Ye Feng and qianse Fengwen couldn't help staring at Diana for a long time without saying anything.

At this time, Ye Feng's room door opened, and Charlie said to Diana, "if you want to revenge for flamencourt, I'll help you!"

Diana could not help gazing at Charlie, but listened to Charlie shrug, "of course, I know you may not believe me. After all, what you doubt most is me, but I also heard what you just said. If you want to accept the matter and position of Leonardo, I will give you my full support!"

Diana still pondered for a while, finally nodded and said, "after you've completely cleared the charge, you can say these words to me!"

Charlie's heart moved. Although Diana still didn't completely believe in herself, her tone was completely different from before.

With that in mind, Charlie quickly nodded to Diana and said, "OK, I'll wait until then!"

At this time, Ye Feng noticed that Li Weisi on the bed seemed to move. He immediately went over and moved a stool to sit beside the bed, looking at Li Weisi on the bed.

At this time, Li Weisi moved again. Ye Feng immediately stood up and put his hands on the bedside. Looking at Li Weisi, he said, "Li Weisi?"

Diana, Charlie and the thousand color bee came over one after another. When they got to the bedside, the thousand color bee immediately patted Diana on the shoulder.

The thousand color bee made a wink at Diana with her eyes. Diana couldn't help looking at the thousand color bee, and then nodded to the thousand color bee.

Diana knows the meaning of thousand color bee. She is asking herself not to be impulsive. Don't think there is something wrong with Levis. She will show it later.

Charlie was also a little worried at this time. Now he wanted to wake up and see how this guy framed himself.

At this time, on the bed, Levis slowly opened his eyes, looked at the situation around him, and before everyone spoke, he closed his eyes slightly.

Ye Feng can't help frowning. At this time, the court said, "it should not be completely good. Don't disturb Levis to have a rest!"

When he said this, he winked at the three people and then walked to one side.

They all noticed the color of Ye Feng. After they left one after another, Diana looked back at Levis and walked out of the room.

Ye Feng immediately also followed out, thousand color bee and Charlie want to follow out, Ye Feng but toward them make a wink, signal them not to come out, stay in the room to look at Li Wei,.

Thousand color bee immediately understand, and then took Charlie to stay in the room, Charlie began to have a little don't understand, see thousand color bee repeatedly toward their eyes, this just understand what's going on.

After Ye Feng and Diana leave the room, Ye Feng leads Diana to the corridor.

Two people have been walking to the stairs there, Diana this just shake off Ye Feng's hand way, "what's here to say on the line!"

Ye Feng said to Diana, "Levis should have woken up just now!"

Diana shrugged her shoulders and said, "I can see it! But I fainted again

But Ye Feng said to Diana with a smile, "do you really think he fainted again? It was his body's natural reaction that he woke up just now. The first reaction was to open his eyes and look around. Then he realized In other words, he has thought of his plan before he fainted, but he didn't think of how to deal with the current situation, so he can only continue to pretend to be dizzy and think about how to deal with it! "

At this time, Diana's heart moved, and after looking at Ye Feng, she took a deep breath. "I can't see that he's still so scheming!" Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "have you heard what we just said at the door?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "at that time, Levis should still be dizzy, but you don't have to worry, even if you hear it, it doesn't matter!"

Diana can't help but say to Ye Feng, "if I guess correctly, according to your plan, you should deliberately pretend that you didn't see through his tricks, and you should also deliberately treat him as a friend in front of him. But if he hears all of them, he doesn't know your plan completely!"

But Ye Feng said to Diana, "if he doesn't know, we're playing a hidden card. If he hears, we're playing a famous brand! Nothing

Diana looks at Ye Feng half puzzled, and doesn't seem to understand Ye Feng's meaning.

Ye Feng said to Diana at this time, "don't forget that although Levi's plan is very detailed, he has forgotten the most important point!"

But Diana looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "the most important point? What's the point? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "his move in Chinese language is to die and be reborn Now he really is, but he didn't think that his body is so weak that his life is in our hands now? This is our biggest threat to him, and he has no cards to play. His only move is to die and refuse to recognize it! "Diana looked at Ye Feng for a while. After a long time, she said, "all you said is based on the premise that Levis is really the murderer. Although I also admit that your analysis is reasonable, after all, it's only your conjecture. Another possibility is that Levis is not the murderer, and what he said is Charlie. I think it's true That's right, but it doesn't mean I totally believe Charlie! "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "you're right. Now everything is just speculation. Next, when Levis really wakes up, everything can be tested out!"

Diana looked at Ye Feng and took a deep breath. Then she asked Ye Feng, "you just said, no matter how I am, you support me?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, as long as you confirm it, I will support you absolutely! Think of it as a favor I gave back to your father flamencourt

Diana looked at Ye Feng and said, "you help me just because of my father's kindness?"

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, stare at Diana to see after a while, this just slightly a sigh way, "more than that!"

When Diana heard this, she looked at Ye Feng and said, "more than that? What else? "

Ye Feng then said to Diana, "we've met each other, and we're friends. I'll help my friends. There's no problem!"

Diana thought Ye Feng was going to say something, but Ye Feng said it was just to help her friends. She was disappointed.

Diana then reached into Ye Feng's pocket, took out a cigarette, lit one, and stood on the side of the railing smoking, for a long time did not speak.

Ye Feng also lit a cigarette and stood on Diana's side without speaking.

After a long time, Diana smoked more than half of her cigarette. Then she took a deep breath and said, "OK, I'll take it as a friend. Thank you."

Ye Feng smell speech looked at Diana, in fact Ye Feng know, Diana is still doing her heart at this time the final struggle.

In fact, Ye Feng also knows that if she says she is willing to accept her love, Diana may give up everything here and follow her after revenge for flamencourt.

But Ye Feng knew that although she left here, Diana didn't need to choose the old road that her father flamencourt had gone through.

But Ye Feng knows better that if Diana follows her to TSL headquarters, it's not as dangerous as to let Diana stay here.

Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, Diana said to Ye Feng, "I've thought very clearly. I want to accept my father's job. I want to help him do a good job in the group. I also want to fulfill his long cherished wish to completely clean up the group!"

Listening to Diana's words, Ye Feng can't help but look at Diana, then nodded and said, "although there is a long way to go, I still appreciate your courage and responsibility!"

Diana then threw away her cigarette butts and looked at Ye Feng. "You just said you wanted to help me, but you are going to leave here in three days to do your business. I want to know, how can you help me in such a short period of time in these three days?"

Ye Feng then said to Diana, "if you believe Charlie, he will be your best backup!"

Diana smelled speech but frowned at Ye Feng and said, "you said you help me, you won't tell me, your so-called help me, is to let Charlie help me?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "what I can help you is limited. Everything depends on you. There are many problems in your future. I can't help you here, but Charlie can!"

Diana immediately sneered, "is that what you mean by helping me with all your strength?"

Ye Feng then took a look at Diana, then took a deep breath and said to Diana, "what I said may not be worth a cent in your eyes, but I think it's already worth a lot!"

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