When Levis saw that Diana was silent, he sneered and said, "as the daughter of flamencourt, you have nothing to say now. It can be seen from this that I am happy to kill him, right?"

Diana was speechless for a while, as if she had been moved by what Levis said. She looked at Levis in a daze, but still couldn't say a word after a while.

Ye Feng said to Levis, "even so, you have no right to kill flamencourt!"

Levis frowned slightly, then sneered, "you don't think I should go through the legal process. Don't you know that in Mexico, especially in Michoacan, flamencourt is the law? How can I punish flamenco if I follow the law? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I didn't ask you to go through the legal procedure. I mean, anyone can kill flamencourt. Anyone who has been harmed by drugs has the right to do so, but you can't!"

Li Weisi and Diana both frowned and looked at Ye Feng in surprise. Li Weisi looked at Ye Feng in confusion and said, "why can't I? Where can't I? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "other people who are harmed by drugs have more or less something to do with flamenco! But when your parents were poisoned by drugs, you also said that it was when you were a child, and how many years did flamencourt rise? At that time, he was just a small role. It may or may not have something to do with the death of your parents. It was other drug dealers who killed your parents... "

Ye Feng said, seeing that Li Weisi wanted to defend himself, he immediately said, "besides, after you have been with flamencourt, you have also received a lot of benefits from flamencourt. Have you ever been with him for so many years? Have you ever paid him back?"

As soon as Levis was about to speak, Ye Feng said, "even if flamencourt is an unforgivable devil, if you follow him, you should be loyal. This is the way you chose. Don't forget, you also said that it is an accident that you follow flamencourt, and the original purpose of entering this business is not to avenge your parents, but you think that since drugs are dangerous Can be strong enough to make the whole country crazy for him, you just accept it, want to embrace it

As soon as Li Weisi heard this, his face suddenly moved. He looked at Ye Feng, and couldn't say a word for a while.

Ye Feng continued, "so you have accepted the fact that your parents were killed by drugs. Even in your words, you have forgotten all this. Flamencourt's mistake is to wake up your memory of your parents' death. And the people you want to kill, the charges you say, are not you? You are also one of them. I admit that your parents died miserably and wrongly, but you are helping drug dealers. You are also the accomplice of other victims like your family. A small drug dealer killed a big drug dealer. With a few so-called reasons, can you change all this? "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Li Weisi didn't say a word for a long time.

Diana couldn't find a reason to scold Levis. At this time, she nodded her head immediately after listening to Ye Feng's words. Then she immediately said, "yes, you are such a person. What face do you have to say to others?"

Ye Feng did not wait for Li Weisi to speak, and immediately said, "moreover, the reason why you killed flamencourt is not because your parents died, but flamencourt got in the way. Your purpose is to replace him, so this is the real cause of flamencourt's death! So you don't have to say a lot of pitying words, as if you are a victim. I admit that from the perspective of anyone who has been abused by drugs, flamencourt should die. It's not too much to die a thousand times and ten thousand times, but you alone are not qualified to say he should die! "

Originally, Ye Feng said that her father should die, but Diana was still a little uncomfortable. However, after listening to the whole passage, Diana also felt that Ye Feng's words were very reasonable. She immediately nodded to Levis and said, "yes, you are not qualified!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Reeves took a deep breath and closed his eyes slightly. "In that case, I have nothing to say. Diana, if you want revenge, kill me and take revenge for your father!"

As soon as Diana heard this, her face changed, and she immediately raised her gun to Levis.

At this time, qianse bee looks at Diana, but it doesn't stop her as before. Ye Feng just stands on one side and looks at her quietly.

After all, Levis killed Diana's father. As for whether this shot can be fired or not, it's not up to her to decide and control. No one has deprived Diana of her right to revenge for her father.

However, there is a saying that they are not advised to be kind without the help of others.

It was not her father who died, so no one here has the right to persuade Diana to give up revenge.

But at this time, Charlie, who had never spoken, said to Diana, "kill me, too!"

Diana can't help but frown and look at Charlie and say, "don't you have to get rid of your relationship now? What are you doing here? "

Thousand color bee can't help looking at Charlie in surprise and saying, "yes, Levis has admitted it. What do you mean now?"

Ye Feng then took a deep breath, then said, "it should be related to Hendry!"Charlie's heart moved, but he didn't say anything.

But Diana looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what does it have to do with Hendry?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "Levis framed Charlie and said Hendry was the shooter. This matter has a certain chance to be verified since it is said!"

Diana can't help frowning and looking at Ye Feng, "what do you mean?"

The thousand color bee moved and immediately said, "I understand. Hendry must have run away now. In other words, the shooter who killed flamencourt is Hendry. Later, he went to the opposite slope to shoot, and the shooter who shot there must be Hendry. Therefore, Levis knows that if he says Hendry's name comes out, if you go to check it, it's not true It must have something to do with Hendry, and Charlie should have thought of that too! "

Diana was still a little foggy looking at the thousand color bee and maple leaf, still not sure why.

Ye Feng nodded to the thousand color bee's admiration, and then said to Diana, "it's very simple. The three shots outside were fired by Hendry. Hendry is the sniper, and the sniper is alone. It's Hendry who shot your father and Levis and fired an empty bullet on the opposite slope, and Hendry was really bought It's Levis, not Charlie! And Charlie saw that. He wanted to protect Hendry! So I want you to kill him and protect Hendry... "

Diana looked at Charlie and said, "even so, are you so close to Hendry? Would you rather die for him than protect him? "

Charlie frowned at Diana, then sighed, "anyway, I owe you and flamencourt in my life. I'll give it back to you and your father and daughter in the next life. Shoot, don't hesitate!"

Thousand color bee this time but say, "friendship deep enough to die for each other?"

At this time, Ye Feng sneered, "maybe he and Hendry don't have such a deep friendship!"

Thousand color bee and Diana can't help but frown and say, "it's not as simple as deep friendship?"

At this time, Charlie's face was also moving and he looked at Ye Feng and said, "what are you talking about?"

Ye Feng then said with a smile, "why can Levis be sure that if he just says Hendry's name, he can make Charlie in chaos? Why does Charlie seem to protect Hendry? Do I have to make the relationship clearer? "

Diana frowned at this time, but qianse bee looked at Charlie with dubious eyes. Then she suddenly looked at Charlie and said, "Oh, you and Henry..."

Charlie took a look at the wasp, sighed, and said nothing more.

But Diana looked at the thousand color bee and said, "what happened to him and Hendry?"

The thousand color bee said to Diana, "don't you see that? Why would you die? "

Diana's face moved slightly when she heard this. After a long time, she looked at Charlie again. Then she suddenly said, "are you and Hendry lovers? Is Hendry a woman

Ye Feng then said to Diana, "is your brain still in the last century? Who says a couple must be a man and a woman? "

Diana's face suddenly changed again. After staring at Charlie for a long time, she could not accept that Charlie was a comrade. From the appearance and character, there was no trace.

Charlie's face changed several times at this time. He looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "you already know?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "no, I'm just guessing. Why do you become so abnormal when Levis mentions Hendry's name? I thought about many possibilities. Until you were willing to die to protect Hendry, I completely understood that Levis knew the special relationship between you and Hendry, so he used Hendry to frame you... "

Levis slowly opened his eyes and murmured, "this plan is three days late. It's perfect. Unfortunately, I'm still in a hurry, and the situation doesn't allow me to wait another three days!"

After another long sigh, Reeves immediately looked at Diana and said, "shoot. What are you hesitating about? Don't you want to avenge your father? "

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