When people heard this, they were shocked. Although they had not seen the scene in Levis' mouth, they could still find out the situation from what he said. How shocking it was.

And everyone doesn't feel that Levis is making up a story, because people who haven't experienced the scene in his mouth can't make up such a story.

Especially Diana, after hearing what Levis said, her whole face turned bad, although she had heard about how her father's drugs hurt people from childhood.

But Diana had never heard of such a horrible picture in such detail. At this time, when she heard what Levis said, her throat seemed to be blocked by something, which made her feel uncomfortable.

Levis then looked at the crowd and sneered, "don't look at me with such sympathetic eyes. You were born in such a country full of drugs and without a future. If you can't resist, you have to find a way to accept it or even embrace him!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "is that why you approach flamencourt? The purpose is to get back at him? "

Levi shook his head and said, "I never thought about it at first. I hated the drugs that killed my parents and killed my family. But there's no way. I just said that I can't change him. I can only accept it!"

Speaking of this, Levis took a deep breath, and then continued to say, "so from the beginning of entering society, I tried every means to get close to this business. It was also an accident to know flamencourt. At the beginning, I didn't know that such a person controlled the whole Mexican drug market. By the time I knew it, I was already in flamencourt It's been more than two years since Bian, and he has won his trust! "

Diana said at once, "so you started planning your plan to kill my father?"

Levis shook his head and said, "at that time, I didn't have it. First of all, I was just a small role. Even if I really wanted to do that, I didn't have any strength. At that time, I still thought that flamencourt was different from the big drug lord in my impression. He even It doesn't even look like a drug lord. If you don't know his identity, you can see that he is an ordinary businessman... "

Ye Feng noticed that when Li Weisi said this, his eyes were full of light, which was a kind of glory of idolatry. He didn't expect that when Li Weisi mentioned flamencourt, he would still have such a look, which Ye Feng didn't expect.

When Diana saw Ye Feng's look, she couldn't help looking at Li Wei.

Levis said at this time, "I just thought flamencourt was different. He had a unique charm that others didn't have. He didn't even feel as bad as he thought. He was no different from ordinary people. He is also a kind father, a strict and benevolent boss... "

Diana said immediately, "my father is like this, but why do you want to kill him?"

After taking a deep breath, Reeves asked Ye Feng, "do you have any cigarettes?"

Ye Feng took out a cigarette from his pocket and put it into Levis's dry and white mouth. He helped him light it with a lighter.

After taking a deep puff of the soul hanging cigarette, Reeves seemed to feel a little bit of spirit. Then he took two more puffs of cigarettes and said slowly, "if I didn't hear the conversation between him and others in the study that day, maybe I would willingly follow flamenco for more than a generation!"

Diana immediately asked Levis, "what do you hear? What made you kill my father? "

As soon as Levis heard this, his face moved slightly, his eyes were still shaking, and his chest began to rise and fall, as if his mood had begun to get excited.

Everyone could not help but frown and stare at Reeves, especially Ye Feng and Diana, whose eyes never left him.

At that time, Levis took another puff of his cigarette and then slowly said, "at that time, I was reporting something to flamencourt. Originally, it was very important and had to be delivered in time. But after I heard the conversation between him and another person, I still didn't remember what I was going to report to him, Whatever I think, I can't remember... "

Ye Feng knew that the purpose of Li Weisi's saying this was to tell them that the conversation between flamencourt and the man was absolutely as powerful as the atomic bomb, so that he even forgot the important things at that time.

Diana quickly asked, "what on earth did my father say? Let's do that! "

Levis then said to Diana, "the man who went to report something to him. Almost all the time, the governor of the next state was talking. Because he was addicted to drugs, he could not live normally. It seemed that he had been asking your father for benefits in recent years. At first, he only asked for money. Later, he directly asked for white powder. At last, his wife and his wife fell in love He took all the women to take drugs, and even his only son began to take drugs. His son was only 15 years old. The reporter went to tell him that they were going to give him white powder today, but when he went to the governor's house, he found that they were all dead, and the whole house was disgusting, and there were cockroaches and mice everywhere , eating their bodies... "Hearing this, Ye Feng's heart suddenly fell in awe. This picture is exactly the same as what Levis said about his parents.

When I heard this, I immediately thought of the picture when my parents died. The picture appeared in front of me again and again. I thought I had forgotten it! I thought I had completely forgotten all this, but when I heard this, I thought of it completely! "

Ye Feng suddenly a burst of silence, Diana's face is also a change, staring at Li Weisi, did not speak.

But Ye Feng asked Li Weisi, "is it because of this? Isn't it? "

Levis immediately said to Ye Feng, "of course not. After all, there are countless drug addicts who die every year. But what really changed my mind is the following words of flamencourt!"

Diana immediately asked, "what did my father say?"

Levis then looked at Diana and said, "it's all the guy's fault. It's his own greed, so it's not worth dying! It's not worth pitying. I died just in time. I saved a lot of money. Although it's white powder, it's also money. If I can save a little, it's a little! "

At this point, Levis immediately said to Diana, "that's what your father said. I didn't add a word, I didn't reduce a word. I'll remember that sentence all my life!"

Levis said, immediately took a cigarette, and then said, "I think of my father. Is it the same in flamencourt's eyes? It's not worth pitying. It's just right to die?"

Diana immediately said, "my father probably didn't know your parents at all. He might just be targeting the governor of the next state..."

Reeves then said with a cold smile, "is that so? No matter whether he knows it or not, there are families behind each life. In his eyes, are they just dead? "

Diana pondered for a moment and could not say a word.

Ye Feng then asked Li Weisi, "so it's this time that you changed your view of Leonardo?"

Levis shrugged his shoulders and said, "yes, and at that time, I was just shocked. I didn't think much about other things. I didn't even think about revenge. But in the next few days, maybe it's because I began to pay attention to this situation. The image that flamencourt had built in my mind collapsed in an instant! From that time on, I knew that all drug dealers are the same. They only have money in their eyes, other people's lives and other people's families have nothing to do with them. As long as they live well and their families are happy, who cares about other people's lives? "

Speaking of this, Levis immediately took a deep breath and said, "so from that time, my mentality began to change gradually. The idea of revenge also began to appear at this time!"

Levis said, looking at the silent Diana and saying, "you have such a father, do you think he should die?"

Diana looked at Levis in a dazed way. She knew all along that her father was a drug dealer, but she still didn't have any specific concept. She just knew subconsciously that it was not good.

But after listening to Levis today, Diana didn't know what to say.

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