As soon as Levis heard this, he immediately sneered and said, "Charlie, it's time. Don't pretend. If I didn't know that he and you were friends, I would say so."

Charlie's face moved slightly. Ye Feng, Diana and thousand color bee's faces were slightly different at this time, which they didn't know at first.

Levis immediately said, "if he was just your coach, would you give him hundreds of thousands of dollars a month? What kind of coach is this? Is the tuition so expensive? "

Charlie's face was moving again. "That's because he's a customer of mine. I can't touch the business of the group. Of course, I want to expand my own customers. I went to the gun fair just to attract this customer. He helped me sell a lot of goods every month. Of course, I have to share the accounts with my family..."

At this point, Charlie immediately said, "and even if Hendry is my friend, now you say you see him, only you see him. Who can prove it? To say the least, even if I admit that it's him, what does it have to do with me? Is it me that all the people I know have an accident? "

Thousand color bee also nodded and murmured, "what Charlie said is right. You can't just say he did it because he knew Hendry?"

Diana can't help nodding, looking at Levis and saying, "yes, Levis, do you think too much? If only with this, Hendry is still your coach. Does it have anything to do with you? "

As soon as Charlie heard this, he immediately said, "yes, Hendry is also your coach. I've introduced him to you. You can also say that he was sent by you!"

As soon as Levis heard this, his face moved slightly. Then he said, "you introduce him to me as a coach. I've only had a few lessons in the past..."

Charlie immediately said, "it has nothing to do with a few classes. Some people can become close friends just one day, and some people may not be friends all their lives! Who knows how you and Hendry really get along? "

Levis also said to Charlie, "in other words, this truth can be established in you. You say Hendry is your customer! Who knows if you fell in love as soon as you met? "

Charlie smell speech facial expression is a move again, immediately toward Li Weisi way, "you are simply unreasonable!"

Levis shook his head and sighed helplessly, "if you say that, I have nothing to say!"

Diana frowned at Levis and said, "Levis, I just want to ask you, do you have any definite evidence that this is about Charlie? If it's only by the fact that Charlie and Hendry know each other, you can identify him as the murderer. For this point, it's no evidence at all! "

After a long time, Reeves sighed, "I don't have any substantial evidence. I can only say that when I see Hendry's face, my first reaction is Charlie..."

Ye Feng didn't speak all the time. This time, before Li Weisi finished speaking, he immediately said, "according to the roughly measured distance when I ran out to find the sniper's position, the person under that distance should not see his face clearly, not to mention the other party or hiding behind the branches and leaves on the tree trunk, how do you see it?"

On hearing this, Reeves frowned and said, "behind the practical branches? No, the man I saw was on the slope outside the other yard! "

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words, and his heart moves. He can't help saying in secret, isn't it the same person who sniped flemingo and Levis? Two snipers out there?

At this time, qianse bee immediately went to the window, opened the window and looked at the opposite side, but saw that there was a slope on the opposite side, and although there were trees, the trees were obviously not as dense as those on the other side of the forest.

If there is a sniper on the opposite slope, it is possible to see the opponent's face. After all, the distance is a little too close for the sniper.

After seeing a circle, qianse bee nods to Ye Feng, confirming what Li Weisi said. What Li Weisi said is that it is possible that Li Weisi said.

This situation is really beyond Ye Feng's expectation. He always subconsciously thinks that Levi is lying, but if there is a sniper shooting on the slope opposite the window, then what Levi said may be true.

Before, Ye Feng had been assuming that Levi was lying, so he would come up with a series of inferences. But if everything is based on the premise that Levi is not lying, then all inferences will come back.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help but look at Charlie standing by the bed. He still thinks in his heart, does he seem to believe him too much from the beginning?

Then Ye Feng said to the people, "you all stay here. I'll go to the opposite slope and have a look!"

As soon as Charlie heard this, he quickly walked towards Ye Feng and said, "I'll go with you."

Ye Feng smell speech but looked back at Charlie, then cold voice way, "you want to follow me? What is the purpose of your going

Charlie can't help but be stunned when he hears the words. Then he hears that Ye Feng has already begun to believe what Levis said. At this time, he sighs, "OK, I'll stay here! Waiting for your newsAfter staring at Charlie for a moment, Ye Feng immediately winked at the thousand color bee. After all, if he left, and what Levis said was completely true, the biggest threat in this room would be Charlie.

Thousand color bee from Ye Feng's eyes also see Ye Feng's meaning, immediately nodded to Ye Feng, said let Ye Feng rest assured, the safety problems in this room to her.

Ye Feng see thousand color bee nodded, this just relieved left the room, then went to the villa opposite slope.

After Ye Feng reached the breakthrough, he immediately began to look around, looking for where he would hide if he was a sniper.

Finally, Ye Feng found the target, and if he is today's sniper, he will definitely choose this position.

There is a tree not far ahead. The trunk is very thick, which is enough as a shelter. But this is not the point. The most important thing is that there is a hole in the middle of the tree.

And this cave can just put up the river mouth, at the same time, eyes can also rely on this cave to aim at the target.

Ye Feng went to the back of the tree and looked at the villa opposite from the cave. From this angle, he could just see the window.

And judging from this angle, it's just the angle from which both Levis and flamencourt can be shot. It's a little overlooking.

After watching the scene, Ye Feng immediately made a circle around the tree, especially staring at the ground. If someone had fired a gun before, it was likely that the shell would be left here.

But Ye Feng looked around on the ground and didn't find a cartridge case. In this way, although it might be the best position for a sniper, there was no sniper.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng pondered, although nothing was found here, which could not immediately confirm what Levis said.

But Ye Feng clearly remembers that when Levis mentioned Hendry, Charlie's face was a little strange, and he was always looking in his eyes.

If there is no ghost in Charlie's heart, why does he look wrong when Charlie mentions Hendry?

But what Levis said has not been confirmed here, so the current situation is that both Charlie and Levis have doubts, but they can't find any evidence.

Ye Feng leaned against the tree trunk, looked at the distant window, lit a cigarette, while smoking, thinking about this problem.

At this point, the problem has fallen into a state of anxiety. It is possible for both sides, and there is no handle or flaw on either side. This is difficult to deal with.

Before Ye Feng is inclined to Li Weisi is a problem, after all, Li Weisi's heart, this is too suspicious.

How can such a coincidence, the other side aimed at his heart, but also so coincidentally, he is OK, this even if anyone, may be suspicious.

But now Charlie's performance is not increased, it is clear that there is nothing at all, just because Levis said Hendry these three words, Charlie is a bit in a mess, this is indeed a bit beyond Ye Feng's expectation.

Ye Feng at this time looked at the tree hole, ready to wait for a cigarette to finish, anyway, can't find any useful information, it's better to go back to see what flaws the two people will leak.

However, when Ye Feng looked at the tree hole, he suddenly thought of a problem. If the muzzle of the gun really appeared in the tree hole here, there would be smoke reaction in the tree hole when the bullet was fired.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng put his nose to the tree hole and smelled it. He was still thinking that it had been a long time. Even if someone had shot here, the smoke reaction had dissipated.

What's more, Ye Feng suddenly had a problem. At that time, when the gun was fired, Ye Feng's first reaction was not here, including the second shot. It was all in the same position, which means that someone fired at the position where he was going.

But it doesn't rule out that someone shot here at the same time. It's just that a muffler was used here, so I didn't hear it.

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