Diana didn't speak at this time. Instead, she calmed down a lot. After pondering for a long time, she sat down on the sofa and said faintly, "let's wait until he wakes up!"

The thousand color bee and the leaf maple smell speech, can't help but stare at Diana to see one eye after, immediately looked at each other again.

The thousand color bee seems to have felt that Diana's eyes are obviously different from before, but it can't say exactly what's different.

Ye Feng also noticed the change of Diana's eyes. At this time, he was also awe inspiring. After staring at Diana for a long time, he didn't say anything. Instead, he went to the window outside and lit a cigarette.

Thousand color bee see Ye Feng so quickly also followed out, was leaning against the window, eyes still staring at Diana there to see.

On the mouth thousand color bee actually in the direction leaf maple low voice way, "you also notice Diana's eyes?"

Ye Feng turned his back to qianse bee, looked out of the window, and said, "maybe this is a blow to Diana, but also a great opportunity for her to grow up!"

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, complexion immediately move, then side body looked at a leaf maple, obviously she did not fully understand the meaning of this sentence of leaf maple.

Ye Feng said faintly at this time, "never forget the power of gene!"

The thousand color bee frowned, "the power of gene? What do you mean

Ye Feng then continued to say, "we and flemingo have been looking for his successor in front of us. In fact, the successor is right in front of us!"

Thousand color bee smell speech complexion suddenly a change, surprised tunnel, "what do you say? You mean, Diana takes over? "

Ye Feng said to qianse Feng, "before, it was because flamencourt was alive, so he didn't want his daughter to follow his own footsteps. That's why he didn't think about her all the time. Even some businesses and things that can't be seen are not let Diana know!"

"But Diana, after all, has never touched these things. I'm afraid..."

Ye Feng said to qianse bee, "don't forget my words, the power of gene. Diana is the daughter of flamencourt. She has certain flamencourt characteristics, but she has been living under her father's wings before and has not developed it!"

Ye Feng said here, but also said in a deep voice, "and I tell you, it's not that I want her to take over, you see Diana's eyes, it's that she has begun to gradually move towards that side!"

As soon as qianse bee heard this, she looked at Diana again. After taking a deep breath, she said, "but after all, she is a woman. What she will face in the future are some drug lords who kill people without blinking an eye."

Ye Feng said to qianse Feng, "it's up to her. I won't persuade her to choose one side, left or right. It's up to Diana himself!"

Thousand color bee smell speech can't help but look to leaf maple way, "if he chose? No matter to the left or to the right, what shall we do after she determines a direction? "

Ye Feng immediately said in a deep voice, "fully support her!"

Thousand color bee eyebrows can't help but a wrinkly way, "fully support her?"? How can we support her? Don't forget, we still have less than three days here. Even if you have the ability, there is not enough time! "

Ye Feng said immediately, "so we have to deal with it in three days!"

Thousand color bee but a face surprised looking at leaf maple way, "in three days to finish?"? You're not kidding, are you? When flamencourt was alive, this problem had been solved for a long time... "

Hearing this, Ye Feng said to qianse Feng, "this is not a problem at all. If flamencodo wanted to choose Diana as his successor, I think it has been done. The reason why he failed so long is that he wanted to find a candidate other than Diana, so that's what happened!"

Hearing what Ye Feng said, qianse Feng couldn't help saying to Ye Feng, "you're right, but you have to think clearly. The reason why flamencourto was able to support Diana very quickly was that he was still there at that time and could hold down many people in their group. But now the fact is that he is no longer there. The news hasn't spread out yet, but once the news is spread out, it's just a matter of time I'm afraid those people are going to make trouble... "

Just as she was saying that, she saw that Diana had come over, but she said flatly, "let them make trouble when they get up. From now on, as long as anyone makes trouble, they will have trouble with me. I also want to see how many of these old friends have followed my father sincerely and how many are hypocritical. It's true I treat them politely. I call them uncle. I'm hypocritical. They're just keeping their peace. But if you want to make trouble at the moment of my father's death, don't blame me! "

Thousand color bee smell speech complexion can't help but move, leaf maple at this time but a face billow not startled ground turn round, look to Diana way, "you already thought how to do?"

Diana then glanced at Ye Feng faintly. Then she said to Qian se Feng, "is there any smoke?"

Thousand color bee is stunned, immediately shrug a way, "I don't smoke!"Ye Feng then handed Diana a cigarette, also holding a lighter to help her light.

After taking a deep breath of her cigarette, Diana went to the window, looked out of the window, and said faintly, "there's nothing to think about. If you don't think about it well, the group is the last thing left by my father. He was going to retire, but he didn't make it. Now that he's gone, I won't let the group fall apart. I will help my father Keep this foundation

Thousand color bee immediately said, "that's right, but you know, your father's foundation is not simple!"

Diana looked at the thousand color bee and said, "you mean my father is a drug dealer, right?"

At this point, Diana immediately took another puff of cigarette, shrugged her shoulders and said, "in fact, when I was in primary school, I knew what my father was! At that time, my parents wanted to keep it from me, but after the school knew that I was his daughter, many students were talking behind my back, so I knew it! In fact, how can such a big thing be concealed? Other people are not all fools! "

The thousand color bee hears speech, this just complexion slightly move, Zheng Zheng ground looks at Diana.

Diana shrugged her shoulders and said, "in fact, I don't care. Although someone has been pointing at me behind my back for so many years, I know that it's because I have such a father. I also know that he has indeed done a lot of hurtful things, but he is my father. He is my favorite and favorite father. There's no way. This is my life!"

Diana smoked a cigarette and then continued, "at first, I didn't believe in fate. I felt that many things about my father had nothing to do with me at all, and my father also felt that way. Although I knew what my father was doing, every time my father deliberately tried to hide me, I pretended not to know, so that my father could feel at ease. In fact, I didn't know I believe my father should know that I know everything, but we have reached a tacit agreement between father and daughter, that is, he continues to pretend that I don't know, and I continue to pretend that I don't know! "

Diana frowned at the body of flamencourt in the room, and said coldly, "my father used to protect me under his wings, but now he's gone. I'm going to face this cruel world alone, and I have to learn to face it, although I can't protect myself as my father did Protect him, but I should at least protect what he once cared about! "

Listen to Diana said so, thousand color bee can't help but look at Diana, she felt very sympathetic to Diana.

Ye Feng looked at Diana without any expression on his face, and finally nodded, "it's really beyond my expectation that you can wake up so soon. I believe that if your father had a spirit in heaven, he would always be comforted to see you like this!"

Diana couldn't help but look at Ye Feng. She didn't speak for a long time. Finally, she said coldly, "my father shouldn't be in heaven, but in hell. If she chooses this line, she will have the consciousness of going to hell!"

As soon as qianse Feng heard this, she was shocked and looked at Diana.

Ye Feng nodded to Diana and said, "so, like your father, you also choose the door to hell?"

But Diana said to Ye Feng, "you're wrong again. It's not that I chose the door to hell, but that the door to hell has chosen me from the moment I was born. For so many years, my father tried to let me escape, and I tried to escape myself, but it didn't work in the end. The door to hell has always been open for me!"

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