levis is framing Charlie, are you

Thousand color bee smell speech tiny a sigh, didn't say anything more, Ye Feng then walked over a way, "now anything don't think much, all still wait for Li Weisi to wake up, wait for him to wake up, know why he said that, why should say Charlie is a murderer!"

As soon as Diana heard this, she immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "you mean, Charlie is not the murderer at all?"Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I didn't say that!"

Diana said immediately, "but what did you say when you went down with Charlie for so long? Did Charlie talk to you, or did you find something? Over here, you and Charlie whispered so much at the window. What are you talking about? What are you hiding from me? "

Ye Feng took a look at Diana at this time and said, "many things are still guessed, there is no real evidence! So I don't want to say it! If it's confirmed that it's OK, and if it's completely different at that time, won't I become an accomplice? "

When Diana heard this, she immediately sneered, "so you do know something!" Then he immediately looked at Ye Feng and said in a deep voice, "so what's the ultimate goal of you saying so much? You want to tell me, Charlie's not the killer? "

After listening to Diana's words, Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "my intuition tells me that he doesn't look like..."

Diana sneered, "intuition? "No?"

At this time, qianse bee said to Diana immediately, "now everything will come out when Reeves wakes up. Why argue about some conjectures that are not necessarily true here? It's meaningless

But Diana immediately sneered at the thousand color bee, "meaningless?" He nodded and said, "yes, it's just my father who died. It has nothing to do with you. For you, it's just a waste of your time. Of course, it's meaningless. But for me, it's my closest person. If it's your closest person, would you say it's meaningless?"

Hearing this, qianse Fengyan was shocked. She found that Diana had become a bit extreme. Maybe it was flamencourt's death that stimulated her too much.

So qianse bee doesn't want to argue with Diana in this state at this time.

Ye Feng then said to qianse bee and Diana, "don't say anything. The doctor just said that Levi's recovery is better than he imagined. That is to say, he may wake up at any time. It seems that Levi's life is really great. It's clear that the same shooter hit flamencourt in the head, but hit Levi in the heart. Coincidentally, it's Levi's heart It's easy for ordinary people to escape the disaster! "

When Diana heard what Ye Feng said, her heart suddenly moved. She looked at Ye Feng with a slight frown. After a long time, she regained her mind. She took another look at the body of flamencourt, which had been covered by her own sheet. Finally, she looked at Levis on the bed.

It seems that Ye Feng's words have touched some nerves in Diana's subconscious, making her seem to be aware of something, but this kind of consciousness is hazy and vague. For a moment, it seems that her heart is blocked, especially uncomfortable.

Ye Feng looks at Diana's expression, and it's almost there. Diana must have thought of something. Now she's cracking the case in her own subconscious.

Originally, Ye Feng didn't plan to tell Diana before Li Weisi woke up. He didn't want the thousand color bee to ask Diana those questions. It was too late to stop him.

And in that case, if ye Feng stopped, it would only make Diana more suspicious and make things more complicated.

But sooner or later things will be known to Diana, now thousand color bee don't say also said, now Ye Feng is thinking about how to let Diana control his mood.

If Diana doesn't believe it, she will only doubt Charlie all the time, but if Diana believes in herself and qianse bee, she will be in a lot of trouble.

After all, Diana died of her father. If she knew that Li Weisi might be the murderer, Ye Feng worried that Diana could not control her emotions well, but would expose something after Li Weisi woke up, which would be detrimental to the whole situation.

After all, he and qianse bee rely entirely on some clues of reasoning and speculation, and there is no trace, or even half a trace of evidence. Once there is no evidence, let Levis know that they suspect him. Levis will only be vigilant and think about what to say, it will be more difficult.

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