Diana nodded and said, "I don't quite agree with you, but I still want to thank you. After all, you've helped me verbally!"

At this point, Diana immediately went to the other side of the room and said, "what you said confirmed my determination to fulfill my father's last wish!"

Ye Feng did not speak, smoked the last cigarette, looked at Diana's back, then slightly shook his head.

In fact, Ye Feng doesn't know what Diana means when she says this, because she only regards her as a friend, which makes Diana completely dead to herself.

In other words, Diana felt that she had lost her love, so she decided to concentrate on her work.

But Ye Feng's heart is still in the dark, he said to help Diana, can be far more than just introduce a Charlie so simple.

But Ye Feng didn't plan to explain anything to Diana. Everything went with the flow. Now Diana is in a good state, and she doesn't have to worry about Diana any more.

Thinking that Ye Feng also went back to the room, he saw Charlie sitting on the sofa, while qianse bee was sitting on the side of Levis beside the bed. Diana was standing at the window, staring at Levis with her eyes open.

When qianse bee wants to say something, Ye Feng immediately steps forward and looks at Li Weisi on the bed. Then he sighs, "I don't know when Li Weisi will wake up!"

Then he looked at Charlie and immediately sneered, "Charlie, aren't you going to explain something? If Levis wakes up, you won't have a chance to argue! "

"What?" said Charlie? What am I going to argue about? " But when Ye Feng looked at his eyes, he immediately understood and said, "I don't know which nerve Levis got wrong. Before he fainted, he said that. When you wait for him to wake up and ask clearly, I also want to know why he said that!"

Diana said coldly to Charlie, "Levis has been my father's confidant for so many years. When my father was alive, he often told me that if he had an accident one day, the only thing I could trust was Levis. That's why when my father was kidnapped by Chris, I first thought of looking for Levis!"

Thousand color bee also understood the meaning of Ye Feng and Charlie's words, and immediately cooperated with them. She looked at Diana in surprise and said, "now I know that you insist on looking for Levis because your father has an explanation?"

As soon as Diana nodded, Ye Feng immediately asked Diana, "besides these, what else did your father tell you?"

Diana frowned slightly, not knowing what Ye Feng wanted to express.

Ye Feng immediately said, "if I remember correctly, I remember you told me before that if your father had an accident, who was your father's preferred successor?"

When Diana heard this, she looked at Ye Feng and winked at herself. She immediately said, "my father always wanted me to take over his class, saying that I was his only relative. Who will take over if I don't take over?"

Ye Feng is very glad that Diana is not too stupid, and she is very observant. From her eyes, she can see what she wants to say to him.

Thinking of Ye Feng, she immediately nodded to Diana and said, "I heard you say that, but haven't you always rejected me?"

Diana immediately said, "yes, I've always been repulsive. I don't understand these things, and my father didn't let me touch them. I can't do them even if I want to do them!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "yes, so you recommended Li Weisi to your father at that time, and your father's meaning was also in favor of Li Weisi, but his intention of Li Weisi was also very clear, and he wanted Li Weisi to help you!"

Diana sighed and looked at Ye Feng. She didn't know how to pick up Ye Feng's words.

Ye Feng immediately continued, "I think flamencourt will tell Levis this meaning sooner or later, and I believe that once Levis wakes up, he will obey your father's will and help you with all his strength!"

Diana said with a slight sigh, "it's better to wait until Reeves wakes up. These are all afterwords. Now what's the point? My father is dead!"

Hearing the words, qianse Feng immediately comforted Diana and said, "don't think about it any more. Now it's better to wait until Levis wakes up. Now only he knows who killed your father!"

As soon as Diana heard this, she immediately snorted, "do you want to ask? My father trusted Levis so much that he pointed out Charlie at the most dangerous time. What's wrong with that? "

Charlie said quickly, "it's not really me. I don't know why Levis said it was me at that time."

At this moment, Reeves on the bed moved again, then slowly opened his eyes, looked around again, and then asked, "where am I?"

Diana immediately went to the bed happily, took Levi's hand and said, "you finally wake up, Levi!"

Then Reeves nodded, looked at Diana and said, "I remember Flamenco, tota... "When Diana heard this, her face suddenly changed, and then she nodded her head dejectedly and said, "my father, he's dead!"

On hearing this, Levis frowned slightly, and immediately sat up. Diana quickly pressed his body and said, "you've been shot in the chest, and you've lost a lot of blood. What you need now is rest..."

Charlie looked at Levis at this time, Ye Feng immediately winked at him, Charlie immediately understood, quickly walked to the bedside, and then asked Levis, "Levis, you speak clearly for me!"

As soon as Levis saw Charlie, his face suddenly changed and he looked at him and said, "are you still here? What shall I make clear? "

Charlie sneered at once. "What do you want to say? Don't you remember? What did you say before you fainted? You said I killed flamencourt! Don't tell me now, you have completely forgotten... "

Diana immediately said to Charlie, "don't you see that he just woke up and needs a rest? Are you trying to intimidate Levis? "

And Diana immediately said to Reeves, "Yeah, Reeves, you said Charlie killed my father? You don't have to worry. I'm here, and Satan is here. No matter how fierce Charlie is, he doesn't dare to do anything to you. You can speak out boldly. "

Reeves can't help nodding, then looked at Charlie and said, "Charlie, I think you'd better recruit yourself?"

Charlie smell speech a Leng, immediately angry and funny way, "I move? What can I recruit? I don't know anything. What do you want me to do? "

Reeves sniffed and sighed, "do you want me to tell you everything?"

Charlie said to Levis immediately, "there's nothing you can't say. I also want to hear what lies you can make up to deceive everyone!"

Diana immediately said to Levi, "don't be afraid, Levi. With us, Charlie can't run away, and we won't let him hurt you. Just say, I also want to know how Charlie killed my father. If it was him, I would avenge my father myself!"

After staring at Diana for a long time, Reeves saw that Diana was gnashing her teeth. Then he said slowly, "a moment before the shooter fired, I saw a sniper in the woods in the distance..."

Charlie sneered, "seeing a sniper, you can have something to do with me? Don't tell me that the sniper you see is what I look like. Now I tell you that I was sitting on the sofa in the living room on the first floor. I just had a chat with Satan. Satan can testify for me! "

Ye Feng smell speech also immediately toward Li Weisi way, "yes, he was in the living room!"

The thousand color bee also immediately said, "yes, when we heard the gunshot, we saw Charlie in the living room when we ran upstairs, and he also followed us upstairs. He could not run to the opposite forest in such a short time to shoot and kill people, and then return to the villa in such a short time to the scene of xiong'an."

Levi shook his head and said, "I didn't say that the sniper was Charlie. I mean, that sniper is Charlie's friend, Hendry!"

Charlie can't help frowning at Levis and said, "Hendry? Which Hendry

Levis sighed, "Charlie, don't pretend. Hendry is the sniper champion in the firearms club. He is your friend. I wanted to get into the shooting club for a while, and you introduced me. How can I not know him?"

Charlie smell speech facial expression move a way, "do you say gun meeting that Hendry?"? I'm not familiar with him at all. He's my gun coach. If you want to practice your gun, I'll introduce you. How can he be my friend? And even if he's my friend, he shot you and flamencourt. How can he have anything to do with me? "

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