Diana was also stunned at this time, and her hand holding the gun trembled slightly. It can be said that she would inherit her father's legacy. But after all, Diana didn't kill anyone. If she really wanted to shoot someone now, Diana was still afraid.

In the end, Diana sighed, put down her gun and threw her eyes at Ye Feng for help. Ye Feng also saw Diana's eyes and said, "I've only killed two kinds of people since I killed the first person in my life. One is that he died or I died, enemies and so on. The other is the target of every mission. Levis, I have no injustice or hatred with him I will not kill a person who has no grudge against me and is not the target of my mission at the same time

When Diana heard this, she could not help but look at Ye Feng disappointedly. Finally, she looked at qianse bee again.

Qianse bee also said to Diana, "I won't help you either. Although I don't kill many people, I really want to kill them. I have to do it every time!"

After Diana took a deep breath and didn't speak, Reeves said with a sneer, "don't you want to avenge your father? Yes? Now your father's murderer is in front of you, but you have no courage? "

Diana was so excited when she heard this, but she couldn't raise her hand to hold the gun. She just looked at Levis angrily.

Levi continued to sneer, "it's such a daughter's family that your father wants to train you to be a successor? What a joke

Diana can't help but be surprised when she hears the words. Ye Feng immediately looks at Levis and says, "do you think flamencourt wants to train Diana into a successor?"

Levis shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course, if it wasn't for this, I wouldn't do it today. Originally, I felt that I had the chance to win. Now I suddenly gave me such a move. I was very angry at that time. Hendry has been lurking outside for a long time. I just want to do it after I succeed. Now I don't have the possibility to take over What else do I keep him for? "

Ye Feng pondered for a long time and did not speak again. He had a deep conversation with flamencourt before. Flamencourt wanted to take Diana to live in seclusion on the island.

How could it be that in such a short period of time, flamencourt suddenly changed his mind to let his own daughter Diana take over?

Moreover, flamencourto, even if he is not going to take Diana to seclusion this time, has tried his best not to let Diana get involved in his business for so many years. How can he suddenly let Diana take over before retiring?

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately said to Levis, "are you sure you didn't hear me wrong? 0 "

Levis immediately said," how can I hear wrong? He told me at that time that he thought twice and decided to let Diana take over and let me and Charlie help him! "

Ye Feng hears the speech and immediately ponders. At this time, he believes that Li Weisi will not lie for such a thing, and Li Weisi has no reason to speak.

So what happened to flamencourt's mind?

Thinking of Ye Feng, he couldn't help looking to one side. He was still in the wheelchair. He asked him, "flamenco, flamenco, what are you doing?"

After taking a deep breath, Reeves looked at Diana and said with a sneer, "can you take over? I don't believe it. Just like you, can you subdue the leaders of those factions? "

Diana also pondered for a while. Although she was going to take over everything from her father flamencourt now, she didn't have the feeling that her father wanted to accept before her father.

Charlie didn't speak for a long time, but suddenly said, "maybe flamenco knows he's running out of time!"

Diana frowned and said, "not much time? What do you mean

Ye Feng also looked at Charlie in surprise and said, "what do you mean?"

Charlie immediately said, "before this happened, I met flamencourt alone. It seemed that he had just met the doctor and met me, but I didn't know it at that time!"

Charlie immediately added, "at that time, I invited him to have tea. During the process of drinking tea, he received a phone call. The place where we drank tea was very quiet, so I vaguely heard some of his voice on the phone at that time, saying that his test report was wrong, he could be cancer!"

When Diana heard this, her face suddenly moved, but she said, "how can it be? My father looks very healthy. He doesn't look sick at all! "

Levis immediately said, "nonsense, where does flamencourt seem to have cancer?"

Charlie shrugged, "I'm just saying what I know. Believe it or not, it's your business!"

At this time, Ye Feng is a while pondering to look at Charlie, Charlie also has no need at this time to make up such a lie to cheat everyone.

However, Ye Feng is still curious. Since Fleming has a lot of cancer, all he does should be the aftercare before he dies.He didn't know what flamencourt thought, but if he was diagnosed with cancer, he would put everything in his hand and enjoy his last life.

Absolutely not like flamencourt, who is not at ease with so many things in the group.

And I will never let my daughter take over. After all, I have helped Diana save money that she can't spend in her life.

Any father can't let his daughter come into contact with drugs, even if he is a drug lord.

So now Ye Feng is a little confused by the message of Levis. It's totally different from what flamencourt thought when he faced Levis before he died.

It's hard to say whether it's flamencourt's temporary decision or flamencourt's long-term plan to let Diana take over.

At this time, qianse bee was puzzled and said, "flamenco won't let Diana touch these things for another lifetime. Why would he let Diana take over?"

Diana nodded and said, "yes, I don't understand!"

Levis said at this time, "I don't understand, but when I saw him say that, his eyes were very firm, obviously after careful consideration, there can be no mistake!"

Ye Feng can't help staring at Li Weisi for a long time. Since flamencourt's behavior is abnormal, it can only be that Li Weisi is lying.

Levis has admitted that he is the real murderer behind the killing of flamencourt, and he only wants to die. Why should he tell such a lie at the last moment?

Is it because there is something hidden in flamencourt's death that he has not yet noticed?

That's why Levis used a so-called truth to cover up the hidden truth?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help but take a deep breath, and then lit a cigarette to smoke up, eyebrows slightly wrinkled, obviously still thinking about this problem.

While smoking, Ye Feng paced back and forth in the room, occasionally taking a look at Levis on the bed.

At this time, Li Weisi saw Ye Feng looking at himself from time to time, and his face moved slightly. "Don't think about it any more. I'm the murderer. Kill me quickly. I just want to die now!"

Ye Feng then stares at Li Weisi for a long time, and then asks, "Li Weisi, do you have any important secrets you haven't said?"

Li Weisi's face suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said, "a big secret? What other big secret can I have? "

But Ye Feng immediately sneered, "it's impossible, isn't it? What you said is totally contrary to the content of my last conversation with flamencourt. This should not be the real cause of flamencourt's death. What do you want to hide? "

Diana and Qian se Feng smell the words, their faces can't help but move. They stare at Ye Feng and Li Wei. Charlie frowns and looks at Li Wei in surprise and says, "are you still hiding things?"

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